Tuesday 5 November 2013

Karna and Bheeshma are at daggers

Karna was very angry hearing these words of insult levelled at him by bheeshma and Drona.he lashed out at them.is it right on your part to belittle me like this,just because you are an elderly parson?why ae you calling me ardharadha?what are you gonig to gain by making me ashame like this.I am controlling myself just because of my friend,Duryodhana and nothing else.according to me,you are also an ardharadha,because of your strength and valour as an old man.
Then Karna towards others in the assembly and continued like this.he is talking like this. How can anyone say he is our wellwisher.who can tolerate such statements from himWhat is his strength. He is an old man. What if  we shun him from the battlefield. It would not be a loss to us.he is in favor of Arjuna. He would not help us in any way.he is such a man ,I know pretty well. That is why I am again saying that as long as he is in the battle field ,I would not participate.
Bheeshma ,too,did not keep quiet. He too replied.you ask your teacher,Parasuraama ,about my strength and valour and let know.all the world what has happened to those who went against me.
Arjuna would definitely know  my aged strength and your youthful strength.
Just because you made fun of my old age,I am forced to tell about my valour to the full assembly.Kouravas came to this pathetic end. Because of your valor only.how can we solve this problem?just showing cause that I have belittled you,you are moving out of the active war.but,Arjuna would not leave you. Soon you would be a dead man.peolpe who still are alive after this war would  be eyewitness to that fact.i dont want to drag this and have a fight with you. This is neither the appropriate time nor the place for it.
Bheeshma lost his cool,and turned the otherside and was silent.Duryodhana interrviened and pacified him.os it justified on your part to have anger at this juncture? You see the. Agnani ity of the problem and ignore karna.turning to Karna,he pleaded him not to prolong this feud still further. Because he required the help of both to win in this war.

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