Monday 21 October 2013

Nakula and sahadeeva speak out their mind

Nakula addressed Sree KRishna like this.there is nothing wrong in my brothers speaking like this in favor of is not even waste talk.we suffered a lot during our tenure of aranyavaasa and ajnaatha vaasa.we cant even put our sufferings into words.why should we speak out cruel and vicious words now.when a great person like you go for talks as our representative, theyw ould definitely understand our value. So definitely, this mission for truce is going to succeed.

Sahadva also spoke out his intentions.krishna Duryodhana and others may instigate you and provoke you. Do not get cool and calm.dont answer them .dont lose your temper.the wea re forced tos eek peace from them is becoming unpalatable for is unbearable waiting for all of us.let them give our land or come for war.their cunningness is not going to sustain them for long.

Saathyaki spoke thus.we would be losing our dignity in trying to convince duryodhana. What sahadva told is right.warriors like battlesa nd battlefields.
Like this there were prolonged discussionsa s how should krishna talk with kouravas.each one came with one unique idea.but in the end every one supported war.

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