Thursday 7 November 2013

Bheeshma forms maanusha vyoohamu

Bheeshma reached war field riding a chariot with white umbrella.he brought respect and grace to the Kourava army.Dronaachaarya,Krupaachaarya and Aswathdhaama came and stood eith their armies.Kruthavarma ans pthers also came and stood with their armies.Duryodhana also arrived with his brothers and well wishers.
Bheeshma addressed all the kings and increased their enthusiasm ten fold by his speech.he again reiterated that during his period,Karna ,his sons and well wishers should not participate in the war.once again,Duryodhana acclaimed his decision.he was so firm and always stood his ground.
Bheeshma stood westwards along withDrona in the forefront.,he made krupa,ASwathdhaama,and Salya,Kruthavarmas to stand on both the sides.Baahlika,Somadattha,Bhoorisrava stood behind them.Duryodhana,along with his brothers stood in the centre.Samsapthakas,foes of Arjuna stood at one side.elephants,chariots,horses,cavalry and others this,Bheeshma formed maanusha one had seen such arrangement earlier. They were all awestruck with his gameplay.celestial creatures like Indra,other dieties,late kings who were then residing in heaven also came to view this great war.they all came in celestial plane and were viewing form the sky.

Dharmaraju came with pomp and grace with his vast army.Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula and Sahadeva were with him.Next to him stood Abhimanyu,upapaandavaas named Prathivindyudu,SRuthasomudu,Sruthakeerthi,Sathaaneekudu,Sruthasenudu.similarly Drupada,Virata,their sons,Saathyaki and other yaadava kings also came enthusiastically.
Before seven akshouhinis of pandavas,Dhrushtadyumna came and was as if the earth was shuddering while they marched this they came and reache a place called SAmanthapanchaka in Kurukshethra.they stood eastern side facing the kouravas.

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