Friday 25 October 2013

Elders plead Duryodhana to be righteous and reasonable

Bheeshma told duryodhana like this.duryodhana!please hear your fathers words.It is good that sree krishna came to us.respond to his advise positively. It is always would be detrimenta to you and your dynasty if you pay a deaf ear to his preachings.let not dhrutharashtra feel ashamed that he lost his children,kingdom and fame during his life time.let him not lament for these developments which would ensue if you are still adamant.

Drona also started to speak.o my son!I am like your father and grandfather.I am your teacher too.consider what krishna has told can live longer if you hear his words.we will be happy if all is well with all of you.we love you even otherwise.what else can we say in full assembly?

chrutharashtra again started pleading with go along with Sree Krishna and visit Dharmaraju,once.every thnig would be smoothed out.we would be at a great loss if you dont pay heed to his advise.
Bheeshma And DRona told like this.O KING! Save the people of Hasthinaapura from Arjunas gaandeevam and sreekrishnas charioteering.go and request Dharmaraju to bless you.salute him.dynasty of kurus would reach greatest heights of glory and fame if both the brothers children are happy and united.all your relatives and well wishers wouldbe happy and contented.

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