Tuesday 19 November 2013

Fourth of Drona as army chief

On fourth day kourava armies reache battle ground.Drona told Saindhava to stay withBhoorisravudu,Karna,Salya,Aswathdhaama,Vrushasenudu and krupaachaarya.he would make a master plan.he wouldstay three yojaans away from the main vyooham.even dieties can not find him.how can pandavas find you and reach you,he said.he formed sakata vyooham of twelve gavyoothula length and five gavyoothula breadth.to its west,he formed Padma vyooham.from the centre of padma vyooham. He formed an arrow vyooham.at the starting point ofsoochee vyooham,ie arrows tip,he made Kruthavarma,king of Kaambhoaja to stand . Behind them,ten thousand warriors stood.at the end of the arrow, he made saindhava to stand.not only humans,but also dieties praised his talent in forming the vyoohams.Drona achaarya stood at the entrance of sakata vyooham.
Bad omens appeared among kourava armies.
Arjunacame to the warfield with shining armour and fluttering flag with hanumantha as its symbol. No one could see his glitter and contain it.remainig pandava army formedanother vyooham.Dussaasana could not defeat Arjuna and ran away from there.Arjuna followed him.Sree Krishna felt that they should not waste their time in petty things,because they had huge goal to achieve beforesunset.so,his chariot went circumscribing DRona.DRona made fun fun of Arjuna that without defeating his enemy he is going the other way.but Arjuna told him that he was not their enemy,but their teacher.and that too the are fact was that even dieties can not face him andwin when he is in that position.so,he can not win over Drona.saying so,he went forward.
King of kaambhoja ,Sudakshina gave him a fight but was killed in the hands of Arjuna.Arjuna killed sixthousand charioteers.he also killed princes,Deerghaayuvu and N iyathaayuvu. It looked as if his chariot was like mandhara mountain churning the  sea of milk.
Duryodhana was upset with these developments.he went to frona and showed his annoyance and unhappiness towards drona. He told like this.Aachaaryaa!you are partial towards pandavas. Saindhava believed in you that you would protect him from Arjuna and came to the war field.but we are all wrong . You work for us but you are their well wisher.you are like sword covered with honey.Drona also repleid him in his own way.do you really think that Ican control Arjuna in this mood of destruction?I am not that much capable.I gave you word that Iwould capture Dharmaraju alive and hand over to you.I am immersed in that operation.  You take the help others and go. Control Arjuna.DRona then said that he would give Duryodhana a body shield with special powers. No arms ,arrows can harm or hurt him. Duryodhana was happy and wore that body shield and went with a large army to face Arjuna.
Both the armies were fighting like tooth and nails,fiercely.
Arjunas archery and krishnas charioteering were superb .Arjuna started moving towards Saindhava,Arjuna told sree krishna that the horses tied to the chariot were tired. Arrows which were struck in their bodies were paining them.they were thirsty also. So,he told krishna to  unfasten them from the chariot,remove the arrows from their bodies,attend to theri injuries and give them some rest.during that time ,he would war with enemies standing on the ground. It was no problem to him.Sree krishna was also of the same opinion. So,he gladly took them away from there.kouravas thought it would be dead easy for them to defeat Arjuna because he was on the ground and fighting.
But reverse happened. He made them lick the ground. He attacked them in such a manner that dead bodies of kouravas,their horses,elephants, infantry,warriors formed little hillocks. He used powerful arrows,named bhalla,ardhachandra,naaraacha,aadibhedamulu.

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