Tuesday, 31 December 2013
Sree Krishna and Arjuna visit Dharmaraju
On Duryodhanas instigation,Karna used Bhaargavaasthramon pandava armies.pANDAVA armies called Sree Krishna and Arjuna for their help.But Arjuna was tired and not in the mood to fight Karna. HE WANTED TO GO AWAY FROM THE WAR FIELD AND RESCUE HIMSELF.Sree Krishna observed Arjunas bent of mind at that time.Bheema,Saathyaki,Dhrushtadyumna and other warriors were inspiring Pandava armies to fight and were actively participating in the war.So,there was no real danger for the pandava armies.If Karna fights some more time with these people ,he would be still more exhausted.If Arjuna took rest for some more time, he could come back with renewed vigor and attack Karna in a better way.So,he told Arjuna to see Dharmaraju before fighting with Karna.
Hearing that Dharmaraju was humiliated in war field,Arjuna felt very bad. He searched for his brother in the war field.He could not find Dharmarajus chariot.Then ,he went to Bheema and enquired about Dharmaraju.Bheema replied him that while he was fighting with Kourava armies,Karna had attcked Dharmaraju.Dharmaraju was injured and he could not stay in the field.So,probably he might have left.Arjuna also felt the same.He told his elder brother Bheema to go and enquire about Dharmarajus welfare. Till then,he would fight with the armies.
To this Bheema gave negative answer. his explanation ran like this.Arjuna! if you leave the war field,no one would say that you ran away afraidor humiliated. But If I leave now,people would think I ran away. So,I would not leave the field now. You GO AND SEE DHARMARAJU.In the mean time,I would attack samsapthakas.Arjuna agreed to this.He asked Sree Krishna to go fast because he wanted to see his elder brother.Sree krishna told Bheema to fight and win the war .In the mean time ,they would go and find Dharmaraju.They reache dDharmarajus camp. There he was lying on a bed all alone .Arjuna and Sree Krishna saluted him with respect.
Dharmarajus flees from the war field
Arjuna defeated Samsapthakas and went to pandava armies which could not control Karna.He attacked Aswathdhaama with his powerful arrows.Samsapthakas again attacked Arjuna.Who ever was injured by Arjuna arrows,thought they were the only ones who received such painful arrows.Aswathdhaama too joined them and started the fight afresh with Arjuna.Many of the Samsapthakas were killed by Arjuna that day.
Aswathdhaama attcked Dhrushtadyumna.He was angry that Dhrushtadyumna was the cause of his fathers death.Dhrushtadyumnas chariot was broken down by Aswathdhaama.Krishna observed this and instigated Arjuna to go and protect Dhrushtadyumna.Arjuna went and irritated Aswathdhaama with his arrows.Aswathdhaama was troubled to such an extent that he left Dhrushtadyumna and went away on his chariot.Dharmaraju could not give equal fight to Karna and asked his charioteer to take him away from the war field.But Kourava armies forestalled Dharmaraju.Bheema came to his rescueand fought with kourava armies.
Salya warned Karna that Duryodhana was in the hands of Bheema and he might come to trouble.So,it was their foremost duty to protect Duryodhana immediately.Karna left Nakula,Sahadeva ,and Dharmaraju and went to Bheema to protect their king.Dharmaraju was ashamed by the turn events regarding him and went to his tent. He removed the arrows that were on his body and laid down on the bed with shame and helplessness.He told Nakula and Sahadeva to go to the warfield and help Bheema and they went away.Arjuna was fighting Arjuna ,but he was concerned about Dharmarajus safety.Dharmaraju was not to be seen in the field and his anxiety increased.
Monday, 30 December 2013
Karna massacres many pandava warriors
Karna regained consciousness and again fought with Bheema.Later Bheema went to attack kourava army with his gada.Karna followed Dharmaraju to fight with him.Again Bheema AND kARNA IVOLVED IN A SEVERE FIGHT.tHERE WAS GREAT LOSS OF ARMY,WARRIORS,HORSES AND ELEPHANTS ON both the sides.
Duryodhana attacked Nakula and Sahadeva and they could not give him equal fight.Observing it,Dhrushtadyumna went to their help.ferocious war ensued between ,Duryodhana and Dhrushtadyumna.Dhrushtadyumna killed his charioteer,horses and broke his bow,chariot,flag mast and gada.Then Duryodhanas brother,Dandadhaarudu came to his rescue.He took him on to his chariot and took him away from the war field.Karna was fighting with Sathyaki at that time. But Karna went to fight with Dhrushtadyumna seeing Duryodhanas plight.But Saathyaki did not leave Karna but attacked him.War between both the army chiefs was ferocious and hair rising.
Sons of Paanchaala,Vyaaghrakethu,Susarma,Sukla,Chithra,Ugraayudha,Jaya,Rochamaana and Simhasena attacked Karna collectively.Karna killed all of them.He killed Chedi warriors,Jishnu,Jishnusarma,Devaapi,Bhadradanda,Chithra,Chithraayudha,Hari,Simhakethu,Rochamaana,Salabha and other great warriors.Every one praised Karna that his valour was most marked and greater than Bheeshma and Dronas.Many warriors from Pandava army were attacking Karna. Bheema was killing Kourava army mercilessly.
Sunday, 29 December 2013
Dharmaraju defeated by Karna
Aswathdhaama took oath that he would not leave his armature until he kills Dhrushtadyumna,the man who killed his father.Dhrushtadyumna,Saathyaki,Nakula,Sahadeva,Bheema,sons of Droupadi attacked Karna.Duryodhana ,along with his brother,came to Karnas rescue.Karna made Saathykai,and Dhrushtadyuman flee from war field.He attacked Dharmaraju.Blood oozed from the body of Dharmaraju.Karna attacked Saathyaki and Sikhandi and broke their chariots.Dharmaraju ran away from the war field driving his chariot,himself.Karna foolwed him and humiliated him like this.Dharmaraju!you are a king.You know what is right and what is wrong.How can you flee from war field and run away from your enemy?war is not fit job for you.If you attack people like me another time,you might face grave situation. so,go home.Otherwise,go TO kRISHNA AND Arjuna and save your self.I would not kill you.Remembering the word given to Kunthi devi,Karna left him.He started killing pandava armies.Dharmaraju was ashamed left that place with adown cast face.
Karna then attacked Bheema.Bheema was angry that Karna humiliated his big brother.He told Sathyaki to protect Dharmaraju and started fighting Karna.Karna broke Bheemas bow and planted many arrows in his body. Bheema took another bow and attacked him fiercely.Karna fainted with the injuries and fell down like a dead man. Bheema went to Karna and wanted cut off his tongue because he humilated his brother. But Salya stopped him. he said that Karna just fainted and was not dead. if He cut his tongue ,he would die of heavy bleeding. then,Arjunas promise to kill him would become meaningless.Bheema abeyed his words and went from there.
Saturday, 28 December 2013
Karnas second day at war
Next day ,pandavas reached the war filed with great enthusiasm. Dharmaraju prepared Durjaya vyooham on Bruhaspathis advise.Kourava armies were waiting for Karna to enter the war field.Duryodhana started coming with Karna and his other brothers.Then Karna brought his chariot to Duryodhana and told himhis piece of mind.Duryodhana!there are many incidents where Arjuna and myself fought ferociously. But Arjuna gained an upper hand because he had Sree Krishna as his charioteer. But Salya,who is on our side is equal to Krishna in this field.So make Salya ,my charioteer. then I would definitely win this war.Not only Pandavas,but even deities I am sure to win over.
Duryodhana agreed to make Salya his charioteer and went to Salya. He saluted him and praised him in many ways.At last,he told him to be charioteer of Karna. Then only,they could win this war.Salya got angry hearing these words.He houted . Duryodhana!I am a king. How can you ask me to be a charioteer to a low caste person like Karna? I would participate no more in this war. I am going to my kingdom.You ill treated me by asking such a favor.
Duryodhana pleaded with him and convinced him at last.Salya agreed in the end,but on one condition.whatever he talks or comments in the war field,Karna should not retaliate or show his unpleasantness to him.Karna agreed to this condition. there was no other way to him.Karna said that He was going to win over pandavas that day. to this remark,Salya commented in a derogatory manner.Karna could not say anything. at that time,blood rained in kouravas army with thunders.many such bad omens appeared.
Friday, 27 December 2013
Karnas first day as army chief
Karna attacked pandava army releasing arrows continuously.Nakula gave him stiff fight.but in the end,Karna broke his bow and chariot.Karna told Nakula in derogatory manner,never to attack a warrior who is mightier than himself.Karna remembered the words given to Kunthee devi that he would not kill pandavas except Arjuna and released him.He told him to go to Arjuna and protect himself. Nakula was humiliated ,but calmly went and alighted Dharmarajus chariot and saved himself.
Then ,Karna attacked Paanchaala army.Yuyuthsudu attacked Ulookudu,Sakunis son ,but could not contain him.he ran away.Ulookudu ,then attacked paanchaala army.Samsapthakulu,Sibi,Saalva,Thrigartha,Naarayana,Gopaaluru fought with Arjuna,all combined.Sathyasenudu attacked Sree Krishna and made him lose control over reins of his chariot and horses.Arjuna killed him.He killed Mithra varma also. Then he used his Indraasthram,which released so many arrows at kourava army,which demolished the enemy mercilessly.With its effect,Samsapthakulu got shattered and fled.
Duryodhana entered into fight with Dharmaraju but could not gain an upper hand.Arjuna controlled Karnas attack by releasing arrows which controlled his celestial and powerful arms.Pandava armies fought with kourava armies with renewed vigor. It was evening and both sides went to their respective tents.
Karna parvamu
Vaisampaayana described the Mahaa Bhaaratha story to Janamejaya king like this.Sanjaya left Kurukshethra and went to Dhrutharashtra.HE saluted Dhrutharashtra and told him the latest developments in the war field.After Dronas demise,Aswthdhaama fought the war. But, when Naarayana asthra of him failed he stopped participating in the war.Duryodhana counselled his people. He asked Aswathdhaama ,regarding what they had to do next.Aswthdhaama told him to continue his trilas to win the war.May be they might succeed.Karna is an able warrior. he has many powerful arms and weapons with him,which were given by gods.So,he might be your trump card in winning the war.Duryodhana was happy to hear those words. HE MADE Karna ,the chief of army officially.
Next day. kourava armies entered war field with grea enthusiasm.Karna formed makara vyooham with his army. Seeing that ,Pandavas made ardhachandra vyooham.Dharma raju told Arjuna like this.Karna is the army chief now.He is the sole cause of our difficulties. so,kill him with your arrows.If you kill him,victory wouldbe ours.So,make it happen.Both the armies participated actively in war.Saathyaki,Dhrushtadyumnudu,Chekithaanudu,sons of Droupadi attacked Prabhadra,Kachedi,Paandya,Chola,Magadha,and Vanga countries armies.Bheema attacked kourava armies sitting on an elephant.Kulootha king,Kshemdhoorthi,attacked Bheemasena.Bheema killed him.Pandava armies fought showing all their might.
Vyaasa comes to Aswathdhaama and Arjuna
Paanchaala armies and Pandava armies were running away from warfield. they were afraid to face the wrath of Aswathdhaama.Arjuna attacked Aswathdhaama.Aswathdhaama released Aagneyaastram.because of that asthra ,entire akshouhini army was destroyed.Then Arjuna used his Brahmaasthram which cancelled all other asthras.With its effect,Aswathdhaama s asthra became inactive.Aswathdhaama was unhappy with these dvelopments. he put away his bow,got down from his chariot,and went far away from the war field.
