Wednesday 13 November 2013

Bheeshmas war on the ninth day

Next day kourava armies reached the battle field.Bheeshma formed sarvatho bhadra vyjoohyam that day.on Arjunas request,Dhrushtadyumna formed dala vyoohyam .both the. Armies fought like hell.bheeshma fought with Abhimanyu.Abhimanyu answered them in full swing.then Arjuna came and attacked was very difficult for them to face Arjuna.Dharmaraju could not fight equally with Bheeshma and cried for help.kourava armies ran away from the battle field leaving their chariots,bows,arrows,swords and other arms.Bheeshma attacked Arjuna.
Duryodhana sent Sakuni and Dussasana to help Bheeshma.bheeshma was smashing pandava armies.every one panicked and no one had the fire to face him.even arjuna became dull.on Sree krishnas instigation,he attacked Bheeshma.Bheeshma attacked Arjuna and krishna with sharp arrows and  injured them bodily.even then arjuna did not get angry.seeing this Krishna lost his temper. He got down from his chariot and ran up to bheeshma.kourava armies were spell bound with these developments.
Bheeshma welcomed him with open arms.I like this move of ypurs. Please put an end to my  life he Pleaded.

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