Tuesday 5 November 2013

Dharmaraju decides to war

Sree Krishna reached Upaplaavyamu.he told Dharmaraju that Kouravas were not willing for peace and truce. So,war is inevitable.they were proud people with misguided conceptions. How can they look and think right?he told waht has happened at the assembly of Kouravas.
Dharmaraju asked his brothers about their opinion regarding war.they too confirmed to go for war.finally,Dharmaraju also agreed to go for war.they then,started to plan for the war.they had to make a man army chief who was capable of defeating bheeshma in the war.Arjuna suggested dhrushtadyumna to be made the army chief.he is born with the sole intention of assassinating Drona.he is a great warrior.he can give equal fight to bheeshma too.Sikhandi is death personified for Bheeshma.so,Sikhandi would be given the post ofdandanaayaka.Sree krishna too accepted these suggestions.next day in full assmebly drushtadyumna was made the army chief and drupada the leader of the akshouhini.
They decided to halt at Kurukshethram for the war.it was the duty of Arjuna to protect the army chief and other military leaders.they started to go to the war field with all the pomp and eagerness.
Pandavas and their sons went to Sree krishna and Droupadi and took their blessings.
Dharmaraju alighted his charriot studded with pearls and precious stones.Arjuna also alighted his chariot and his chariotteer was Sree krishna. Then arjuna blew his conch,devadaththam.similarly bheema,nakula,Sahadeva,and their sons ,too came and got up on to their chariots and blew their conches in unision.
It was anice and gigantic view to be seen and appreciated.

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