Vyaasa maharshi stood before Aswathdhaama.Aswathdhaama prayed him with respect and told him that aagneyaasthram became ineffective.Then Vyaasa told him like this. in your earlier life ,you prayed Lord Siva using the idol made of soil. But Naranaaraayana..ie Sree Krishna and Arjuna prayed Parameswara in the form of Linga.How can you ,an idol worshipper,win over them who are lingaarchakaas?
By that time,it was evening.both the armies went to their tents to take rest.Veda Vyaasa Maharshi came to Arjuna.Arjuna fell over his feet and showed his reverence to him.He too had a doubt to be clarified. he asked him.O great sage!while I was fighting in the war,a great person was standing before and killing the enemies.My arrows were sinking into them later.Prople are thinking that my enemies were dying because of my arrows,while in reality another was attcking them.I want to know ,who that great man is.
Vyaasa Maharshi then told him that he was none other than Lord Shiva.He told him many such stories of Lord Shiva to Arjuna.Sanjaya told these things to Dhrutharashtra.
Wednesday, 25 December 2013
Aswathdhaama angered by Dhrushtadyumnas act
Aswathdhaama did not the reason why their armies were fleeing.he came to Duryodhana and enquired him .Duryodhana told him that taking the excuse of killing an elephant ,by the Aswathdhaama,Dharmaraju told thatAswathdhaama was killed. when Drona left his arms not to participate in the war,Dhrushtadyumna beheaded him.may be that the advise might have been given by Sree Krishna.
Aswathdhaama felt very much for this type of death in the hands of a cheap person. he felt dying in the war was OK. BUT THE way he was killed angered Aswathdhaam.he felt that Dharmaraju was the sole cause of this entire episode.He wanted to punish him aptly for his mistake.he swore that he would demolish all the pandavas by his divyaasthraas.he got ready to use it. kouravas were enthusiastic and attacked Pandava armies.
Dhrushtadyumna said that he was born to kill Drona.why every one is attacking me and finding fault with me?Arjuna looked at Dhrushtadyumna seriously and told him to stop his meaningless talk.SreeKrishna and Dharmaraju were aghast by his careless talk.Saathyaki got angry and scolded Dhrushtadyumna.dhrushtadyumna and Sikhandi brought shame to Pandavas by their mean acts.Then Dhrushtadyumna commented that Sathyaki too killed Bhoorisravudu in cheap manner. so,if he again commented in derogatory manner,he was sure to kill Saathyaki.Saathyaki got down from his chariot and On Sree Krishnas directions Bheema intervened and took him away from that place.
Dhrushtadyumna asked Bheema to stop trying to to stall Saathyaki. he was the apt person to do it. he was not aged and one handed Bhoorisravudu to be killed by Sathyaki.In the mean time Kourava armies attacked Pandava armies with the assistance of Aswathdhaama.Aswathdhaama released mandala,ardhachandra,bhalla,naaraacha and similar powerful arrows at pandava armies.
Arjuna stood standstill to the fire releasing arrows and told his armies to run away from its way. Sree Krishna told the entire army and the warriors to release their bows and arrows on to the ground and lie down. because that powerful arrow would harm common people .every one left their arms and lied down on the ground.Bheema refused to do so. then Arjuna and Sree Krishna left their arms and ran to Bheema and made him leave his arms and made him lie on the ground.Because of this way out,Naarayanaasthram released by Aswathdhaama became useless.Aswathdhaama then fought with Dhrushtadyumna.
fifth day of Dronas captaincy...Dronas assasination
On the fifth day ,Drona attacked Pandava armies in such a fashion that they were all running away from the war field.He killed Drupadas grandsons,Kekaya kings,Drupada and Virata kings. as soon as sun rose in the East,both sides completed their morning chores and started the fight.
Fight between Drona and Arjuna was hair raising.Drona released celestial and powerful arrows and they were equally nullified by Arjuna.Then Drona started attacking pandava armies and Arjuna attacked kourava armies.it was midafternoon.Sree Krishna observed the entire scene.Sree Krishna told to Pandavas that they can not win in that state. unless,Drona stops participating in the war,they had no chances of winning.If any one among them told him that his son,Aswathdhaam was killed in the war,then he would stop fighting.then,it would be easy for them to kill him.Every one accepted the idea except Arjuna.Dharmaraju was sorry for this turn of events. then ,Bheema reached Drona and told aloud that he killed Aswathdhaama and told elephant in a low voice. it was the truth because ,he had killed an elephant named Aswathdhaama earlier that day.Drona was aghast hearing this news.
At that time,great sages like Viswamithra,Bharadhwaaja and others came and told him like this. you are a Brahmin.You fought till now. It is enough.your time is up.Stop this war and be peaceful. saying these words,they disappeared.
Drona heard their words and BHEEMAS words and started moving forward.He came across. he remembered that Dhrushtadyumna was born to kill him. He questioned Dharmaraju as to the truth of Bheemas claim of killing Aswathdhaama.Sree Krishna told Dharmaraju that to save his people from the wrath of Drona ,he had to ascertain the words of Bheema.Dharmaraju told him aloud that Aswathdhaam died,and slowly in low voice ,elephant.Drona became standstill and dumb.he shrivelled and shrunk. Dhrushtadyumna attacked him at that point.
Drona told Dhrushtadyumna to move away from him.Drona participated in was as a captain for four days,one night ,and for twenty gadiyas on the fifth day.he killed twenty thousand warriors.he called Karna,Krupaachaarya, and Duryodhana by their names and told them his mind.You always tell me to war still more and still more intense fashion.Idid to my capacity.Now I donot want to participate in war. I want to end my life.Saying this,he released his bow and arrows.he advised them to live their lives with knowledge and intelligence.
he sat on the ground in squatting position and started his penance in a calm and composed manner.Dhrushtadyumna walked to him with his sword.Drona was released from his life.In spite of Arjunas warnings and Dharmarajus pleas that it was wrong,he beheaded Drona.kourava armies ran away.Duryodhana became dull with this incident.
Tuesday, 24 December 2013
Krishna consoles Dharmaraju
Sree Krishna then started telling the reason behind his happiness on the death of Ghatothkacha.As long as Karna has the super power given by Indra with him,it is very difficult to save you from him.but now we are safe.you not fear death in the hands of Karna.even other wise,Ghatothkacha is a demon.may be he might resort some wrong deeds with anger and not having moral values ,he might be a liability in later days.who knows/ may be I would have to kill him then.so,this day is the for happiness.dont be sorrowful.
Saathyaki heard these words.he questioned Krishna,why Karna did not kill Arjuna till then,if had so much power all along.why did not he utilise those super powers.to Krishna replied like this.As long as kouravas are in their tents,they think of this only. but as soon as Karna comes to warfielod,I make him forget this aspect.I did not all this to protect Arjuna only.now,Karna can not use that power.From now on,I can sleep peacefully.
Sanjaya told these things to Dhrutharashtra. they were very unhappy.they knew that divine powers were with pandavas.they did not know how to save their people.
Dharma raju was weeping hearing Ghatothkachas demise.he squatted in his chariot. Krishna consoled him and told him not to repent any more.he should not be depressed like a common man.he had to get up and complete so many other things with josh.otherwise,how could they obtain victory over kouravas?Dharmaraju remembered all the good qualities of Ghatothkacha and was sorrowful. Vyaasa maharshi came and consoled him.he too told that Karna acquired that power with sole intention of killing Arjuna. now,with the demise of Ghatothkacha,they were safe.he told Dharmaraju to go in rightful path. he is sure to taste the victory on the fifth day from then.
it was night and both armies were tired. Arjuna then addressed both te armies to take rest till the moon comes. both sides agreed and they slept there itself.some slept on their elephants,some on their horses,some in their chariots and some slept on the ground.as soon as the moon shone in the sky,they started the war again. Duryodhana came to Drona and again instigated him like this. Pandavas your pet students. so ,you are not fighting with them sincerely and making them great warriors.if you are biassed like that what can I do? he questioned.
Drona lost temper hearing these words. he lashed out at him like this.why are you talking like this with venom?you did whatever you wanted to do till now.you enjoyed life to the fullest extent in whatever fashion you wanted to enjoy.leave all your fears and attack pandavas now.Drona then went to attack PANDAVA ARMIES.aRJUNA ANd Bheema also attcked Kourava armies on Krishnas encouragement.it was almost morning and sky was red with suns rays.
Ghatothkacha KILLEDE BY kARNA
Sree Krishna called Ghatothkacha ,who was fighting with Karna.he told him to fight with Alaayudha and kill him. Ghatothkacha went and fought with Alaayudha. there was a fierce fight between them.Ghatothakacha killed Alaayudha and hurled his head in front of Duryodhana.Kouravas thought that Alaayudha,being a demon,would kill pandavas but he himself was killed by Ghatothkacha.Then Ghatothkacha went and attacked Karna who was destroying Pandava army.
Ghatothkacha became invisible along with his chariot. kouravas were afraid in what way and whom he would attack next.he showered arrows on kouravas.Karna did not know how to control Ghatothkacha. as his strength was depleting,Ghatothkachas strength was renewing.Duryodhana and others advised Karna to use his specialpowers,given by Indra to kill Ghatothkacha.Otherwise they would all be killed by the demon.by that time,Karnas chariot was broken by Ghatothkacha and he was rushing at him with his gada.so,Karna had no other go than to use his special powers to kill Ghatothkacha. that powere released by Karna killed the demon mercilessly.kouravas celebrated the death of Ghatothkacha.pandavas went into dorrow. but Krishna blew his conch in happiness and hugged Arjuna.Arjuna was aghast at the response of Krishna to Ghatothkachas death. he questioned Krishna the reason for his happiness.
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
war during fourth night of Dronas captaincy
Pandavas and kouravas were fighting on the night of fourth day of Dronas captaincy.Karna was fighting with Sahadeva and destroyed his chariot.Sahadeva was helpless. then Karna went to him and humilated him in this hashion.never attack an enemy who is more powerful than you.see,Arjuna is fighting with kourava army . go and take shelter behind him.just because,Karna gave word to his mother that he would not kill other pandavas except Arjuna,he released Sahadeva.
Sahadeva was ashamed and alighted another and went away.like this both sides for involved in duels and fight in groups.Saathyaki attacked Karna.Karna came to Duryodhana and told him that they would kill Sathyaki in the same fashion as when they Abhimanyu. Duryodhana gave his assent.they thought that Sathyaki deth would immensely help them in achieving the victory.Duryodhana sent Sakuni to help them.Karna and Duryodhana attacked Sathyaki along with other kourava warriors.Sathyaki was at his best on that night. he killes and massacred infantry,horses,elephants in so many different and unique ways.Arjuna ,Sathyaki and DHRUSHTADYUMNA WERE ATTACKING kourava armies in such a fashion that they were all running away from the war field.
Arjuna wanted to attack Karna.he directed SREE Krishna to go to Karna.but Sree Krishna gave him his line of thought. demons will have more energy and strength during nights than humans.So,it would be better if we send Ghatothkacha to attack Karna. we can attack other Kourava armies.they called Ghatothkacha and told him that Karna was attacking pandava armiesferociously.if you show your might ,he can not withstand your demons vigour.because we are fighting during night,victory to you is imminent and sure.so,go and win over Karna for today.Arjuna also gave his consent.Ghatothkacha was happy to put into action their advise.he attacked Karna with renewed vigour. Karna could not equal him,however he tried. Ghatothkacha broke the bow of Karna.
karna consoles Duryodhana
Duryodhana went to Karna and poured out his grievances.he told him like this.Dronaachaaryudu has prepared a pakka and strong vyooham. but he could not control Arjuna.so,there is no gain from him.definitely he is harming us in a way.if we had known that Drona was like this,we would have kept Saindhava at home and come to the war field.then so much of our army would not have perished.
