Sunday 27 July 2014

Janamejaya enquires about fate of Karna,Duryodhana and others

Janamejaya asked Vaisampaayana maharshi regarding what had become of Duryodhana,Sakuni,Saindhava ,Karna and Ghatothkacha and others.Will they be living in the places allocated to them?Or would they be born again as human beings ?To these doubts of King Janamejaya,Vaisampaayana replied like this. Hey Knig!this is a top sevret.Vyaasa maharshi told about this aspect.I will tell you now.Pradyumna joined Sanathkumara.Dhrutharashtra lived in Kuberas world.Pandu raju lived with his wives in the house of Indra.Abhimanyu joined moon.Dronaachaarya joined Bruhaspathi.Sakuni joined yuga devatha of Dwapara times.Duryodhana lived in hell and heaven for a long time and joined Kaliyuga deities.His brothers joined in demons.Karna joined Sun.Bheeshma joined in Vasuvulu.Drupada,Viraata,Dhrushtakethu,Bhoorisravudu,Salya,Sankha joined Deities named Viswulu.Dhrushtadyumna joined fire deities.Dharmaraju and Vidurudu who joined in Dharmaraju joined Dharmadevatha.As per the directions of Brahma ,Balarama reached the ocean and joined Almighty God.Yaduvrushti,Andhaka ,Bhoja warriors joined guhyaka deities.Sixteen thousand wives of Sri Krishna immersed themselves in River Saraswathi and vecame Apsarasas and served Sri Mannaaraayana.Rukmini and other eight queens of Sri Krishna mingled with Sri Maha Lakshmi.Remaining people joined deities,Guhyakulu,Yakshulu,demons,and other sects. I told you the story of Kouravas and Pandavas. On Vyaasas permission,I told you the story of Maha Bharatha.Your Life has attained salvation after hearing the story. Vaisampaayana sage told the story of Maha Bharatha to Janamejaya king.Sarpayaagam came to an end. Janamejaya king praised Astheeka mahamuni and pleased him. Romaharshanudu also named as Ugrasarvadu ,son of Soothudu,who in turn disciple of Vyaasa maharshi,told this Maha Bharatha story to Sownaka and other sages in the Naimisaaranya forest.Romaharshanudu went to visit Mahaa Yaaga .There in between intervals of Yaaga,Sages requested him to tell Maha Bharatha story.He told them the story,which was told to him By Vyaasa. Vyaasa maharshi was a great sage among great sages.He has vast knowledge of every thing. He always percieved rightness and went in that path all the time.He knew peace,penance and piousness.He understood well all the Vedas and their gist.He preached Righteousness and followed it to last detail.He is part of Almighty .It took him three years to write this Maha Bharatham.He entrusted his disciples to tell this story to the common man ,in the broader interest of humanity. One can understand all the four porushaardhas..Dharma,Ardha,kaama and Moksha..if one studies Maha bharatha. Romaharshana was grateful for the oppurtunity given to tell the story at the time of Yaaga.Hey sages!if any one hears or reads Maha Bharatha,he will be washed off all his sins.He would attain salvation.One will be freed of Brahma hathya paathakam.This Bhaaratham is also called as Jayaakhyaanam, because it would bring happiness and victory. I took help from Sri Mallampalli Durgaa mallikaarjuna Prasad Sasthris book on Mahabharatham. here ends the story of Maha Bharatham!!!!!!

