Tuesday 12 November 2013

Bheeshmas fourth day of the war

 On the fourth day they fought in different and unique ways.Bheeshma and Arjuna fought in many ways.abhimanyu fought with DRona bravely.no one could control that boy.Arjuna cameto his aide.son of Salya was coming on to Abhimanyu ,but DHrushtadyumna attacked him in time.Salyas son died with the injury caused on his head by gada.
Dhrutharashtra was dejected with these developments ,which were told to him by SAnjaya.he told like this in desperate mood.what can we do?everything is in the hands of God.suffering is for us and victory is for Pandavas.just because of Duryodhanas corrupt mind,I am made to face this situation now.we are unable to think of ways to defeat Pandavas.this statement of Dhrutharashtra proves that he is not really repenting his sons move inwards. He still wants to win this war.
Sanjaya advised him to hearhis sayings in a composed manner.Salya lost his temper seeing his sons demise on the war field. He attacked Dhrushtadyumna with ferocity.Abhimanyu came to the rescue of Dhrushtadyumna.Duryodhana instigated king of magadha,who had elephants in his army,to attack Bheema.Bheema went forward killing the elephants of magadha. Then. king of magadha attacked abhimanyu.Then,Abhimanyu killed the king with a single arrow.Kourava army army was running away from Bheemas attack.
Bheema lost his consciousness by the arrow attcaked at him by Duryodhana.Abhimanyu got angry with this and he attacked Duryodhana and his army mercilessly.Bheema got up after sometime and attacked them with fervour.kouravs were afraid of Bheemas aggressiveness.no one could face him.then brothers of Duryodhana,army chiefs,Sushena,jalasandha and fourteen others attacked Bheema simultaneously. But Bheema killed  all of them with in no time.other warriprs ran away from Bheema.Bheeshma encouraged them to givea goodfight and he himself came to fight Bheema.

Bhagadaththais the son of Naraka.Naraka won over Indra at one time and brought one celestial elephant fromIndraprastha. That elephantwas with Bhagadaththa.so,bhagadaththacame on that elephant and was  engaged in fierce massacre of pandava army.Ghatotjkacha came to the help of his father,Bheema.then Ghatothkacha spun magic where in it would look as if indra himself had come to fight the armies ,with thousand eyes and vajraayudham,alighted on his elphant,airaavatham.likehis,he put check to bhagadaththas attack.Bhagadaththas elephant lost its control and was running aimlessly and killing kourava armies.kouravs were in desperate position.they could not control Ghatothkacha.by evening,they put full stop to fourth days war.

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