Wednesday 23 October 2013

Duryodhanas cruel and despicable thoughts

Duryodhana came out with his plan of action.I would not give half the kingdom to pandavas on krishnas biddilng.pandavs depend on krishna too much.I would siege him and put him in jail.then pandavas would not have anyone to lead them. Then they would become our slaves.yaadavaas and supporters of Sree Krishna also would become my people.then ,I would be the emperor of all these,I would start preparations to capture sree krishna when he comes here.
Every one present there were aghast hearing these words of duryodhana .Dhrutharashtra was dumbstruck hearing these cheap and narrow minded  words of his son.
Dhrutharashtra lamented these developments. He told Duryodhana like are talking in a vicious manner. Forget this idea of yours.Sree krishna is coming as an ambassador.he is a great man and righteous should not harm such a great man. You should not capture him.what harm did krishna do to us?I am advising you not to be rash a nd violent.
Bheeshma addressed dhrutharahtra. Dhrutharashtra!your son is going to do suicidal act.people who think in this manner are cruel and whether they put their thoughts into. Actions or not,they are going to suffer a lot and lose the game.I will stay no more and hear this rubbish talk from your son. Saying so,he left the assembly in an angry mood.
Dhrutharashtra was afraid that duryodhanawould put his thoughts into action and he did not want that to,he chided his not to do so.every one left the assembly after these discussions.

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