Tuesday 26 November 2013

Bhoorisravudu killed by Saathyaki

In the mean time,Bhoorisrava came toSaathyaki and told that he would kill him.saathyaki also gave fitting reply to him and both started their fight.but in the ensuing fight,Bhoorisrava had the upper hand. Seeing that,krishna urged Arjuna to go to his help.by that time, Bhoorisrava attacked saathyaki and saathyaki was lying on the ground and Bhoorisrava held his sword ready to kill saathyaki.
On krishnas instigation,though ,he personally did not like it,Arjuna released a sharp arrow at bhoorisravas held up hand to cut it.Bhoorisrava accused him of foul play. I did not even look at you. I was fighting with Saathyaki. Did krishna instigate you to do such an inappropriate act? He questioned.
Arjuna replied him back like this. The way you people killed Abhimanyu was also not justifiable.saying so,Arjuna defeated Bhoorisrava.arjuna felt very sorry for the way he killed elderly person,all because ,he was a kshathriya and his cause was noble.so,he requested bhoorisrava to understnad him and prayed that he go to swargaloka on demise.
Then ,bhoorisrava relieved saathyaki and spread arrows on the ground and adopting yoga,he wanted to take away his life.he sat on the arrows and attained yogabut  status. But saathyaki got up and still angry ,beheaded Bhoorisrava,inspite of pleadings from Krishna,arjuna,bheema andAswathdhaama not to do it.Bhoorisrava went to heaven while all the dieties praised him.saathyaki was adamant and justified his attack saying that they behaved like that only when they killed Abhimanyu ,previously.one section accepted his justification,and another section decried his doing.

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