Saturday 16 November 2013

Second day of Drona at war

Next day ,both the armies entered war field.Drona told duryodhana like this.I told you that I can not capture dharmaraju if Arjuna is in the see that arjuna is not ear by.then I will catch Dharmaraju comfortably.
Then king Thrigartha ,Susarma talked in this manner.would it be okay for if we divert and take away Arjuna far away from Drona and engage him in stiff fight at a far off place?Duryodhana was happy with their suggestion.ten thousand members who were very good warriors formed a battalion.they were intent on defeating and destroying Arjuna.kings of THundi,Kerala,Malava,SIleendra,Magadha,Machchillika,and AAdi kings also joined them.they all performed religious baths and did homas. They took solemn oath before the fire that they would kill Arjuna.they uttered samsaapamulu,ie curses and oaths to this effect.that is why they are called samsapthaka ganaas.all of them stood apart with their armies and planned to lure arjuna for a fight afar from the warfield.
Drona formed the garudga vyooham and he stood at the point of its nose.kings of Thrigartha and other samsapthakas stood aside on the southern side of the remaining armies and calld Arjuna for war.Arjuna saluted his brother took his permission  and went towards them to,their plan to distance Dharmaraju and Arjuna succeeded without much problem and kouravs were happy.Dharmaraju observed that kouravas formed krounche vyooham and he told Dhrushtadyumna to form Mandalaardha vyooham.both the sides attcked foercely.Dhrushtadyumna attacked Drona.DRona feltbelittled to fight with Dhrushtadyumna. So ,he went to fight with Paanchaala armies.
Thrigartha and other Samsapthakas stood in the form of halfmoon. They were happy that they got chance to kill the fierce fight that ensued ,Arjuna killed fifteen thousand charioteers.he kiiled two thousand warriors.Sree krishna dircted the chariot as per the mind of Arjuna in a fantastic and efficient manner.dieties who were observing this from the skies were happy to see this war.Arjuna used an arrow which was given to him by the diety,named , the use of that arrow,every one would appear to be like Arjuna to the other person. As a result of it, armies fought among themselves and killed their persons this,Arjuna was fighting with so many samsapthakas at the same time.

In the mean time,Drona was attacking Dharmarajus armies.Drona was at his est and he was following Dharmaraju wherever he went.Drona killed Sumithra and attacked other warriors with his powerful arrows.pandava armies were running away from him.Duryodhana was very happy with these developments. He sharedhis views with Karna.see,who can defeat Drona ,while in full form?see Bheema.he is desperate.he too would run away from Drona.Karna denied this statement of Duryodhana . He told that bheema was not such a weakling.before bbheema gets control of the situation.they had to go and help Drona.thinking that pandavas lost the battle,we should not sit idle.hearing these words of caution.Duryodhana helped Drona with his armies.war was becomuni more interesting minute by was a gruelling fight.Drona attcaked Dhrushtadyumna and irritated him that time. Bhagadaththa alighted an elephant named Supratheekam and attcaked Bheema.there was an uproar that Bheema was killed by an elephant. Dharma raju heard that and felt sorry. He got angry and attcked Bhagadaththa with force.pandava armies got scattered by the chaos creatd by the elephant,Supratheekam.neither Bheema nor sbhimanyu control that elephant.they did not know what to do. Arjuna observed this commotion. Ar that time he was fighting with samsapthakas. But he told sree Krishna to turn the chariot towards the  normal army so that he could help his brothers from the firce elephant,Supratheeka. He pretty well knew that his people can not control it and there would be much loss to their armies if he did not go to their rescue at the right time.
sree krishna turned the charoit and went near SUpratheeka and Bhagadaththa.Arjuna attacked them with sharp arrows.that elephant got angry and rushed towards Arjuna with fierce force and speed.every one there thought that the elephant killed both arjuna and krishna.but Sree krishna side stepped his chariot at the last second. The elephant went and destroyd their armies.Arjuna felt humilated for the act of sree Krishna,but kept quiet without saying anything. He requested Krishna to dirct the chariot towards the elephant.

Bhagadaththa attcaked sree Krishna with arrows.Arjuna lost temper and attacked bhagadaththa with his arrows. He broke Bhagadaththas bow and injured his body.Bhagadaththa attacked Arjuna and made his crown fall to the ground.

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