Wednesday 25 December 2013

fifth day of Dronas captaincy...Dronas assasination

On the fifth day ,Drona attacked Pandava armies in such a fashion that they were all running away from the war field.He killed Drupadas grandsons,Kekaya kings,Drupada and Virata kings. as soon as sun rose in the East,both sides completed their morning chores and started the fight. Fight between Drona and Arjuna was hair raising.Drona released celestial and powerful arrows and they were equally nullified by Arjuna.Then Drona started attacking pandava armies and Arjuna attacked kourava was midafternoon.Sree Krishna observed the entire scene.Sree Krishna told to Pandavas that they can not win in that state. unless,Drona stops participating in the war,they had no chances of winning.If any one among them told him that his son,Aswathdhaam was killed in the war,then he would stop fighting.then,it would be easy for them to kill him.Every one accepted the idea except Arjuna.Dharmaraju was sorry for this turn of events. then ,Bheema reached Drona and told aloud that he killed Aswathdhaama and told elephant in a low voice. it was the truth because ,he had killed an elephant named Aswathdhaama earlier that day.Drona was aghast hearing this news. At that time,great sages like Viswamithra,Bharadhwaaja and others came and told him like this. you are a Brahmin.You fought till now. It is enough.your time is up.Stop this war and be peaceful. saying these words,they disappeared. Drona heard their words and BHEEMAS words and started moving forward.He came across. he remembered that Dhrushtadyumna was born to kill him. He questioned Dharmaraju as to the truth of Bheemas claim of killing Aswathdhaama.Sree Krishna told Dharmaraju that to save his people from the wrath of Drona ,he had to ascertain the words of Bheema.Dharmaraju told him aloud that Aswathdhaam died,and slowly in low voice ,elephant.Drona became standstill and dumb.he shrivelled and shrunk. Dhrushtadyumna attacked him at that point. Drona told Dhrushtadyumna to move away from him.Drona participated in was as a captain for four days,one night ,and for twenty gadiyas on the fifth day.he killed twenty thousand warriors.he called Karna,Krupaachaarya, and Duryodhana by their names and told them his mind.You always tell me to war still more and still more intense fashion.Idid to my capacity.Now I donot want to participate in war. I want to end my life.Saying this,he released his bow and arrows.he advised them to live their lives with knowledge and intelligence. he sat on the ground in squatting position and started his penance in a calm and composed manner.Dhrushtadyumna walked to him with his sword.Drona was released from his life.In spite of Arjunas warnings and Dharmarajus pleas that it was wrong,he beheaded Drona.kourava armies ran away.Duryodhana became dull with this incident.

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