Sunday 27 October 2013

Sree Krishna shows his Viswaroopam!

Then Krishna revealed his mind.Kouravas behaviour in this is welcome to me.o king!give me permission to straighten every thing.Dhrutharashtra was aghast with these developments.hes ent Vidura to bring Duryodhana and his followers.Dhrutharashtra chided his son in the dull assembly like dont know your real calbre. That is why you have planned to harm Krishna.lousya nd cruel people have joined you in these vicious acts.if you continue to behave like this,you aresure to face trouble and reap destruction.Vidura also tried to teach him hopd manners.

Sree krishna then told Duryodhana  in this manner. Do you think I am a single person .is thatw hy you are trying to capture me.then see my real self. Saying so he showed his viswaroopam.

Brahmaw as on his forehead.Siva was on his chest.face was burning live.on both sides of his face,Indra,yama,varuna,kubera,AAdithya,and other dieties were present.on his left shoulder,arjuna appeared. On his right shoulder,Balarama appeared.Dharmaraju,Bheema,nakula,Sahadeva,yaadava dynasty warriors like Bhoja,Andhaka...appeared on his thighs.sankhamu,chakramu,gada,saarjamu and other arms appeared on his various was coming out of his ears,nostrils,and eyes.sunrays werefiltering  from each one of hair follicles on his body.peoplew ere afraid to look at that light and heat.

Sree Krishna gave celestial eyesight to Naradaa nd other sages,Bheeshma,DRona,Vidura,and sanjaya.they were overwaed to look at him.every one praised him and his greatness.sree Krishna gave that special sight to Dhrutharashtra tos ee him in full Viswaroopam.

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