Sunday 29 December 2013

Dharmaraju defeated by Karna

Aswathdhaama took oath that he would not leave his armature until he kills Dhrushtadyumna,the man who killed his father.Dhrushtadyumna,Saathyaki,Nakula,Sahadeva,Bheema,sons of Droupadi attacked Karna.Duryodhana ,along with his brother,came to Karnas rescue.Karna made Saathykai,and Dhrushtadyuman flee from war field.He attacked Dharmaraju.Blood oozed from the body of Dharmaraju.Karna attacked Saathyaki and Sikhandi and broke their chariots.Dharmaraju ran away from the war field driving his chariot,himself.Karna foolwed him and humiliated him like this.Dharmaraju!you are a king.You know what is right and what is wrong.How can you flee from war field and run away from your enemy?war is not fit job for you.If you attack people like me another time,you might face grave situation. so,go home.Otherwise,go TO kRISHNA AND Arjuna and save your self.I would not kill you.Remembering the word given to Kunthi devi,Karna left him.He started killing pandava armies.Dharmaraju was ashamed left that place with adown cast face. Karna then attacked Bheema.Bheema was angry that Karna humiliated his big brother.He told Sathyaki to protect Dharmaraju and started fighting Karna.Karna broke Bheemas bow and planted many arrows in his body. Bheema took another bow and attacked him fiercely.Karna fainted with the injuries and fell down like a dead man. Bheema went to Karna and wanted cut off his tongue because he humilated his brother. But Salya stopped him. he said that Karna just fainted and was not dead. if He cut his tongue ,he would die of heavy bleeding. then,Arjunas promise to kill him would become meaningless.Bheema abeyed his words and went from there.

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