Karna was cool headed. he replied like this. why blame Drona for the death of Saindhava. it is an act of god.we have to do our duty.he consoled Duryodhana.
so,on the fourth day,they went to war during night also.Drona attacked Pandava armies along with Karna.Duryodhanas brothers attacked Bheema but Bheema killed all of them.he was ferocious and people were afraid to even look at him during that time.
Drona attacked Bheema.Saathyaki was attacked by Aswathdhaama.but ,Ghatothkacha gave counter attack to Aswathdhaama.Strength of demons increases by night. so,Ghatothkacha was very strong and vibrant in his attack.kouravas could not control him.it was beyond their power to contain him.Karna,Duryodhana and others were afraid to face him and went aside.Karna went to attack pandava army.he could not stand up to the attack of Arjuna and ran away and took shelter behind Krupaachaaryas chariot.Arjuna attacked kourava army.Bheema destroyed Ambashta,sibi and vanga armies.Arjuna destroyed Magadha,Madra,and other armies.pandava armies ran away when Drona attacked them.
It was dark.they could not see properly.Duryodhana made arrangements to carry and hold lights.Pandavas also made similar arrangements with divities.
Monday, 16 December 2013
Duryodhana instigates Drona
sree Krishna hugged Arjuna and praised him that he was a great warrior.you won over Kouravas who could not be won by even dieties.now,if you can win over Karna,I would be very happy.Arjuna replied him obediantly. our development and progress lies in your kind attitude towards us.you have to look after our welfare.
Sri Krishna then told him that they had to go and see Dharmaraju.Krishna started the chariot.seeing the fate of Kourava army,again Krishna praised Arjunas talent profusely.they neared Dharmaraju.sree Krishna blew his conch,paanchajanyam.Dharmaraju recieved them bubbling with happiness.Krishna and Arjuna got down from their chariot and paid their respect to Dharmaraju.
Duryodhana was dull with this turn of events. he said that if Arjuna really lost his temper,no one can face him and win.Arjunas intention is to save kouravas,that was why he is not showing his full vigour.he went to Drona.he started humiliating Drona with his words.Arjuna is your dear student and disciple. so,you would not kill him.
Drona was hurt by the rude attitude of Duryodhana. why are you hurting with such talk again and again/I told you so many times that no one van defeat Arjuna.It is difficult even for the dieties.you and all your men could not safe guard Saindhava.why this use less talk. we would go for the war even in the night.tell my son not to grieve for me.tell him to kill those pandavas who remain after my demise.
curse of VRUddhakshathrudu
Arjuna was tired of keeping the head of Saindhava from ground.he asked Krishna,how long he had to throw it into the sky again and again.then Sree Krishna started to tell him the story of Vruddhakshathrudu. Vruddhakshathrudu was the king of Sindhu.he did penance for a son.he had a son named Saindhava.his actual name is Jayadhradha.in his childhood,once a voice was heard from the sky that he would be beheaded when he is not alert in the war field.hearing this,his father ,with the power of penance,gave curse like this. who ever would throw Saindhavs head on to the ground,would die a mean death. his head would be blown in to hundred pieces.so,Saindhavas head should not fall to the ground.
Vruddha kshathrudu gave his kingdom to Saindhava and went into woods to do penance.his abode is near Samanthapanchaka area.so,Krishna directed Arjuna to use his Paasupathaasthram in such a way that the head of Saindhava would fall straight into the lap of VRuddhakshathrudu.then Arjuna prayed that his use of Paasupathaasthram should be in such a way that the mission is accomplished successfully.he released arrows in such a stream that the head of Saindhava fell into the lap of Vruddhakshathrudu who was doing penance.the old king did not know what fell in his lap.so,he immediately took it and threw it on to the ground.as soon as it fell to the ground,the old kings head blew into hundred peices and immediately died.seeing this,Krishna praised Arjuna.everyone was awe struck at this act of Arjuna.Arjuna then took back the paasupathaasthram.till his head fell on to the ground,the body of Saindhava was standing in the chariot. as soon as it fell,his body also collapsed to the ground.like this Arjuna succeeded.
kouravas wept seeing the demise of Saindhava. Bheema blew his conch and made sounds of happiness like a lion.Dharmaraju was happy that Arjuna could fulfill his words.pandava armies were happy with this outcome.they attacked Drona with inspiration.
saindhava beheaded
Duryodhana thought that Arjunas oath to kill Saindhava before sunset was improbable to achieve. because they were all there to protect Saindhava.If Arjuna failed to accomplish this act,he would die of shame .if Arjuna died,all other Pandavas would also die.then KOuravas can rule the entire world happily.
But Arjuna destroyed Karnas chariot.Karna alighted Salyas chariot and fought with Arjuna.Duryodhana and other warriors surrounded Arjuna and fought with him.ferocious war was taking place there.It was nearing evening.then Sree Krishna told Arjuna a way out. he had to behead Sandhava during that split second.Krishna covered sun with his Sudarsana chakra. kouravas thought that sun has set in the west.every one was looking at the sunset,including Saindhava.kouravas were happy that Arjuna failed to fulfil his statement to kill Saindhava before sunset.
Arjuna was unhappy that he had to resort to such mean tactics to kill Saindhava. but he had no option.So,he killed Saindhava with his arrows.Sree Krishna warned him that Saindhavas head should not roll on the ground.so Arjuna was flicking at the head so that it was popping in the air.Krishna removed his sudarsana chakra from the sun and every one realised that it was not yet sun set.but by that it was too late. Saindhavas was already beheaded.they were sorry, they were angry and they were astonished.they all attacked Arjuna together.Arjuna was doing war with them ,but also simultaneously seeing that Saindhavas head did not fall to the ground.everyone was astonished to see that act.
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Bhoorisravudu killed by Saathyaki
In the mean time,Bhoorisrava came toSaathyaki and told that he would kill him.saathyaki also gave fitting reply to him and both started their fight.but in the ensuing fight,Bhoorisrava had the upper hand. Seeing that,krishna urged Arjuna to go to his help.by that time, Bhoorisrava attacked saathyaki and saathyaki was lying on the ground and Bhoorisrava held his sword ready to kill saathyaki.
On krishnas instigation,though ,he personally did not like it,Arjuna released a sharp arrow at bhoorisravas held up hand to cut it.Bhoorisrava accused him of foul play. I did not even look at you. I was fighting with Saathyaki. Did krishna instigate you to do such an inappropriate act? He questioned.
Arjuna replied him back like this. The way you people killed Abhimanyu was also not justifiable.saying so,Arjuna defeated Bhoorisrava.arjuna felt very sorry for the way he killed elderly person,all because ,he was a kshathriya and his cause was noble.so,he requested bhoorisrava to understnad him and prayed that he go to swargaloka on demise.
Then ,bhoorisrava relieved saathyaki and spread arrows on the ground and adopting yoga,he wanted to take away his life.he sat on the arrows and attained yogabut status. But saathyaki got up and still angry ,beheaded Bhoorisrava,inspite of pleadings from Krishna,arjuna,bheema andAswathdhaama not to do it.Bhoorisrava went to heaven while all the dieties praised him.saathyaki was adamant and justified his attack saying that they behaved like that only when they killed Abhimanyu ,previously.one section accepted his justification,and another section decried his doing.
Fight between Bheema and Karna
Duryodhana came to Drona and expressed his unhappiness over Dronas attitude.he talked like this.Arjuna,Saathyaki and Bheema are vanquishingkourava armies.they have teached saindhava already. But you are staying cool here.this is our luck!Drona replied him likethis.OH! Is it so. Here I am resuing our armies from the enemys onslaught.but,now it is most important to save Saindhava.enemity between you and Arjuna started the day you defeated them in unlawful gambling only.todays war is the culmination point of it.nothing else.so,you goand protect sandhava with yourarmies. I would stay here androtect our armies.
Karna stopped Bheema and fought with him.Bheema broke his chatiot. karna ran away and came again in another chariot and restarted the fight.Bheema was crushing down Karnas army.again,Karna faced bheema and fought with him fiercely.in that fight,karna broke Bheemas bow,briddle of his horses and flag mast.karna injured charioteer of Bheema. He left the chariot and got behind the chariot of Arjuna.
Bheema lounged at karnas chariot. karna hid behind the base of his flag mast.karna came out immediately and attacked bheema with many arrows.Bheema had nothing to fight back. Even then, he attacked Karna by throwing dead bodies of elephants and,horses . He got exhausted by this relentless,unending war.Karna remembered the words to Kunthee that he would not kill the reamining pandavas except Arjuna.so,he near Bheema and poked him on the belly and talked derogatively like this.why do you fight when you have no worth?eat well and stay at home.if you still feel like fighting,fight with your equals but not with me.go behind Arjuna andKrishna and save yourself.
Then Arjuna attacked karna with his arrows and wounded him.Bheemas charioteer,Visokudu,brought another chariot for Bheema.Bheema felt belittled with karnas leering at him and calmly went to arjuna.
Sunday, 24 November 2013
Bheemas fight with Drona
On his way, Bheema was stopped by Drona. He thought that bheema too would ask his permission to move forward. He talked like this.unless you defeat me,you cant cross this army. Even your brother,Arjuna took my permission to circumvent me.
Bheema replied like this. I know pretty well that my would never ask foranyones permission. He would go whereever he wants to go without any problem.in any case I am not arjuna. I would not ask any one for permission.I am bheemasena and Iwould show my mettle.saying so,bheema hurled his gada against Drona. Drona too saw it in time and hurled himself down grom the chariot.to the force of his gada, radhaaswams,charioteer and chariot ...all got crushed and powdered.seeing this kourava armies wereafraid.every one was running away.Drona got into another chariot and came again to attack Bheema.Bheema got down from his chariot and ran towards Drona and hurled his chariot and crashed it to the ground. This time also,Drona got down from the chariot safe.saathyaki was involved in fierce battle. Arjuna was involved in outstanding war with kourava armies. Seeing this,he made simhanaadam.seeing Bheema,krishna and arjuna also made simhanaadams. Hearing this,Dharmaraju was happy that his brother was safe.he praised bheemasena for informing about arjunas welfare.
Dharmaraju worried about Arjunas welfare
Dharmaraju attacked Drona without any fear.DRona broke Dharmarajus bow,flag mast and injured Dharmaraju with arrows.Dharmaraju calmly got down from his chariot and held his hands high as in submission.Drona did not have the mind and heart to harm Dharmaraju in that pleading manner.he started attackeing the pandava armies.it was a great task for pandava armies to face Drona.then they heard blowing ofconch by Sree krishna.they could neither hear the sound of Arjuna blowing the conch nor the sound of his gaandeevam .Dharmarajuas worries about Arjunas welfare. He called Saathyaki and toldhim to go there and find out what has happened to Arjuna.Saathyaki did not want to go. He asked Dharmaraju this question. What victory would it be for us even if Arjuna killed saindhava,if Drona kills or captures you now? As long as Krishna is with Arjuna,he can not come to any harm. I am sure of it.letme protect you from the onslaught of Drona.
Dharmaraju was adamant. He told that he wanted arjuna to be safe. In Arjunas safety only lies their victory over theenemies.so dont deny to go there to the help of arjuna.on repeated requests,Saathyaki agreed to go to Arjuna and started.Bheema stood to. Cover and protect Dharmaraju.
