Tuesday 17 December 2013

war during fourth night of Dronas captaincy

Pandavas and kouravas were fighting on the night of fourth day of Dronas captaincy.Karna was fighting with Sahadeva and destroyed his chariot.Sahadeva was helpless. then Karna went to him and humilated him in this hashion.never attack an enemy who is more powerful than you.see,Arjuna is fighting with kourava army . go and take shelter behind him.just because,Karna gave word to his mother that he would not kill other pandavas except Arjuna,he released Sahadeva. Sahadeva was ashamed and alighted another and went away.like this both sides for involved in duels and fight in groups.Saathyaki attacked Karna.Karna came to Duryodhana and told him that they would kill Sathyaki in the same fashion as when they Abhimanyu. Duryodhana gave his assent.they thought that Sathyaki deth would immensely help them in achieving the victory.Duryodhana sent Sakuni to help them.Karna and Duryodhana attacked Sathyaki along with other kourava warriors.Sathyaki was at his best on that night. he killes and massacred infantry,horses,elephants in so many different and unique ways.Arjuna ,Sathyaki and DHRUSHTADYUMNA WERE ATTACKING kourava armies in such a fashion that they were all running away from the war field. Arjuna wanted to attack Karna.he directed SREE Krishna to go to Karna.but Sree Krishna gave him his line of thought. demons will have more energy and strength during nights than humans.So,it would be better if we send Ghatothkacha to attack Karna. we can attack other Kourava armies.they called Ghatothkacha and told him that Karna was attacking pandava armiesferociously.if you show your might ,he can not withstand your demons vigour.because we are fighting during night,victory to you is imminent and sure.so,go and win over Karna for today.Arjuna also gave his consent.Ghatothkacha was happy to put into action their advise.he attacked Karna with renewed vigour. Karna could not equal him,however he tried. Ghatothkacha broke the bow of Karna.

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