Monday 30 December 2013

Karna massacres many pandava warriors

Karna regained consciousness and again fought with Bheema.Later Bheema went to attack kourava army with his gada.Karna followed Dharmaraju to fight with him.Again Bheema AND kARNA IVOLVED IN A SEVERE FIGHT.tHERE WAS GREAT LOSS OF ARMY,WARRIORS,HORSES AND ELEPHANTS ON both the sides. Duryodhana attacked Nakula and Sahadeva and they could not give him equal fight.Observing it,Dhrushtadyumna went to their help.ferocious war ensued between ,Duryodhana and Dhrushtadyumna.Dhrushtadyumna killed his charioteer,horses and broke his bow,chariot,flag mast and gada.Then Duryodhanas brother,Dandadhaarudu came to his rescue.He took him on to his chariot and took him away from the war field.Karna was fighting with Sathyaki at that time. But Karna went to fight with Dhrushtadyumna seeing Duryodhanas plight.But Saathyaki did not leave Karna but attacked him.War between both the army chiefs was ferocious and hair rising. Sons of Paanchaala,Vyaaghrakethu,Susarma,Sukla,Chithra,Ugraayudha,Jaya,Rochamaana and Simhasena attacked Karna collectively.Karna killed all of them.He killed Chedi warriors,Jishnu,Jishnusarma,Devaapi,Bhadradanda,Chithra,Chithraayudha,Hari,Simhakethu,Rochamaana,Salabha and other great warriors.Every one praised Karna that his valour was most marked and greater than Bheeshma and Dronas.Many warriors from Pandava army were attacking Karna. Bheema was killing Kourava army mercilessly.

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