Friday 27 December 2013

Karna parvamu

Vaisampaayana described the Mahaa Bhaaratha story to Janamejaya king like this.Sanjaya left Kurukshethra and went to Dhrutharashtra.HE saluted Dhrutharashtra and told him the latest developments in the war field.After Dronas demise,Aswthdhaama fought the war. But, when Naarayana asthra of him failed he stopped participating in the war.Duryodhana counselled his people. He asked Aswathdhaama ,regarding what they had to do next.Aswthdhaama told him to continue his trilas to win the war.May be they might succeed.Karna is an able warrior. he has many powerful arms and weapons with him,which were given by gods.So,he might be your trump card in winning the war.Duryodhana was happy to hear those words. HE MADE Karna ,the chief of army officially. Next day. kourava armies entered war field with grea enthusiasm.Karna formed makara vyooham with his army. Seeing that ,Pandavas made ardhachandra vyooham.Dharma raju told Arjuna like this.Karna is the army chief now.He is the sole cause of our difficulties. so,kill him with your arrows.If you kill him,victory wouldbe ours.So,make it happen.Both the armies participated actively in war.Saathyaki,Dhrushtadyumnudu,Chekithaanudu,sons of Droupadi attacked Prabhadra,Kachedi,Paandya,Chola,Magadha,and Vanga countries armies.Bheema attacked kourava armies sitting on an elephant.Kulootha king,Kshemdhoorthi,attacked Bheemasena.Bheema killed him.Pandava armies fought showing all their might.

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