As saathyaki was going in the front,Dharmaraju came along with dhrushtadyumna and attacked kourava armies.Saathyaki killed seven kings who came in his way.Drona attacked him. He made fun that arjuna was afraid of him. Then how could saathyaki fight with him and win?then saathyaki saluted him and told that on Dharamarajus direction only,he was going to the rescue of Arjuna.so please have mercy on me and leave me to go. But Drona followed him. kruthavarma attacked saathyaki.observing this,Drona turned back and attacked pandava armies.but saathyaki was attacking kourava armies in such a fashion that Drona had to come back and give stiff fight to him.even if he was a,one, saathyaki didnot funk but answered all of them who came to attack him.Drona stopped Saathyaki from going forward. kruthavarma could not attack saathyaki and ran away from there.Drona too stopped fighting with saathyaki and started to go near arjuna and fight him.
On the route he killed the armies of kaambhoja and yavana kingdoms.he killed K iraatha,Saka, barbara,paarada,yavana armies as if a tiger attacks its prey and smashed them mercilessly.again he attacked pandava armies.he killed Veerakethuvu,son of Dtupada hwen he attacked him.drona killed the charioteer of Dhrushtadyumna and the horses dragged him away from the warfield aimlessly.no one could face Drona at that time.
Saathyaki was killing kourava warriors.arjuna was killing kourava like pralaya kaala rudra. Drona was killing pandava armies on the other side.three of them were crushong the enemy armies as if they were small ants.though Drona was an aged person,he was attacking like a youthful person.Dharmaraju was worried about arjunas safety.he came near bheema and requested him also to go to the help of Arjuna. He told him to give simhanaadam if Arjuna was well.Bheema also advised him to be cautious of Drona. He. Told Dhrushtadyumna to cover dharmaraju and wentto help arjuna.on his way, BHeema again heard the blowing of conch by krishna only. Dharmaraju thought that Arjuna was in danger and so krishna was engaged in the battle.Dharmaraju hastened bheema to go faster. Seeing Bheemas valour,kourava armies were running away and in the mean time,Bheema wentfast to where Arjuna was fighting with kouravas.
Arjuna brings water from the ground to quench the thirst of his horses
Sree. Krishna told Arjuna that he had removed the arrows from the bodies of horses. He attended to their injuries.they have to drink water and unless they relax in water up to their backs, they can not revive fully and help you win todays war.Arjuna was astonished that simple water bath can do wonders to the horses.then he split the ground with his arrows and made a pond.he formed a barrack outlining the pond. Then he made water spring from the ground,by his arrows.kourava armies were astonished to see this arrangement in the middle of the warfield.dieties also praised Krishna and Arjuna that they too disnever see such a thing earlier.Sree. Krishna made his horses drink that water, massaged them for sometime. And made them relax in the pond. Later,he madethem eat thegrass that sprinkled outby the effect of Arjunas arrows.then they were tied to the chariot.by that time,Duryodhana was coming towards them.
Duryodhana instigated Arjuna. And fight with him. He was confident because ,he had the body shield given by Drona to him.when Arjuna directed his arrows at him,theywere not injuring him.even when hewas attacking himwith full force, they were not showing any effect.Sree. Krishna was also awe struck by seeing this .then arjunatold himthat Drona might have given this body shield with mystical powers to duryodhana.saying this he started usinfpgthearrowwhich would break open anytypeofbodyshield.but Aaswathdhaama attacked withan arrow which would destroy all types of mystical arrows.Sree Krishna told arjuna to use that arrow again .but Arjuna told that it could not be used the second time.he said even without that powerful arrow,he would belittle and attack Duryodhana.Arjuna then killed Duryodhanas charioteer,his horses,broke his chariot and injured his hands by striking at his hands with arrows.duryodhana was disillusioned with these adverse developments even whilehe wore that mystical powered body shield. So,he removed that shield. In that moment,Arjuna attacked him afresh and duryodhana ran away fromfrom warfield.Arjuna could not becontrolled by kourava armies. Sree krishna blew his conch in happiness.
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Fourth of Drona as army chief
On fourth day kourava armies reache battle ground.Drona told Saindhava to stay withBhoorisravudu,Karna,Salya,Aswathdhaama,Vrushasenudu and krupaachaarya.he would make a master plan.he wouldstay three yojaans away from the main vyooham.even dieties can not find him.how can pandavas find you and reach you,he said.he formed sakata vyooham of twelve gavyoothula length and five gavyoothula breadth.to its west,he formed Padma vyooham.from the centre of padma vyooham. He formed an arrow vyooham.at the starting point ofsoochee vyooham,ie arrows tip,he made Kruthavarma,king of Kaambhoaja to stand . Behind them,ten thousand warriors stood.at the end of the arrow, he made saindhava to stand.not only humans,but also dieties praised his talent in forming the vyoohams.Drona achaarya stood at the entrance of sakata vyooham.
Bad omens appeared among kourava armies.
Arjunacame to the warfield with shining armour and fluttering flag with hanumantha as its symbol. No one could see his glitter and contain it.remainig pandava army formedanother vyooham.Dussaasana could not defeat Arjuna and ran away from there.Arjuna followed him.Sree Krishna felt that they should not waste their time in petty things,because they had huge goal to achieve beforesunset.so,his chariot went circumscribing DRona.DRona made fun fun of Arjuna that without defeating his enemy he is going the other way.but Arjuna told him that he was not their enemy,but their teacher.and that too the are fact was that even dieties can not face him andwin when he is in that position.so,he can not win over Drona.saying so,he went forward.
King of kaambhoja ,Sudakshina gave him a fight but was killed in the hands of Arjuna.Arjuna killed sixthousand charioteers.he also killed princes,Deerghaayuvu and N iyathaayuvu. It looked as if his chariot was like mandhara mountain churning the sea of milk.
Duryodhana was upset with these developments.he went to frona and showed his annoyance and unhappiness towards drona. He told like this.Aachaaryaa!you are partial towards pandavas. Saindhava believed in you that you would protect him from Arjuna and came to the war field.but we are all wrong . You work for us but you are their well wisher.you are like sword covered with honey.Drona also repleid him in his own way.do you really think that Ican control Arjuna in this mood of destruction?I am not that much capable.I gave you word that Iwould capture Dharmaraju alive and hand over to you.I am immersed in that operation. You take the help others and go. Control Arjuna.DRona then said that he would give Duryodhana a body shield with special powers. No arms ,arrows can harm or hurt him. Duryodhana was happy and wore that body shield and went with a large army to face Arjuna.
Both the armies were fighting like tooth and nails,fiercely.
Arjunas archery and krishnas charioteering were superb .Arjuna started moving towards Saindhava,Arjuna told sree krishna that the horses tied to the chariot were tired. Arrows which were struck in their bodies were paining them.they were thirsty also. So,he told krishna to unfasten them from the chariot,remove the arrows from their bodies,attend to theri injuries and give them some rest.during that time ,he would war with enemies standing on the ground. It was no problem to him.Sree krishna was also of the same opinion. So,he gladly took them away from there.kouravas thought it would be dead easy for them to defeat Arjuna because he was on the ground and fighting.
But reverse happened. He made them lick the ground. He attacked them in such a manner that dead bodies of kouravas,their horses,elephants, infantry,warriors formed little hillocks. He used powerful arrows,named bhalla,ardhachandra,naaraacha,aadibhedamulu.
Krishna and Arjuna go to Kailash
Sree krishna took Arjuna to a calm and lonely place.he laid down darbhasayya..bed of grass and told arjuna to sit there.he told him to do pooja to God. Arjuna offerd hos prayers to Sree krishna with flowers and sandal paste.Sree krishna went home. But Arjuna laid down on that bed of grass and slept.he dreamt that Krishna came and sat beside him.he gave idea to Arjuna like this.if you acquire Shivas Paasupathaasthram,you can kill Saindhava.you have to learn how to use it again.it is essential to learn the concerned prayers and slokas to use it aptly and correctly.so,please pray for Lord Shivas blessings.Arjuna cleansed himself and started doing dhyaana pf Shiva.
While doing that,Arjuna felt as if Krishna and he were going to Kailash.Sree krishna was holding his hand and taking him towards Northern side in the sky.they travelled and reache kailash.they saw Shiva.they paid respectful salutations to the LOrd.lord Shiva welcomed them with smiling attitude and asked what they wanted from him.
On krishnas suggestion,Arjuna asked for paasupathaasthram and its usage.Shive told them to bring his arrows and bow which were in the lake of amrutham.they went there and saw two snakes in that lake.those snakes were emitting poisonous gases and fire in avixious manner.then krishna and Arjuna recited satha rudreeya manthras and they became bow and arrows of shiva. They took them and brought them to Shiva.then,a small boy came from behind Shiva and taught Arjuna how to use the paasupathaasthram ..how to put in the bow and adjust it,how to hold it,and how to release it .Arjuna learnt the application of paasupathaasthram with great dedication and dynamism.Shiva taught him paasupathaasthra manthram,how to chant it.Krishna and Arjuna kept them back in amrutha sarassu,ie lake with Shivas permission.they saluted him again and again and returned back.Arjunas dream eneded there.
Sanjaya could know about all these facts ,because Vyaasa gave him special insight into whatever happened during the war.so ,Sanjaya explained all these things to dhrutharashtra.next day,Krishna came to Dharmaraju.Bheema and others also came and sat there.Dharmaraju requested Krishna to see that Arjuna accomplished his oath of killing Saindhava before sunset that day.Krishna gave word to them that definitely Arjuna was going to kill saindhava that day and told them to be happy and composed.he told them not to worry.
Then Arjuna came there. He explained about his dream the previous night and that he could abtain blessings of LOrd Shiva with Krishnas help.every one was astonished with these happenings.
Arjuna takes oath to kill SAindhava
Arjuna feels ineasy tjat something drastic and bad hashappened to their people.so he told of his hunch to Sree Krishna .both went to Dharmarajus camp.there they saw everyone except Abhimanyu.arjuna was in to shock. He questioned them if they sent Abhimanyu into the padmavyooham created by drona.because Abhimanyu only how to go inside .he does not know how to come out succesfully.he wept for the death of his beloved son. He blamed his brothers and other warriors for sending him alone into padmavyooham.Sree krishna pacified him.Arjuna fainted hearing the way Abhimanyu was killed in the war.Dharmaraju and sree Krishna attended to him and he revived.
Arjuna was ferocious and he took oath to the effect that he would kill saindhava before sun set,the next day. Of not,he would die along with his gaandeevam ,going into the fire.he held his gaandeevam and tuned its stirngs.sree Krishna and Arjuna blew their conches,paanchajanyam and devadaththam.
Saindhava losteace hearing this news from their agents.he went to duryodhanaand asked like this. i was not the only one who killed Abhimanyu by deceit. All of you were involved.then why should Arjuna decide to kill me alone tomorrow? I am afraid.I would go away to some secret place and hide there till everything cools down.but kouravas did notagreeforit. They gave word to him that they would protect him at all costs. He should notleave the battlefield on any pretext.
Dharmaraju talked to his brothers appropriately and sent them to their camps.sree krishna and arjuna stayed back.Krishna questione Arjuna,why he had taken that highly iossible oath ofkillong saindhava before sunset,the next day.it was very difficult to accomplish.Arjuna smiled and told that while Drona and other KOurava warriors would see,he would decapitate saindhava mercilessly.
Bad omens appeared foreboding the destruction of infantry,cavalry,elephants ,kings and warriors.in the kourava camps,winds at high speed blew,with dry thunders and lightning,foreboding bad luck to them. Elephants and horses wept,tears running down their eyes.kings and warriors were afraid seeing these bad omens .
Abhimanyu killed brutally by kourava warriors
At that time,kings of Nishaada and kalinga attacke Abhimanyu with their huge armies.Abhimanyu was attacking Drona,Kruthavarma,aswathdhaama,Karna,krupaachaarya,Bruhadbaladu and injured them.he killed their armies.Abhimanyu killed the charioteer of bruhadbala and killed him.karna attacked Abhimanyu. Abhimanyu killed six members of karnas side.Dussaasanas son,attacked Abhimanyu but he turned back,his chariot broken byAbhimanyu.AbhimanyukilledSathrum,jayachandra,kethu,Suvarchala,Sooryabhaanu,when they attacked him.he made Sakuni run away and turned towards Duryodhana.Karna observed this and asked Dronas idea to kill Abhimanyu,as otherwise it might be too late.
