Tuesday 24 December 2013

Ghatothkacha KILLEDE BY kARNA

Sree Krishna called Ghatothkacha ,who was fighting with Karna.he told him to fight with Alaayudha and kill him. Ghatothkacha went and fought with Alaayudha. there was a fierce fight between them.Ghatothakacha killed Alaayudha and hurled his head in front of Duryodhana.Kouravas thought that Alaayudha,being a demon,would kill pandavas but he himself was killed by Ghatothkacha.Then Ghatothkacha went and attacked Karna who was destroying Pandava army. Ghatothkacha became invisible along with his chariot. kouravas were afraid in what way and whom he would attack next.he showered arrows on kouravas.Karna did not know how to control Ghatothkacha. as his strength was depleting,Ghatothkachas strength was renewing.Duryodhana and others advised Karna to use his specialpowers,given by Indra to kill Ghatothkacha.Otherwise they would all be killed by the demon.by that time,Karnas chariot was broken by Ghatothkacha and he was rushing at him with his gada.so,Karna had no other go than to use his special powers to kill Ghatothkacha. that powere released by Karna killed the demon mercilessly.kouravas celebrated the death of Ghatothkacha.pandavas went into dorrow. but Krishna blew his conch in happiness and hugged Arjuna.Arjuna was aghast at the response of Krishna to Ghatothkachas death. he questioned Krishna the reason for his happiness.

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