Tuesday 5 November 2013

Both sides ready for the war!

One night,Dhrutharashtra called for sanjaya.sanjaya came. dhrutharashtra told him like this.Sanjaya!I know that bad is going to happen with this war.but I cant stop it.hwatever is destined to happen will happen.nothing is in our hands.both the groups arenow stationed at kurukshethra.I want to know what is happening there.
Dharmaraju called for Dhrushtadyumna and told him that war is going to start from the next day.he wanted it to be known to theentire army and its chiefs.ever one was eager for the battle.dhrushtadyumna was very happy that he got his chance now to fight Drona and defeat him.sikhandi was happy that he got his chance to kill Bheeshma.dhrushtadyumna told the army to be get set and ready for the war. Similarly Duryodhana also informed his armies to be ready for the. Attle the very next day.
Sanjaya told his king ,Dhrutharashtra that both the parties were ready for war.
dhrutharashtra could not sit calm and composed.he had many doubts.he asked Sanjaya an important question.can bheeshma defeat ARjuna?
To that question ,sanjaya pacified him like this.Bheeshma gave word to Duryodhana that as long as he fought,he would save him and his armies.I would protect you,,he said.Duryodhana also was confident that their grand father would take them to victory. He need not fear defeat.

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