Drona told to Karnas enquiry like this.though Abhimanyu is a mere boy,he is not normal. There is no difference between him and Arjuna.we should collectly defeat this boy.there is no other go. We cant put an end to him fighting individually.karna deplored like this.see! Abhimanyus arrows are tooainful .I have fought with Arjuna earlier. His arrows were less painful.Drona smiled at this comment.he answered him like this.I taught kavacha dhaarana vidya to arjuna. He taught it Abhimanyu.because of that vidya ,it is very difficult to bring pain to Abhimanyu.only by unfair means ,we can defeat him. We have to resort to break his bow,,kill his charioteer,kill his horses,break his chariot by purely unfair and unethical means and then kill him.as long as he has bow and arrows in his hands,no one can defeat him.
Then Karna acted as if he were afraid of ABHIMANYU AND WENT BEHIND HIM as in surrender.all others went to war with Abhimanyu by wrong and unfair means and ways.then Karna broke his bow from behind.DRona killed his horses.krupaachaarya killed charioteer of Abhimanyu.making him alone and susceptible for their wicked intentions,they rounded on himand attacked the boy mercilessly.
Abhimanyu then took hold of his sword and rose into thesky to fight them.drona used his spear to break the sword.then Abhimanyu took the whhel of his chariot to face them.he attacked Drona and his army with it.he killed many of them.Sakuni,Krutha varma and many others surrounded him and broke the wheel in his hands.
Then Abhimanyu took the mace,ie gada and went to attack them.he went to attack aswathdhaama ,but he ran away with fear.he killed Aswathdhaamaas horses,charioteer and borke his chariot.after this,Abhimanyu went to attack Sakuni.on the way,he killed seven of gaandhaaris sons.he killed ten warriors of vasaathi.Abhimanyu was killing the enemy warriors as if it was a veeravratham with dedication,determination and singular bent of mind.
In the mean time,Dussaasanaas son secured another chariot ,horses and charioteer and came back to attack Abhimanyu.again,Abhimanyu attacked and broke the charoit of that warrior.both of the. Sttod on the ground and fought with their maces like bulls.at last,both of them fell to the ground exhausted.but ,at that time,all of kourava warriors surrounded Abhimanyu and killed him brutally and mercilessly against all ethics of warfare.
When Abhimanyu died,Kouravas applauded with happiness. Pandavas went into mourning.all the panchabhootjaas decried that it was pure deceit from all the four directions.by that time,it was evening.both the sides left to their camps...kouravas with happiness and pandavas with dejection!
Dharmaraju reached his camp and wept for Abhimanyus loss.Vyaasa maharshi came and told him to be calm and composed.he condoled Abhimanyus demise.Dharmaraju did not know what to tell to Arjuna when he returned.he was full of grief .
Third day of Drona as army chief
Drona formed padma vyooham on his third day as army chief.as it is circular,it is very difficult for the enemy to enter it and win.it is also called as chakra vyooham because of its circular shape.pandava army also reached the battle field but could not give a proper fight to dronas onslaught of arrows.pandava armies turned back.Dharmaraju was helpless and was afriad of the consequences of the war.no one could break this vyooham except Arjuna.he called abhimanyu and talked in this fashion.O my son!Sree krishna,Arjuna,,Pradyumna and you,only four of you know how to break and enter this vyooham.so,you have to start and do it and make us happy.Abhimanyu was happy that he was of some use to them. But he told like this.my father told me how to enter but did not tell me how to come out of this padmavyooham.but I will show you my calibre and will accept the challenge.pandava army followed Abhimanyu.
Drona and other warriors did fierce war against Abhimanyu,one after the other.Abhimanyu weakened Drona by his arrows and enetred padmavyooham effortlessly.Duryodhana and Drona ,both along with their armies fell on Abhimanyu.along with them,Krupaachaaryudu,aswathdhaama,kruthavarma,karna,sala,Somadaththa,sakuni pouravulu,salya vrushasenulu,all of them attacked abhimanyu at atime simultaneously.but Abhimanyu gave them stiff fight and injured all of tyem.no one could stand and fight with Abhimanyu.he was like a small anacutt which could control the mighty sea.his expertise outclassed that of sree krishna and Arjuna combined.Drona was very happy to see the son of his most liked disciple out class like this.
Dussaasana clamoured that he would kill Abhimanyu and bring sorrow to Arjuna and krishna.they would die of grief and others cannot do anything.our vendetta would be fulfilled.
Saying so he attacked Abhimanyu.but he fell like adead person when arrows released by Abhimanyu touched his chin.his charioteer took him away from the battle field.
To help Abhimanyu ,Dharmaraju came behind and attcked kourava armies.kourava army broke up.Drona called for kourava warriors but no one came to their assistance.Saindhava blocked pandava armies and Dharmaraju from Abhimanyu.pandavas could not cross him and go near Abhimanyu.when pandavas were undergoing vanavaasam,Saindhava tried to molest Droupadi by taking her away.but pandavas stopped it in time and humiliated him by tonsuring his head.he was ashamed and did thapam . siva came to himand Saindhava asked him boon to give him power to defeat pandavas.siva declined that outright. But he told except Arjuna,he would give him power to defeat remaining four pandavas for one day.so,with that boon,he could control remaining foru pandavas that single day.sSAathyaki,Dharmaraju,Bheema,nakula and Sahadeva were fighting there only without any success.Drona and Kourava armies,though they countered him from all sides,could do nothing.
Monday, 18 November 2013
Krishna saves Arjuna!
Arjuna attacked Bhagadaththa and implanted seventy arrows into his body.Bhagadaththa could not withstand the pain. He attacked arjuna with a spear that had super powers.the spear was coming towards arjuna with immense light and strength. krishna stood blocking Arjuna.as it touched Krishnas body,it became a garland of red flowers and adorned his throat.that moment was astonishing to every one ,there.
Arjuna felt ashamed for the manner in which krishna helped him.Krishna ! You helped me by being my charioteer. It was a very great guesture.but if you protect me like this,what would the world think of me?it would think that I have been saved by the mercy of krishna.is it not a shame ful thing for me?but Krishna goaded Arjuna to attack Bhagadaththa ,in that confused state and kill him. Ohtherwise ,he would be a great liability for pandavas.Arjuna got hold of his senses and attacked bhagadaththas elephant by implanting a powerful arrow right into its forehead.as it was collapsing,arjuna killed bhagadaththa with another powerful half moon shaped arrow.then he. Ercilessly killed other armies of kouravas.
Then he attacked Sakuni.he struck at sakuni with sharp arrow. sakuni was afraid of arjuna and ran away from there.Drushtadyumna thought it was the right time attack Drona and attacked him.Drona was impeachable and gave them apt reply with powerful arrows.then,Arjuna went to samsapthaka ganas who called him for war and killed them.kourava armies could not withstand the onslaught of Bheema and Arjuna.they went to karna and requested him to save them.Karna protected them and entered into fight with Arjuna.At that time,DRona,Duryodhana and Saindhava came,protected Karna from arjuna and took him away.war between Drona and arjuna was mind blowing.sun rested in the west and both armies went to their respective camps.pandavas were happy and Kouravas were djected with the developments of the day.
Saturday, 16 November 2013
Second day of Drona at war
Next day ,both the armies entered war field.Drona told duryodhana like this.I told you that I can not capture dharmaraju if Arjuna is in the vicinity.you see that arjuna is not ear by.then I will catch Dharmaraju comfortably.
Then king Thrigartha ,Susarma talked in this manner.would it be okay for if we divert and take away Arjuna far away from Drona and engage him in stiff fight at a far off place?Duryodhana was happy with their suggestion.ten thousand members who were very good warriors formed a battalion.they were intent on defeating and destroying Arjuna.kings of THundi,Kerala,Malava,SIleendra,Magadha,Machchillika,and AAdi kings also joined them.they all performed religious baths and did homas. They took solemn oath before the fire that they would kill Arjuna.they uttered samsaapamulu,ie curses and oaths to this effect.that is why they are called samsapthaka ganaas.all of them stood apart with their armies and planned to lure arjuna for a fight afar from the warfield.
Drona formed the garudga vyooham and he stood at the point of its nose.kings of Thrigartha and other samsapthakas stood aside on the southern side of the remaining armies and calld Arjuna for war.Arjuna saluted his brother took his permission and went towards them to fight.so,their plan to distance Dharmaraju and Arjuna succeeded without much problem and kouravs were happy.Dharmaraju observed that kouravas formed krounche vyooham and he told Dhrushtadyumna to form Mandalaardha vyooham.both the sides attcked foercely.Dhrushtadyumna attacked Drona.DRona feltbelittled to fight with Dhrushtadyumna. So ,he went to fight with Paanchaala armies.
Thrigartha and other Samsapthakas stood in the form of halfmoon. They were happy that they got chance to kill Arjuna.in the fierce fight that ensued ,Arjuna killed fifteen thousand charioteers.he kiiled two thousand warriors.Sree krishna dircted the chariot as per the mind of Arjuna in a fantastic and efficient manner.dieties who were observing this from the skies were happy to see this war.Arjuna used an arrow which was given to him by the diety,named ,THvashta.by the use of that arrow,every one would appear to be like Arjuna to the other person. As a result of it, armies fought among themselves and killed their persons only.like this,Arjuna was fighting with so many samsapthakas at the same time.
In the mean time,Drona was attacking Dharmarajus armies.Drona was at his est and he was following Dharmaraju wherever he went.Drona killed Sumithra and attacked other warriors with his powerful arrows.pandava armies were running away from him.Duryodhana was very happy with these developments. He sharedhis views with Karna.see,who can defeat Drona ,while in full form?see Bheema.he is desperate.he too would run away from Drona.Karna denied this statement of Duryodhana . He told that bheema was not such a weakling.before bbheema gets control of the situation.they had to go and help Drona.thinking that pandavas lost the battle,we should not sit idle.hearing these words of caution.Duryodhana helped Drona with his armies.war was becomuni more interesting minute by minute.it was a gruelling fight.Drona attcaked Dhrushtadyumna and irritated him considerably.at that time. Bhagadaththa alighted an elephant named Supratheekam and attcaked Bheema.there was an uproar that Bheema was killed by an elephant. Dharma raju heard that and felt sorry. He got angry and attcked Bhagadaththa with force.pandava armies got scattered by the chaos creatd by the elephant,Supratheekam.neither Bheema nor sbhimanyu control that elephant.they did not know what to do. Arjuna observed this commotion. Ar that time he was fighting with samsapthakas. But he told sree Krishna to turn the chariot towards the normal army so that he could help his brothers from the firce elephant,Supratheeka. He pretty well knew that his people can not control it and there would be much loss to their armies if he did not go to their rescue at the right time.
sree krishna turned the charoit and went near SUpratheeka and Bhagadaththa.Arjuna attacked them with sharp arrows.that elephant got angry and rushed towards Arjuna with fierce force and speed.every one there thought that the elephant killed both arjuna and krishna.but Sree krishna side stepped his chariot at the last second. The elephant went and destroyd their armies.Arjuna felt humilated for the act of sree Krishna,but kept quiet without saying anything. He requested Krishna to dirct the chariot towards the elephant.
Bhagadaththa attcaked sree Krishna with arrows.Arjuna lost temper and attacked bhagadaththa with his arrows. He broke Bhagadaththas bow and injured his body.Bhagadaththa attacked Arjuna and made his crown fall to the ground.
