Thursday 24 October 2013

Dhrutharashtra pleads

Dhrutharashtra opened up and told like this.I am not blessed creature to respect your advises and put them into action.I am inefficient. No one heeds my advise.what can I do?
Krishna ! You told me what is right and what i should do.I dont have power to execute them .my son is a fool. You are my close relation. Please,try to change him into good and worth while are a great person .please,do me this favor.
sree krishna tired to convince furyodhana like this.Duryodhana! You are born in a breat dynasty. You have so many good qualities.why are you so adamant in this particular is not justified.nef riendly with pandavas.great people like Bheeshma and other elders are also of this opinion. Please respect them and their ideas.stop this war!accept truce and be happy.
You know how valiant Arjuna is. You saw his valour at the time of uththara gograhanam. At that time ,he was single.but now, I am by his is not good for your future.because of your wrong step all your people are going to lose their lives.every one abuse you and scold you that you are the sole and whole cause of termination of a great dynasty.

keeping Dhrurharaashtra as your king, and you as the prince,mingle with pandavas and be happy and contented.
Like this in so many ways Krishna tried to make duryodhana see the reality and accept his words . But they did not work out.

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