Saturday 26 July 2014

Dharmaraju sees his brothers among deities

Indra continued telling Dharmaraju about his brothers.Karna attained a very high position.You leave your sorrow seeing the respect given to talented archer,Karna.Bheema and others have acquired positions as per their talent and aura.Be happy about them.Because it is written in Vedas that kings should visit hellatleast once,you had been brought here.From now on wards,your life is full of happiness and luxuries.You have conducted so many vrathas,yagas,gave many donations to the brahmins and poor,performed aswamedhayaaga,so you are fit to be accepted in heaven.You will get the utmost position that is acquired by good charactered people like Maandhaatha,Naludu,Harischandrudu, Dileepudu,Dushyanthudu,and Bharathudu.SEE!all these sages and deities have come to praise you welcoming you to heaven.Dharmaraju saluted those devamunulu,siddhulu and Gandharvulu. Next.Indra showed Dharmaraju pious river,Aakaasa ganga.Please bathe in these pure and pious waters and then you can go to heaven.Dharmadevatha came before Dharmaraju and told him like this. Dharmaraja!I have tested you three times and all the three times you have passed my tests with flying colors.First ,when you came to Dvaithavanam for Arani ,I put you to test. When you insisted that the common dog ,too,should accompany you to heaven ,just because it followed you all along.Last time is when even after coming to heaven,you have insisted on seeing your brothers and determined to stay in hell with them than go heaven and enjoy later life.You have never changed your priorities. Your righteousness, quest for truth,impartiality,kindness and bhakthi of God are impeccable.You are shining like a diamond after my tests. Now,you can safely enjoy the luxuries of heaven and be happy. Every king has to come hell .That was the reason we showed you hell first.Sufferings of Karna and others ,which you witnessed earlier are illusions made by us.So,now you know that is not real.So,happily bathe in the river Aakaasa ganga and your mortal attributes would be lost and you would acquire celestial powers and celestial nature which is devoid of anger, and other emotions.Then,You can see your people who also have acquired celestial powers.Dharma devatha took Dharmaraju with her to the Aakaasaganga,while Indra and other deities followed them. Dharmaraju bathed in those waters.As soon as he bathed there he lost he lost his physical body.He acquired celestial body.He lost human emotions like enmity,jealousy and proudness.He was bright like smoke less fire. He went along with Narada,Indra,Dharmadevatha and other sages. He saw Nara naaraayana and found Arjuna and Sri Krishna in them.He was satisfied. He saw Karna bright in Soorya mandalam.He saw Bheema in maruththula ganas.He saw Nakula and Sahadeva in ASWINI DEITIES.H e saw a most beautiful woman and asked Indra who she was. Indra told him that she was Mahaalakshmi. She was born as Droupadi to Drupada as his daughter.Shiva has directed her to be born to Drupada and she obliged.There were five Gandharvas beside her nad Indra introduced them Droupadis sons. King of Gandharvas was none other than Dhrutharashtra.He was born as you fathers elder brother.Yadava warriors, Sathyaki and Kruthavarma could be seen among Siddhulu and Saadhyulu.Abhimanyu was shining in the moon.He was born with Moons aura.Are you seeing Pandu raju roaming in the sky with Kunthi and Madri?You can see Bheeshma among Vasuvulu.Dronaacharya was born with the aura of Bruhaspathi ,So you can see him with Bruhaspathi.Drupada,Viarata and their relatives were born with Yaksha nad Gandharva amsa and you can see them there.Kekaya warriors and Paandya warriors who were killed in the war attained the form of deities.See all of them .

Friday 25 July 2014

Swargaarohana parvamu

Indra wanted to fulfill Dharmarajus wish to see his brothers,wherever they were. So,he directed one of his assistants to accompany Dharmaraju and show him his brothers. Out of CURIOSITY Narada and other sages also accompanied them.Dharmaraju saw Duryodhana at one place seated on a reputable chair and enjoying life.Dharmaraju was astonished. He told Narada that why Duryodhana was there. Duryodhana was stringent,he had no fore sight. Because of him only,so many kings died along with their armies.Why are great people mingling with him?Dharmaraju was eager to see his younger brothers and his wife,Droupadi. Narada answered him that Duryodhana died like a warrior in war.He killed kings as per the rights and rules of Kshathriyas.How can any one say it is a sin?This is heaven .Every one is treated equally without any partiality.If you feel hurt for any thing,please do not think about those things here. Dharmaraju replied Narada that why should he talk about the the person who is the root cause of collapse of kuru dynasty.My mother told me that Karna was her first son. From the moment I knew about it,I wanted to salute him and fall on his feet with respect. Earlier I wanted him killed and I suggested to Arjuna to kill him,many a time.Dharmaraju was eager to see his brothers and wife and requested them to show them fast.AS per his wish they took along a path where the passage was filled with mosquitoes,bacteria,arthropods and other poisonous creatures.That path was filled with blood and flesh and crows ,with sharp beaks were flying there.On either side of the path,Dharmaraju saw oil like water was boiling in the heavy cauldrons and forests filled with spiny and sword like leaves.He saw many people suffering in the Vaithariny river which had these banks.Dharmaraju sked his aide ,how much distance still they had to walk to see his brothers. He replied that they were living here only. That place was filled with foul smell.He could not see the tortures inflicted to the people there.He moved to go away from that dirty place. He heard pleas from people to stop there. Hey great soul!because of the scents from your celestial body,our sufferings have subsided.After seeing you,our punishments have diminished.So,please stay and do not leave this place.Dharmaraju was sorry for their plight and asked them who they were.They replied that they were Karna,Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula,Sahadeva,Droupadi,Dhrushtadyumna,and sons of Droupadi.Dharmaraju was aghast to know that his people were suffering in hell.Why did God do like this? What sin had they done to suffer like this in hell?How could Duryodhana find a place in heaven ,who did not even a single good thing in life?Dharmaraju was sorrowful knowing that good people like his brothers,wife and children were suffering in hell.Dharamaraju sent Indras assistant back saying that he would stay with his family members only in hell.He would not come yo heaven.Indra,other sages and Dharmadevatha came there to convince Dharmaraju to return to heaven. As soon as Dharma devatha had come grotesque sinners have become normal,foul smell had gone and the sufferings of the sinners had nullified. Vaitharani river has disappeared. Indra came with other deities and sages and requested him to come to heaven. He explained his act like this.Brother!do not feel angry for my doing. King has to come and see hell. Vedas have specified this.There are two things..good and bad deeds.One who enjoys life in heaven is going to suffer a longer time in hell.Those who suffer in hell are supposed to enjoy long life in heaven permanently.The reason for my sending you here first and see these sufferings is to make sure that you enjoy your life at heaven permanently.Just because I could not with stand your sorrow,I am explaining all this to you.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Dharma raju put to test by Indra and Dharma devatha

