Wednesday 30 October 2013

Dhrutharaashtra pleads innocense

Dhrutharashtra could understand that Krishna was not an ordinary soul.he knew that he was showing hisviswaroopam.he started rquesting and and pray him.O. Krishna!pleaseenable me to see at least your feet.Krishnathen considered his request and gavehim celestial sight with the help of which he could see Krishnas viswaroopam.Dhrutharashtra had no bounds of happiness. He was awe struck by its magnanimity.
He praised Krishna like life has now become fruitful.I am satisfied.I dont want to see mere mortals and their foolishness and cruelty with these eyes. Please take away my sight.
Every one in the assembly expressed their astonishment with the beauty of Dhrutharahstras eyes. They were so big,wide and beautiful.sree Krishna accepted his request and withdrew his eyesight.he too came back to his normal stature.
Narada and other sages who came to see these developments also left happily.Krishna came out of the assembly hall alongwith Sathyaki and kruthavarma.Gaandhaari went to her palace.every one followed SREE Krishna.his chariot was also ready.K rishna requested all of them to halt there itself.

Dhrutharashtra came forward and had few words with K rishna.krishna!you have seen with your own eyes ,what is happening were witness to what happened to me in the hands of my son when I tried to influence him to go for truce and peace and stop and others now know how I was humiliated by him.I am happy that you know that I am not part of this heinous plot against you or pandavas.I am innocent.It is enough for me if you understand the truth.

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