Wednesday 13 November 2013

Eighth day of Bheeshma at war!

On the eighth day both the armies came with much enthusiasm. bheeshma formed his army in the shape of koormaavathaara ie tortoise.Dhrushtadyumna formated his army in Srungaataka vyoohyam.bheeshma dived into the pandava army like a blade.Bheema killed the charioteer of Bheeshma.his horses dragged Bheeshma aimlessly,kourava army was terrified withhis development.pandavas were happy.then,YIraavanthudu,son pf Arjuna and Vuloochi went into Kourava army with his cavalry.he fought in an astonishing manner with bravery.even when his horse died,yiraavanthdu battled ferociously with his enemies.demon named Alambusudu attacked him using his magical powers.Yiraavanthudu broke his bow. Using his magicalowers too.Yiraavanthudu attacked Alambusuduin the form of a snake. Then Alambusudu took to the form of an eagle and killed him.

Yiraavanthudu is thebrother of Ghatothkacha. So he got angry and attacked Alambusudu.they foughtferociously.DUryodhana and king of vangadesa attacked him.fight between Duryodhana and Ghatothkacha was hair rising.he evaded the arrows of Drona and others and was doing war from the sky.he was using his magical powers. As a result ,kourava armies would see Duryodhana and others brutally bruised and in helpless condition.seeing this,kourava armies were turning their backs.even when Bheeshma tried to tell them that it was only magic and an one believed his words.
Duryodhana humiliated Bheeshma that even when he was on their side,they had to taste bitter defeat.

Bheeshma then told Bhagadaththa that magical powers of demons would not affect him in the least. So ,he directed him to go fight with theenemy. Bheeshma went to fight with pandavas.war between Bhagadaththa and Ghatothkacha was severe.Duryodhana and others came to the aide of Bhagadaththa.Arjuna came to Ghatothkachas aide and killedkourava army mercilessly.

Bheema informed Arjuna about the demise of Yiraavanthudu. Arjuna was demoralised with this information and was sorrowful. He gave up his arms and sat down. Sree krishna looked at him and smiled meaningfully.Arjuna understood his intention and revived himself with enthusiasm.he got up and told Sree Krishna to move into the warfield. There he he showed his valour.Arjuna was attacked by Bhagadaththa,Bheeshma and Drona.Bheema was doing war with Drona and killed Kundabhedi andother seven of Duryodhanas brothers.kouravas were afraid and ranaway.

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