Tuesday 19 November 2013

Arjuna takes oath to kill SAindhava

Arjuna feels ineasy tjat something drastic and bad hashappened to their people.so he told of his hunch to Sree Krishna .both went to Dharmarajus camp.there they saw everyone except Abhimanyu.arjuna was in to shock. He questioned them if they sent Abhimanyu into the padmavyooham created by drona.because Abhimanyu only how to go inside .he does not know how to come out succesfully.he wept for the death of his beloved son. He blamed his brothers and other warriors for sending him alone into padmavyooham.Sree krishna pacified him.Arjuna fainted hearing the way Abhimanyu was killed in the war.Dharmaraju and sree Krishna attended to him and he revived.
Arjuna was ferocious and he took oath to the effect that he would kill saindhava before sun set,the next day. Of not,he would die along with his gaandeevam ,going into the fire.he held his gaandeevam and tuned its stirngs.sree Krishna and Arjuna blew their conches,paanchajanyam and devadaththam.
Saindhava losteace hearing this news from their agents.he went to duryodhanaand asked like this. i was not the only one who killed Abhimanyu by deceit. All of you were involved.then why should Arjuna decide to kill me alone tomorrow? I am afraid.I would go away to some secret place and hide there till everything cools down.but kouravas did notagreeforit. They gave word to him that they would protect him at all costs. He should notleave the battlefield on any pretext.
Dharmaraju talked to his brothers appropriately and sent them to their camps.sree krishna and arjuna stayed back.Krishna questione Arjuna,why he had taken that highly iossible oath ofkillong saindhava before sunset,the next day.it was very difficult to accomplish.Arjuna smiled and told that while Drona and other KOurava warriors would see,he would decapitate saindhava mercilessly.
Bad omens appeared foreboding the destruction of infantry,cavalry,elephants ,kings and warriors.in the kourava camps,winds at high speed blew,with dry thunders and lightning,foreboding bad luck to them. Elephants and horses wept,tears running down their eyes.kings and warriors were afraid seeing these bad omens .

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