Thursday, 14 November 2013
Drona parvamu...Dronas first day at war as cheif of army
Sanjaya went to the battlefield and stayed there for few days. He returned one night and visited Dhrutharashtra.he started to tell him the happenings at the battlefield.Dronaachaaryudu was made the chief of army by Duryodhana.he was pleased by this guesture. He told Duryodhana like this.I am happy that you respected my in a fitting manner.you ask for a boon and I would give it.Duryodhana asked that dharmaraju be captured alive and handed to him.
Drona was confused as to the kings intentions. He questioned him.why are you asking this favor of me?do you want to hand over half of the kingdom to him?what is your idea behind your asking this particular favour?
To that,Duryodhana replied like this. If I kill Dharmaraju,Arjuna would not keep quiet. He would smash the entire Kourava armies,leaving none alive.even if we kill all the pandavas,krishna would see to it that we dont get hold of this kingdom.so,if we have Dharmaraju in our captivity, I can still be the king and rule this kingdom eternally.
To that Drona answered like this. If you can see that Arjuna is not there,I can control the entire army and capture dharmaraju alive.if Arjuna is there and faces me,I cant win over him.Duryodhana was happy to hear these words.
Next day,,they formed sakata vyooham. Pandavas formed krouncha vyooham.while kouravas were marching for the battle field,without any clouds,it rained blood and bones.eagles rounded on their heads.foxes cried unceremoniously.but,kourava did not pay heed to these warnings.they came and clashed with pandava armies.the war between them was so grotesque and hair rising that even dieties were afraid to view it.Drona was at his best and was seen every where smashing the enemy armies.
Demons,Ghatothkacha and Alambusudu were doing war using their magical powers.war between Drupada and Bhagadattha was very interesting.many of the kourava kings attacked Abhimanyu,but they could not withstand his expertise.Drona came to attack Dharmaraju.Arjuna came there with lightning speed and attacked him.kourava army ran away.by evening both the grouos retorned to their camps.
Bheeshma praises Karna
Bheeshma drinks from water fountain that rose by the arrow of Arjuna. He sighs in satisfaction.he talks to Arjuna in this manner.you are such a great warrior and a powerful man.enemity with you brings hardships and nothing else. In spite of severe warnings from us,Duryodhana did not realise it. He is paying very dearly for it now.at the end he would be at the mercy of Bheema and his powerful beatings.
Turning towards Duryodhana ,he advises him like this.you hand over half of the kingdom along with Indraprastha to Dharmaraju.it would be really good if atleast the remaining ones survive from this massacre.
Both the sides did not reply and kept quiet to this advise. It was actually too late to retrieve.they saluted him and went to their homes.
Karna came and stood before Bheeshma and saluted him.Bheeshma took hold of his hand ,dragged him nearer and hugged him.he told the servants standing to go aside and talked to karna.Karna! Are you angry with me?you are not ordinary. Your birth was very special and you were born as boon of god.no mortal can equal you in any respect.you are the son of Kuntheedevi.so,ypu are also a pandava by right.so be with pandavas. As you are the eldest of them,you would be crowned as king after this war. Because. Pandavas are going to win this war at the end.
Karna replied him in this fashion.I know that I am the son of kunthee.elders like you revealed to me this secret of my birth.after knowing all these things,how can I mingle with them and be freinds with them.Duryodhana helped me a lot. He is my best friend. How can I leave him in this hour of need and change my affections now.would it be justified on my part ,if I leave Duryodhana and join hands with pandavas at this crucial juncture?I would do what is right and justified now.he told these words in a confident manner without any wavering of mind.
Bheeshma praised him for his stability of mind.I know you are such a great soul.you are capable of it.your strength would help duryodhana immensely.I am permitting you to do war now.karna was happy to have this talk with Bheeshma. He happily went to his home.
Arjuna brings paathaalaganga to appease thirst of Bheeshma
While every one was looking aghast,Bheeshma fell to the ground,with head turned towards east.there were som many arrows on his body that his could not touch the ground.it was as if he was lying down on a bed of arrows.he acquired celestial powers while in that position.it was the time of dakshinaayana kaalam.all the dieties were worried that it was not the right time for passing away.Bheeshma reassured them that,knowing that fact only he let his life remain in his body.he had the boon to leave his life whenever he wanted.
Duryodhana sent dussaasana to inform of bheeshmas plight to Dronaachaarya.Dronaachaarya fainted hearing that news.after reviving,he went to see Duryodhana.pandavas were happy while Kouravas were dejected.Duryodhana and others cried aloud.even dieties and celestial creatures wepy for the condition of Bheeshma.kourava armies were dumbstruck and were weeping silently,looking at pandavas.no one had the sense to restart the war.when Bheeshma collapsed,everyone present there,whether Kouravas or pandavas removed their arms,armours and flocked around Bheeshma.Arjuna was the only one,who went there with his bow and arrow.both the armies left behind their pride and prejudices and stood around Bheeshma.then Bheeshma complained that his head was down and it was inconvenient for him. He wanted it to be adjusted.he told Duryodhana and others to do that. They brought pillows to heighten his head.
Bheeshma then looked at arjuna and beckoned him to come nearer.crying silently,Arjuna went near him and stood.Bheeshma then asked him to adjust the arrows so that his head was positioned in abetter inclination and height,which was comfortable for him.Arjuna empowered three arrows and arranged them in correct position.Bheeshma admired him for his fineness and talent.
Then he told all the kings and his grandsons that he would stay alive till uththaaraayanapunyakaalam arrives. He would be praying the sun till that time on that bed of arrows.I would feel it as if it was a festival for me. You arrnage dance and music to enliven the surroundings,he urged.kouravas agreed for it and made appropriate arrangements to that effect.physicians were brought to attend to the bruises and injuries that inflicted him during the war.Bheeshma denied that service totally and sent them away,giving ample presents to them.
Then Bheeshma complained that he was thirsty. Duryodhana and his men brought sweet water to him. Bheeshma refused them. He told that as he was laid on the bed of arrows ,he would drink water brought out from the ground by an efficient and celestial arrow only.he turned towards Arjuna and asked him that paathaalaganga. Arjuna went round Bheeshma and saluted him with reverence and reciting parjanya manthritha manthra and he released the arrow towards the ground.the powwrful arrow lacerated the ground and sparkling and pure water spilled out and it directly reached Bheeshma so that he could quench his thirst with ease.kouravas wereastonished to see this performance.
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
Dharmaraju seeks Bheeshmas help
Seeing Sreekrishna in that temper,Arjuna got down and ran to him he pleaded him to come back.Sree krishna returned to his chariot and got in.Arjuna fought with Bheeshma but could not contain himBheeshma was destroying pandava armies.it was asif a mighty man was crushing ants with his feet.pandavas position looked like a cow which slid into quicksands and could not get up.
Arjuna was sad because he could not give stiff fight to Bheeshma.Dharmaraju returned with dejection.kourava warriors saluted Bheeshma and returned to their camps.
Dharma raju went to sree Krishna along with his brothers.he told him like this. If this situation prevails for long,we are sure to be defeated in the hands of Bheeshma.Victory is impossible.I would go to woods with my brothers. I wouldstop fighting.I would resort to some other act other than war.
Sree krishna pacified him . He told him that he would fond a way to defeat bheeshma.
That night,Pandavas ,along with Sree Krishna met Bheeshma secretly.they saluted him with reverence. He enquired their well being.he gave themhis blessings and told them that he was ready to do whatever they wanted.Dharmaraju then asked him ,how they could acuire their kingdom again.
Bheeshma replied that if they fell him down,they could win the war easily.I would be very happy to help you.what more good do I need than to help you people regain your kingdom.Sikhandi was Amba in his earlier life. So,bheeshma would not fight him.so,Bheeshma advised them to war with him keeping Sikhandi in front.then he can easily be defeated.So,I order you do it like that and fell me.
pandavas took leave of him and returned to their camps happily.
Bheeshmas war on the ninth day
Next day kourava armies reached the battle field.Bheeshma formed sarvatho bhadra vyjoohyam that day.on Arjunas request,Dhrushtadyumna formed dala vyoohyam .both the. Armies fought like hell.bheeshma fought with Abhimanyu.Abhimanyu answered them in full swing.then Arjuna came and attacked Bheeshma.it was very difficult for them to face Arjuna.Dharmaraju could not fight equally with Bheeshma and cried for help.kourava armies ran away from the battle field leaving their chariots,bows,arrows,swords and other arms.Bheeshma attacked Arjuna.
Duryodhana sent Sakuni and Dussasana to help Bheeshma.bheeshma was smashing pandava armies.every one panicked and no one had the fire to face him.even arjuna became dull.on Sree krishnas instigation,he attacked Bheeshma.Bheeshma attacked Arjuna and krishna with sharp arrows and injured them bodily.even then arjuna did not get angry.seeing this Krishna lost his temper. He got down from his chariot and ran up to bheeshma.kourava armies were spell bound with these developments.
Bheeshma welcomed him with open arms.I like this move of ypurs. Please put an end to my life he Pleaded.
Bheeshma asked to retire
Duryodhana reached his camp that night.he was distressed at the way,his brothers died in the hands od Bheema.he asked Sakuni and Dussaasana to call for Karna.karna came and appeased doryudhana that if Bheem a doesnot come. To the war,he would smash the entire pandava armies.Duryodhana liked his words words.
He went to Bheeshmas cabin.he saluted him.he requested him like this.hey great one!you are acting as if you are harming and hurting pandavas.bur in reality ,you are their well wisher.so,now you stop the war.so many days have goneby.but we did not get any sign of victory.so,fron tomorrow ,dont come to the battle field.let Karna come and fight.
Those words hurt Bheeshma like daggers.he was silent with head hung down wards.he told Duryodhana these words.is it right on your part to loseconfidence in meand talk in this derogatory manner?do you think Arjuna is an ordinary mortal?I cant defeat him.I would not fight against Sikhandi.I would try my level best to dfeat other pandavas and their armies.you would see my power tomorrow.Duryodhana was hapPy to hear these words. Happily he went to his camp.
Eighth day of Bheeshma at war!
On the eighth day both the armies came with much enthusiasm. bheeshma formed his army in the shape of koormaavathaara ie tortoise.Dhrushtadyumna formated his army in Srungaataka vyoohyam.bheeshma dived into the pandava army like a blade.Bheema killed the charioteer of Bheeshma.his horses dragged Bheeshma aimlessly,kourava army was terrified withhis development.pandavas were happy.then,YIraavanthudu,son pf Arjuna and Vuloochi went into Kourava army with his cavalry.he fought in an astonishing manner with bravery.even when his horse died,yiraavanthdu battled ferociously with his enemies.demon named Alambusudu attacked him using his magical powers.Yiraavanthudu broke his bow. Using his magicalowers too.Yiraavanthudu attacked Alambusuduin the form of a snake. Then Alambusudu took to the form of an eagle and killed him.
Yiraavanthudu is thebrother of Ghatothkacha. So he got angry and attacked Alambusudu.they foughtferociously.DUryodhana and king of vangadesa attacked him.fight between Duryodhana and Ghatothkacha was hair rising.he evaded the arrows of Drona and others and was doing war from the sky.he was using his magical powers. As a result ,kourava armies would see Duryodhana and others brutally bruised and in helpless condition.seeing this,kourava armies were turning their backs.even when Bheeshma tried to tell them that it was only magic and an illusion.no one believed his words.
Duryodhana humiliated Bheeshma that even when he was on their side,they had to taste bitter defeat.
