Saturday 26 October 2013

Dhrutharashtra accepts his failure to control his son

Dhrutharashtra was afraid after hearing Krishnas words and seeing his anger.he called for Gandhaari.she came.he told her like this.your son has become a bad guy  and least,as a mother,you tell him to be sobera nd calm and convince to tread the path of righteousness.if we hear krishnas words,our dunasty would survive. Otherwise,we are all going to perish.
Gandhaari replied him like know pretty well yhat your son has no respect for the elders.he is not docile.he is arrogant.then,why are in his control. You are the king. Who is going to question you if you give the rightful share of the kingdom  to pandavas?
They sent Vidura to bring DUryodhana back,Duryodhana returned back in a black mood.his mother tried to tell him in so ,any ways but he did not obey her wishes.he did not even lend an ear to her pleadings.he lefta gain with careless ness.
He went to Karna and others ands tarted to plan viciously.Sree krishna is not straight forward.he is going to plan with Bheeshma ,drona and other elders and try to capturea nd harm duryodhana.he is explaining how krishna killed his maternal uncle, before they put their plans into actions, these have to capture Krishna.this would be the most appropriate move.then,pandavas would lose their confidence.thentheu can easily defeat pandavas.
So theyw anted to beat Krishna up and lock him and put in jail.Duryodhana and his men were moving and talking in an odd way and Saathyaki got doubt about their intentions.because theyw ere talking in hushed up tones. Few were in one group and others were in other groups.they were coming inside and going out side in small groups.
Saathyaki called Kruthavarma and told him to be ready at the gate.he went to krishna and told him of Duryodhanas plan.he told this fact to bheeshma,Drona and other elders of the assembly too.then Viduara opened up.he cautioned Dhrutharahstra like this. O KINg! Your sons are trying to capture and jail krishna.if it is going to be materialised,all of them would reach fatal end. No one can save them.

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