Sunday 24 November 2013

Arjuna brings water from the ground to quench the thirst of his horses

Sree. Krishna told Arjuna that he had removed the arrows from the bodies of horses. He attended to their injuries.they have to drink water and unless they relax in water up to their backs, they can not revive fully  and help you win todays war.Arjuna was astonished that simple water bath can do wonders to the horses.then he split the ground with his arrows and made a pond.he formed a barrack outlining the pond. Then he made water spring from the ground,by his arrows.kourava armies were astonished to see this arrangement in the middle of the warfield.dieties also praised Krishna and Arjuna that they too disnever see such a thing earlier.Sree. Krishna made his horses drink that water, massaged them for sometime. And made them relax in the pond. Later,he madethem eat thegrass that sprinkled  outby the effect of Arjunas arrows.then they were tied to the that time,Duryodhana was coming towards them.
Duryodhana instigated Arjuna. And fight with him. He was confident because ,he had the body shield given by Drona  to him.when Arjuna directed his arrows at him,theywere not injuring him.even when hewas attacking himwith full force, they were not showing any effect.Sree. Krishna was also awe struck by seeing this .then arjunatold himthat Drona might have given this body shield with mystical powers to duryodhana.saying this he  started usinfpgthearrowwhich would break open anytypeofbodyshield.but Aaswathdhaama attacked withan arrow which would destroy all types of mystical arrows.Sree Krishna told arjuna to use that arrow again .but Arjuna told that it could not be used the second time.he said even without that powerful arrow,he would belittle and attack Duryodhana.Arjuna then killed Duryodhanas charioteer,his horses,broke his chariot and injured his hands by striking at his hands with arrows.duryodhana was disillusioned with these adverse developments even whilehe wore that mystical powered body shield. So,he removed that shield. In that moment,Arjuna attacked him afresh and duryodhana ran away fromfrom warfield.Arjuna could not becontrolled by kourava armies. Sree krishna blew his conch in happiness.

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