Bheeshma then told Bhagadaththa that magical powers of demons would not affect him in the least. So ,he directed him to go fight with theenemy. Bheeshma went to fight with pandavas.war between Bhagadaththa and Ghatothkacha was severe.Duryodhana and others came to the aide of Bhagadaththa.Arjuna came to Ghatothkachas aide and killedkourava army mercilessly.
Bheema informed Arjuna about the demise of Yiraavanthudu. Arjuna was demoralised with this information and was sorrowful. He gave up his arms and sat down. Sree krishna looked at him and smiled meaningfully.Arjuna understood his intention and revived himself with enthusiasm.he got up and told Sree Krishna to move into the warfield. There he he showed his valour.Arjuna was attacked by Bhagadaththa,Bheeshma and Drona.Bheema was doing war with Drona and killed Kundabhedi andother seven of Duryodhanas brothers.kouravas were afraid and ranaway.
Tuesday, 12 November 2013
Seventh day of Bheeshma at war
On the seventh day,Bheeshma formed his army in shape of mandala vyoohyam.pandavas stood in the format of vajra vyoohyam.Arjuna told Krishna that he wanted to go to Bheeshma and fight with him. But ,he was surrounded by many other kings,in unsion.then he applied Naindaasthram on them.that arrow was putting the enemy people in confusion and anxiety.they were restless.the war was fear gripping in tis intensity.Bheema went the way where kouravas Elephant forces were crushing pandava armies. To counter Bhagadaththas elephant was practically impossible.Ghatothkacha could not dfeat ot.Dussaasana and others centred Abhimanyu and attacked him.KIngs of Thrigartha attacked Arjuna.kourava armies came to the help of Thrigartha kings.
Arjuna then showed his mastery in the field of archery.he attacked with vehemence the chariots which surrounded him,their horses,their charioteers and other infantry. He broke mercilessly the bows,body shields,armours,heads of soldiers and kings,shoulders of them too in grotesqe fashion.then arjuna faced Bheeshma and attacked him.Kourava armies could not with satnd the onslaught og Bheema.they ran away.
Bheeshmas sixth day of the war
Both the ari,es at the battle field on sixth day. On Arjunas direction,Dhrushtadyumna formed makara vyoohyam that day.kouravas formed krouncha vyoohyam that day.Bheema attacked Drona who was trying to come forward.Bheema was fighting with all of the kourava sons,single handedly.he was not afraid when they come in one single flock to attack him.
Dhrushtadyumna was fighting with Drona but he had concern of where Bheema went. So,he left Drona and went in search of Bheema,charioteer of Bheema told him that Bheema went with his mace to kill Dhrutharashtras sons because they all came at a time to attack him.Dhrushtadyumna went to help bheema and encourage him to fight still better.on Duryodhanas rquest,many warriors then came and attacked Dhrushtadyumna.he used mohanaasthram,which was taught to him by drona earlier and made the enelies unconscious.then Bheema had some relief to go to a near by pond and drink water and take some rest.after some time,he again came to fight with renewed vigour.
Drona attcked Drupada and amde him run away and went in search of Dhrushtadyumna.he then saw his men who were unconscious.then he used Pragnaasthram to make them revive and get up.Abhimanyu and other warriors went to help Bheema in his crusade.both the armies fighting to their might.
Bheeshmas fifth day of the war
On the fifth day,Kourava armies had Bheeshma haeding them.that day they formed makara vyoohyam ie crocodile format.they were enthusiastic.pandavas then came and after viewing kouravas format,they made syouna vyoohyam.both sides fought vigorously.
Bheema and Bheeshma fought very well.they attacked each other with their arrows and injured the others.Arjuna came and controlled Bheeshma and attacked their armies. Kouravs got scattered in all the directions.Bheema was attacking kourava armies and Bheeshma was ruthlessly diminishing pandava armies.
Fight between Arjuna and Aswathdhaama was interesting.it was hairrising to view their battle.Arjuna understood that in spite of his ability to fight him,Aswathdhaama was trying to fight him. So ,Arjuna went the other way and fought there.
That day both sides returned with satisfaction that they had put in good work that day.
Bheeshmas fourth day of the war
On the fourth day they fought in different and unique ways.Bheeshma and Arjuna fought in many ways.abhimanyu fought with DRona bravely.no one could control that boy.Arjuna cameto his aide.son of Salya was coming on to Abhimanyu ,but DHrushtadyumna attacked him in time.Salyas son died with the injury caused on his head by gada.
Dhrutharashtra was dejected with these developments ,which were told to him by SAnjaya.he told like this in desperate mood.what can we do?everything is in the hands of God.suffering is for us and victory is for Pandavas.just because of Duryodhanas corrupt mind,I am made to face this situation now.we are unable to think of ways to defeat Pandavas.this statement of Dhrutharashtra proves that he is not really repenting his sons move inwards. He still wants to win this war.
Sanjaya advised him to hearhis sayings in a composed manner.Salya lost his temper seeing his sons demise on the war field. He attacked Dhrushtadyumna with ferocity.Abhimanyu came to the rescue of Dhrushtadyumna.Duryodhana instigated king of magadha,who had elephants in his army,to attack Bheema.Bheema went forward killing the elephants of magadha. Then. king of magadha attacked abhimanyu.Then,Abhimanyu killed the king with a single arrow.Kourava army army was running away from Bheemas attack.
Bheema lost his consciousness by the arrow attcaked at him by Duryodhana.Abhimanyu got angry with this and he attacked Duryodhana and his army mercilessly.Bheema got up after sometime and attacked them with fervour.kouravs were afraid of Bheemas aggressiveness.no one could face him.then brothers of Duryodhana,army chiefs,Sushena,jalasandha and fourteen others attacked Bheema simultaneously. But Bheema killed all of them with in no time.other warriprs ran away from Bheema.Bheeshma encouraged them to givea goodfight and he himself came to fight Bheema.
Bhagadaththais the son of Naraka.Naraka won over Indra at one time and brought one celestial elephant fromIndraprastha. That elephantwas with Bhagadaththa.so,bhagadaththacame on that elephant and was engaged in fierce massacre of pandava army.Ghatotjkacha came to the help of his father,Bheema.then Ghatothkacha spun magic where in it would look as if indra himself had come to fight the armies ,with thousand eyes and vajraayudham,alighted on his elphant,airaavatham.likehis,he put check to bhagadaththas attack.Bhagadaththas elephant lost its control and was running aimlessly and killing kourava armies.kouravs were in desperate position.they could not control Ghatothkacha.by evening,they put full stop to fourth days war.
Bheeshmas third day war
Next dat Bheeshma made his army stand upin the form of aneagle..seeing their plan Arjuna directed Dhrushtadyumna to form their army like a halfmoon.Pandavas formed half moon format.Arjuna and others stood on the left side of the army.he fought with Bheeshma and Duryodhana.Bheema and others came to the help of Arjuna.SreeKrishna could percieve that Arjuna was tired and Bheeshma was
Fighting with renewed vigour.Krishna thought for a minute. Can I digest the fact that pandavas retrieve and Kouravas win this WAR?he came to the conclusion that he would finish Bheeshma,DRona and kourava army with his Sudarsana chakra and hand over this land to Pandavas.thinking so,he got down the chariot in a ferocious mood,holding Chakra in his hand.every one was dumbstruck seeing this development.Bheeshma was very happy. He welcomed Krishna wholeheartedly.Krishna!you do whatever you want to do.I am grateful for this move of yours. What more can I expect than die in your worthy hands?
But Arjuna ran towards krishna and held him back.he urged him to stop all this.he pleaded him with him like this.hey Krishna!you are our leader!you protect us.if you go back on your words and kill these people,what would happen to valour. How can we prove ourselves?you control the eltire universe. So it does not become of you to entertain these petty moves.
Sri Krishna praised Arjunas determination and held bavk.Arjuna blew his conch and started his fight with unbound enthusiasm.no one could face him and gove him a stiff fight.by evening ,pandavas had an upper edge.they stooed the war for that day and returned.
Friday, 8 November 2013
Second day of Bheeshma at war
Next day pandavs came to battle field enthusiastically. krouncha vyoohyam was prepared and Arjuna stood at the nose of the bird region.kourava armies too came with equal eagerness.Duryodhana addresses Bheeshma,D rona,Krupa ,Aswathdhaama,Salya and Krutha varma like this.each pf you should target one of the pandava warriors and defeat the. Today they made krounche vyoohyam.we should stage our armies accordingly to attack them with equal fervour.
He made Dussaasana,Vikarna,VIndaanuvindulu,soorasena,kings of Yavana,Thrigartha and Kuru to stand one side.drona,kings of Kunthala,dasaarna and Vidarbha kings ,kings of Sindhu,Sowveera stood on another side.on the third side,he made Bheeshma with his vast army stand in the centre.behind them,Salya,kruthavarma,Asmantha,Kaasmeera kings,Duryodhanas brothers and Duryodhana stood with their armies.
Both sides started the war.bheeshma entered Pandava army and started smashing them.but Arjuna interveved and gave him ferocious attack.Arjuna was attacked by Bheeshma,Krupaachaaryudu,Vikarna, Salyaand Duryodhana simultaneously at the same time.but arjuna stood his ground and gave them all a good and stiff fight.he attackked all of them with his powerful arrows.Saathyaki,Virata,Dhrushtadyumna,Abhimanyu,Upapaandavas... All of these stopped and fought with Bheeshma and others.Arjuna turned away from Bheeshma and others and attacked kourava army.most of the army was decapitated and in pieces.Duryodhana could not digest arjunas severe attack against their armies. So he hurt Bheeshma that he was intentionally making the other side win.Bheeshma lost his cool by the ill mannered talk of Duryodhana.
Bheeshma then went to attack Arjuna.Duryodhana,Vikarna,and aswathdhaama went to help him.Pandava warriors came to the help of Arjuna.there was a fierce fight between them.celestial dieties who were observing this war acclaimed that there were no equal warriors to aRjuna and bheeshma . No one was lesser and no was more. They were equally ferocious.
War between Dronachaarydu and Dhrushtadyumna was also fierce.Dhrushtadyumna lost his horses,bows,arrows,powers,body shields,swords in the hands of Drona.at that time ,Bheema enetered and gave Drona a massive fight.king of Kalinga came and attacked Bheema.bheema killed oppositions elephants mercilessly.Bheeshma then faced Bheema.saathyaki came fast and killed charioteer of Bheeshma.chariot horses dragged bheeshma to another wayward place without direction.no one could withstand Bheema.
In the mean time,Lakshmana kumara,son of Duryodhana attacked Aabhimanyu along with krupaachaarya and others.Abhimanyu attacked all of them single handedly without any fear.immediately Arjuna came to his aide.Pandava armies were happy with these developments.Arjuna used his archery in such a way that nothing remained intact in K ourava army.arms,chariots,horses,elephants,warriors... All these were broken to pieces.kourava armies were afraid even to see Arjuna and Krishna on their chariot.they blew their conches,Paanchajanyam and Devadaththam with enthusiasm and eagerness.
Bheeshma turned towards drona and spoke thus.under the supervison of sree krishna Arjuna did whatever maximum damage he could do to us.he was like MahaSiva ,when he opened his third eye.no one can face Arjuna now. As i
Sun is going to set in short time,let us wind up and go to our camps and take rest.
On the second day,Pandava arnies had the upper hand and kouravs were in a dejected mood.
Dharma raju dejected with the developments
Dharmaraju was afraidwith the out come of first days war.he went to see Krishna along with his close personnel.he told him like this.Sree Krishna!Bheeshma,our grand father is destroying our armies with his might.I could not aproperly assess his powers. I thought him to be normal like us.we thought that our Arjuna would give him stiff fight. But he could not with stand him.Bheema has fougt ultimately.in this juncture, I dont know what I am supposed to say.I strongly feel that it wouldbe better if we stop the war now itself.I am unable to think properly. I would act according to your idea.please help me in my hour of indecision.
