Monday 7 October 2013

pandavas request to salya

Salya then came to pandavas.he showed his inability to help them as he had already given word to duryodhana earlier.he told them about his boon to kouravas that he would stay on their side.
dharmaraju also concurred with him because a boon given voluntarily after being appeased of ones help should not be retrieved back at any time.but in the end ,he too asked one favor.
Sree Krishna is managing Arjunas chariot in the war.Salya is as efficient as Krishna in charioteering.So ,Salya would be asked to handle Karnas chariot most probably.  he should distract and see that karna loses his concentration while there is face to face war between Arjuna and karna.he should see that Arjuna is protected by his acts.
Salya okayed this request and blessed them that they would definitely win over Kouravas.he told them to be brave and confident because their difficulties going to come to an end soon.
Salya stayed there for some more time and went to Hasthinapuram.He told again that he would not forget his word to Dharma raju that he would see that Arjuna is benefitted during the fight with Karna.
pandavas could procure only seven akshouhinis  of army.Duryodhana could secure eleven akshouhinis of army.Hasthinapuram was not sufficient to board all those armies.
he had to place some of his armies at rouhithaka forest,Marudesam,ahichchathramu and kaalakootamu.on the banks of ganges,at vaaranaavathamu and vatasthaanamu.
thus,both the armies were ready to fight.

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