Thursday 24 October 2013

Sree Krishna talks to Kouravas

Next day morning,kriishna started for the assembly along with Kruthavarma and saathyaki.Duryodhana came along with Sakuni,Karna and Dussaasana to see srre Krishna.they were gossipping ,nothing in particular. In the mean time,they got the message that Dhrutharaashtra was waiting for their arrival to start the assembly.they all left for the royal assembly.Vidura came to recieve them.before sitting down on his chair,sree Krishna looked up and saw the sages and  Narada there in the sky. He told of their presence to Bhesshma and said that they had to honor them,because they came to see these proceedings.allw ere excited to know that. Theys tood up with reverence and offered them water and fruits and made them sit comfortably.
Sree Krishna then got up and started to talk.Dhrutharashtra! There is nothing that you dont know.but it is my duty tell what is right and what is wrong  to you.that is why I came all the way.kouravas And Pandavas should mix and mingle like water and milk.your behaviour should be according to that.pandu Rajuadnd you are good natured brothers.your sons are also great warriors and popular fellows.why are you crossing these limits now?you are the eldest member of the family.I feel strongly that Kouravas and Pandavas should stay together with love and tell both the parties to be see that peace prevails. Who ever suffer in this conflict,they are tour people only.loss is yours,who ever may win in this battle.
pandavas lost theri father early in their child hood. You looksed after their it right to leave them in themiddle abruptly?
Thay asked me convey their feelings like this.father, we underwent Aranyavaasa,and ajnaatha vaasa are our  father,mother and relation. Be kind enough to give back our due kingdom tous.god only can sort this out amicably.
Dhrutharashtra! I too feel similarly.give back their right ful share of kingdom to pass on your share to your sons.tell your sons not to be greedy. Once you complete this process in an amicable atmosphere,pandavas would be your people.they would serve you.otherwise they would wage a war against decide what is best for you.

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