Sree Krishna answered him soothingly.why are you so sad?I would put an end to your enemies steadily.Dharmaraju acknowledged Dhrutadyumnas valour . He was happy and gave him word that he would do his best to win the war.Dharmaraju also regained his previous calm and composure and requested Dhrushtadyumna to prepare Krouncha vyoohyam,the next day.Dhrushtadyumna gave word that he would act accordingly.Dharmaraju the returned to his camp with hope.
Kouravas gain upper hand on the first day of war
Bheeshma had Durmukhudu,Krupaachaaryudu,kruthavarma,Salyudu,Vivimsathi on either side of him.with their help he attacked kings of paanchaala and kekaya and their armies with
Ightning speed.that place was filled up with broken bows and arrows,heads cut away from bodies rolling on the ground helplessly.he appeared to be like Rudra at the time of destruction of universe.
Then Abhimanyu came and gave stiff fight to Bheeshma.he attacked Salya with five arrows,Kruthavarma with one arrow,and killed thr charioteer of Durmukha.he broke the bow of Vivimsathi.he struck three arrows in to the body of krupaachaarya and broke down the horses with four arrows. He struck bheeshmas body with nine arrows.every one was afraid of his bravery.Bheeshma and others rained arrows at Abhimanyu.Abhimanyu countered them effectively and efficiently and attacked them in return and broke the flag mast of Bheeshma.Pandava armies were happy to see this scene.in the mean time,Bheema came to cover Abhimanyu.then,Bheeshma downed his flag.Bheema attacked Bheeshma with three arrows,Krupa with one arrow and Kruthavarma with eight arrows which struck their bodies effectively.Salya was afraid of Bheemas ruthless massacre.Bheema hit their armies and brought down Salyas charioteer and his horses.
At the same time,Bheeshma was attacked by Saathyaki,Dhrushtadyumna,five kings of KEkaya and Virata.Bheeshma hurt all of them with three arrows each.Uththara kumara came with the army of elephants and attacked salya and killed his horses.then Salya used his powers and killed Uththara kumara.then he killed the elephant on which Uththaraumara came to fight him.Then Krutha varma attacked by Salya. Uththara kumaras brother,sankhudu attacked Salya with his army. But Bheeshma and others countered him effectively.
Then Arjuna came there with lightning speed and attacked Bheeshma.Salya attacked the horses of Sankhudu with his gada.Sankhudu took shelter behind Arjunas chariot.Bheeshma attacked pandava armies mercilessly and they were running away from him.N o one could give him equal fight and contain him.as sun set in the west, war was stopped for that day.Kouravas returned happily and pandavas were dejected with the developments of the day.
Bheeshmas first day of the war
On Duryodhanas advise,Dussaasana ordered his army to march rowards pandavas.Pandavas marched towards Bheeshma.Dussaasana and his brothers targetted Bheema.Nakula,Sahadeva,Abhimanyu,Dhrushtadyumna gave stiff fight to Dussaasana and others.both sides were astonished to see such war.both the armies fought with each other ferociously.It was an hair rising situation.in this war, sounds made by the bells of elephants,whining of horses,sounds made by the swords ricocheted in that area.dust which rose up in to the sky was set right by the urination of elephants and blood that ran as rivulets.
Bheeshma was smashing the armies of Pandavas as if they were like puny little things.then Arjuna attacked Bheeshma.it was a stiff fight.Krutha varma attacked Saathyaki.Abhimanyu attacked king of KOsala.Kosala king attacked Abhimanyus charioteer and he fell down.Abhimanyu then broke his mast flag and his bow.
Bheeshma left Arjuna and attacked Bheema.everyone appreciated the finery and expertise each of them showed during their fight.Nakula broke Dussaasanas bow with his arrows.Dussaasana broke nakulas flag.fight between Durmukha and Sahadeva was interesting.Dharmaraju attacked Salya. Salya broke Dharmarajus bow.then Dharmaraju took another bow and attacked him.
Dushtakethu attacked aged Baahlika.Alambanudu,warrior demon,attacked GHatothkacha.Silhandi fought with aswathdhaama.BHagadaththa and Virata were fighting ferociously.Kekaya king,Bruhathkshathrudu and Krupaachaarya fought like hell. They destroyed each others bows,flagmasts and chariot horses with arrows. Then they got down and resorted to fight with swaords.Drupadudu and jayadhradhudu ie saindhavudu came and fought very seriously.Krupaachaarya and Bruhathkshathrudu came aside,alighted another chariots and went in another direction.every one appreciated the way Vikarna and Dhaamanyu were fighting.fight between
SUsarma...Chekithaanulu,Sakuni...Prathivindhyulu,Sruthasoma...Sudakshina,Iraavanthudu...Sruthaayuvu,VIndaanuvinda...sons of KUnthibhoja,kings of kekayaandgaandhaara,Uththarudu...Deerghabaahuvu and others was interesting.besides these main heroes of the war,war between other chariots,horsemen,warriors on elephants,cavalry,infantry was alos gruesome.
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Sree krishnas preaching to Arjuna
Arjuna tightened his bow and viewed kouravas army.he told Krishna that he wanted to look at those,with whom he was going to fight.he asked Krishna to take the chariot to the centre of both the armies and station it there.Krishna did as requested .Arjuna got down and looked to the enemy side and his side.
He saw his brothers,sons,maternal unlces,grand fathers,teachers,friends and other relatives.he felt it was so cheap to kill all these people just for the sake of kingdom. Ot all appeared meaningless and trash.he turned towards krishna and broke down like this.it is very wrong to kill so many people like this. i cant accept it.kouravs were greedy enough to be ready to kill all these in the war for the sake of petty things.but you and I are reasonable creatures. We know what is right and what is wrong. Then why should entertain such bad things?saying so,he crumbled and sat down on the chariot.he was desperate,desolate,depressed of the consequences.he was full of remorse,sorrow and was crying pitiably.
Sree krishna was astonished at these developments. But quickly he knew what he was supposed to do at that juncture. He started telling him the truth. He gave him right direction. He made his disciple,Arjuna ,understand his responsibility and immediate action.he chided him for thinking aloud like a weakling.he sternly told him to get out of this mood and leap into action and reminded him of his goal.he made him realise that body in perishable. Soul is immortal .Krishna,the god is the master of perennial soul,paramaathma.Arjuna was just a tool in the hands of Sree Krishna. Even if he did not kill his enemies,they were definitely going to die.so,there is nothing wrong if killed them. They were all bad people.he showed his viswaroopam.Arjuna was awestruck .he could not see it for long. He pleaded him to become his normal friend.
Then he requested him to forgive his past mostakes.because thinking to be normal like him,he might have misbehaved.Sree Krishna clarified all his doubts.at last,Arjuna regained his former ability and josh to go for war again.
Dharmarajus obedience towards elders
At that time,Dharmaraju simply got down from his chariot and bowed to bheeshma and walked towards him.his brothers,sreeKrishna,Sathyaki and other close relatives could not understand why he was going towards the enemy camp like that.so,they too followed him silently after getting down from their respective chariots.
Then Sree Krishna told them smilingly that Dharmaraju was going to salute his elders and take their permission to fight against them.if we take elders blessings,we would definitely win the war.Sathyaki and others were aghast hearing those words.accompanied by his brothers and Sree krishna,Dharmaraju went to BHeeshma.
People on kouravas side were surprised to see them approach kouravas.Dharmaraju neared Bheeshma nad bowed to his feet.he told him Iike this. I am going to fight against you.I need your blessings for victory.if you bless me I can defeat my enemy.Bheeshma said he would permit one boon to him. dharmaraju replied him.you think what would be in the best inetrest of me.you please give us tips as how to defeat you in this battle.
Bheeshma told him that it was not the right place to talk such things and asked him to come over leisurely ,at another time.dharmaraju accepted his suggestion.then he went to Drona and rquested the same thing.drona told him that if he heard anything that would hurt him deeply,he would not fight and stop it then and there.then who ever wants to me can kill me.Krupaachaarya told him that he defies death and he cant be killed.but,he blessed them that they should win the battle.
Then,Dharmaraju went to Salya and took his blessings. He then requested him to irritate Karna during war ,while performing the duty of his charioteer,so that karna can not concentrate and be defeated by opponents.salya told him that he already accepted that offer earlier and he would abide by it.
Like this,Dharmaraju took the blessings of all the elders and returned to his side with his brothers.headdressed the opposite side that who ever wanted to come to their side can still cross over and join them.he stated that he would traet them and love them as his own brothers.one of the sons of Dhrutharashtra,named YUYUthsudu ,vrossed over to Pandavas side.Dharmaraju recieved him warmly.he came to this side along with his army.
Dhrushtadyumna forms achala vyoohyam
Dharmaraju turned towards arjuna and asked him this question.dont you feel Kourava army is bigger than ours?Arjuna replied him positively.brother!you know the immaculate efficiency of Bheema when he has the gada,ie mace in his hands and fights the enemy.ferocity and valour of young generation like Abhimanyu is extra ordinary.with your and Krishnas blessings,I feel as if my bow,Gaandeevam has acquired additional wings.you dont know your power. Even celestial dieties can not face you and acclaim victory.Dharmaraju regained his moral strength with these words of Arjuna.he told Arjuna to make a fitting plan to defeat the enemy.Arjuna called Dhrushtadyumna and ordered him to form the army in Achalam vyoohyam.Dhrushtadyumna obliged and formed that plan.
Sikhandi stood facing Bheeshma in the protection of Arjuna.except children and old people,everyonearticated in that famous battle.Sree Krishna and Arjuna blew their conches,Paanchajanyam and Devadaththam.the sound emanating from those conches filled pandava armies with exuberance and enthusiasm.kourava armies shuddered when they heard that recocheting and reverberating sound.as abbd omen ,it rained blood in Kourava army.many bad and d epressing incidents occured to kouravas as an impending destiny.
Bheeshma forms maanusha vyoohamu
Bheeshma reached war field riding a chariot with white umbrella.he brought respect and grace to the Kourava army.Dronaachaarya,Krupaachaarya and Aswathdhaama came and stood eith their armies.Kruthavarma ans pthers also came and stood with their armies.Duryodhana also arrived with his brothers and well wishers.
Bheeshma addressed all the kings and increased their enthusiasm ten fold by his speech.he again reiterated that during his period,Karna ,his sons and well wishers should not participate in the war.once again,Duryodhana acclaimed his decision.he was so firm and always stood his ground.
Bheeshma stood westwards along withDrona in the forefront.,he made krupa,ASwathdhaama,and Salya,Kruthavarmas to stand on both the sides.Baahlika,Somadattha,Bhoorisrava stood behind them.Duryodhana,along with his brothers stood in the centre.Samsapthakas,foes of Arjuna stood at one side.elephants,chariots,horses,cavalry and others stood.like this,Bheeshma formed maanusha vyooham.no one had seen such arrangement earlier. They were all awestruck with his gameplay.celestial creatures like Indra,other dieties,late kings who were then residing in heaven also came to view this great war.they all came in celestial plane and were viewing form the sky.
Dharmaraju came with pomp and grace with his vast army.Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula and Sahadeva were with him.Next to him stood Abhimanyu,upapaandavaas named Prathivindyudu,SRuthasomudu,Sruthakeerthi,Sathaaneekudu,Sruthasenudu.similarly Drupada,Virata,their sons,Saathyaki and other yaadava kings also came enthusiastically.
Before seven akshouhinis of pandavas,Dhrushtadyumna came and stood.it was as if the earth was shuddering while they marched on.like this they came and reache a place called SAmanthapanchaka in Kurukshethra.they stood eastern side facing the kouravas.
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