Sunday 20 October 2013

Dharmaraju seeks sree krishnas help

Dharma raju went to Sree krishnas house.he bhagavan,! Our father showed you to us as a great help before he left this world. Since then we are looking up to your guidance and advise at every step in our lives.we are like your sons,Pradyumna and others.please take care of us.we would do according to your bidding.
What do you think pf these latest developments.we rquest you to go to hasthinaapuraads our representative and see that everything is sorted out amicably.why should we be blamed of killing our kith and kin and relatives and elders.
We should not be forced to go for war ,but we should get our part of the kingdom,which is our rightful due.he Maadhavaa,! Dont show any partiality towards fair to both tell them the right things and see that they accede to the right decision.why all this dialogues.whatever you feel it right,we pould abide by it. There are nosxecond thoughts about it.
Then sree krishna replied like this. dhrutharashtra and duryodhana are not fair people.but even then, they cant harm me .both ways,it is the best way to go to kouravas and have a final talk with them.
We can make them see the reality and opt for truce. Even if war is made inevitable,we would not blamed for the ensuing bloodshed.
Sree krishna also told like this. i have heard what Sanjaya told and your replies to are thinking of going in the rightful path all the time.but the tragedy is that kouravas are not ready for it.they want enemity to flourish.why are you still having soft corner for them. They are not worthy of forget about the blood relation ship also.

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