Thursday 17 October 2013

Karna gets angry

Then Dhrutharashtra interveined.he told his eldest son like me,elders like Baahlikudu,Bheeshma and others are all similarly important to you as i am to is your bound duty to pay heed to their adivices.i am requesting you to do so.please hand over to Dharmaraju ,their rightful share of kingdom.he advised him again and again but to no avail. He lost his temper. Dhrutharashtra started scolding his son.your line of thinking is completely wrong. It is not a correct cant extend your arm after breaking it.wher was your strength and valour when arjuna defeated you earlier?where did they keep their valour at the time of uththara gograhana and dakshina gograhana.even Karna was accompanying him at that time.dont behave in high handed manner. He turned towards Karna and told these words. Showing off of their talent in archery,droupadi swayamvaram,uththara gograhanam ...these ar all trivial fights when compared to ensuing would be completely fierce and grotesque. Are these developments good to you.all these are going to end with duryodhanas demise. Karna lost temper with these words. He directed his answers towards bheeshma and told so.i would not help you in the time of war.unless you stop active fight inwr, i would not start. Karna then left his arms and left the assembly abruptly. Bheeshma then made fun of karna that what else could Karna do than leave in the middle of a dialogue.karna never went back on his words.then bheeshma sarcastically mentioned that how could pandavas live on thise arth when there is such a powerful enemy like karna.then bheeshma directed his attack on duryodhana and told that as long as karna was his friend,he would always do according to his wishes,war is would then see my valour and valour of Karna and decide who is the best.

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