Bheeshma was smashing the armies of Pandavas as if they were like puny little things.then Arjuna attacked was a stiff fight.Krutha varma attacked Saathyaki.Abhimanyu attacked king of KOsala.Kosala king attacked Abhimanyus charioteer and he fell down.Abhimanyu then broke his mast flag and his bow.
Bheeshma left Arjuna and attacked Bheema.everyone appreciated the finery and expertise each of them showed during their fight.Nakula broke Dussaasanas bow with his arrows.Dussaasana broke nakulas flag.fight between Durmukha and Sahadeva was interesting.Dharmaraju attacked Salya. Salya broke Dharmarajus bow.then Dharmaraju took another bow and attacked him.
Dushtakethu attacked aged Baahlika.Alambanudu,warrior demon,attacked GHatothkacha.Silhandi fought with aswathdhaama.BHagadaththa and Virata were fighting ferociously.Kekaya king,Bruhathkshathrudu and Krupaachaarya fought like hell. They destroyed each others bows,flagmasts and chariot horses with arrows. Then they got down and resorted to fight with swaords.Drupadudu and jayadhradhudu ie saindhavudu came and fought very seriously.Krupaachaarya and Bruhathkshathrudu came aside,alighted another chariots and went in another direction.every one appreciated the way Vikarna and Dhaamanyu were fighting.fight between
SUsarma...Chekithaanulu,Sakuni...Prathivindhyulu,Sruthasoma...Sudakshina,Iraavanthudu...Sruthaayuvu,VIndaanuvinda...sons of KUnthibhoja,kings of kekayaandgaandhaara,Uththarudu...Deerghabaahuvu and others was interesting.besides these main heroes of the war,war between other chariots,horsemen,warriors on elephants,cavalry,infantry was alos gruesome.
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