Dharama raju was moving forward and Indra came to him.Dharma raju saluted him.Indra requested Dharma raju to alight his celestial chariot. Dharmaraju told him that he could not accept his offer unless his people who followed him till then too were granted the permission.To that Indra replied that his brothers and Droupadi left their bodies and reached swarga. so,Dharmaraju need not feel for them. Once he too reaches Swarga,he can meet them.But,Dharma raju said that the dog was accompanying him all along. So,it should also be permitted to come to heaven.Indra smiled and said how could a dog attain salvation and come to heaven. It was not wrong in leaving it and Dharmaraju alighting the chariot.But Dharma raju was adamant in his decision.Indra would lose his special powers as king of deities if he touched dog. Dharmaraju was firm and told that he would not accompany Indra to heaven without the dog.He told him to go to heaven and Dharmaraju and the dog would stay on the earth and he would practice penance. Actually ,the dog was the deity of righteousness. THEY WANTED TO PUT Dharmaraju to test.They praised his impartiality and love for all creatures.Dharmaraju saluted them as soon as they appeared in their real forms.They told unitedly like this.Dharmaraja!you are free to go to heaven along with your body and live in swarga as per your wishes.Then,Gandharvas,rishis,aswini deities ,vasuvulu and maruththulu came .They made Dharma raju to sit on the chariot.They sat beside him and praised him for his greatness.They took him to heaven.But,Dharmaraju was not happy. He requested them to show his brothers. Until then he was not happy.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Droupadi and others fall down

Power of yoga had diminished for Droupadi and she fell down.Bheema told his elder brother that Droupadis yoga power has diminished and she fell down. He wanted to know the reason behind her weakness.Dharmaraju told that she was partial towards Arjuna. That was the reason behind her depletion of strength.He moved on in an impassionate manner. Next,Sahadeva fell down.Bheema asked his elder brother that among all of them Sahadeva was the best one who lived a pious life and in a right manner. Then why did he fall down.Dharmaraju replied that Sahadeva was proud that there is no one better than him who has more knowledge than him in this entire world. That was the reason behind his fall.After some time, Nakuludu fell down and died. Bheema asked why should his younger brother fall and die. Nakula was arrogant that there is no one who can equal him in all the respects. His arrogance is the root cause behind his fall.Next,Arjuna fell down .For Bheemas questionas to the reason behind his brothers fall,Dharma raju replied that Arjuna declared that he would kill all the hundred kouravas in one single day.but failed to do so.After some time,Bheema also fell down.He cried and asked his brother why ,he too fell down.Dharmaraju replied that he ate heavy meals in large and huge quantities. He is short tempered and angry all the time. Because of this nature,he does not care any one.Dharmaraju said that just because he had asked ,Dharmaraju had to reply him and walked away. Dog alone followed him now.

mahaa prasdhaanam of Pandavaas

The way Pandavas and Droupadi left the royal palace in cotton dresses reminded every one the earlier time they went to the woods as part of Aranya vaasam .Yuyuthsudu and Pareekshiththu followed them with their soldiers.Women in the palaces also followed themfor a period.Dharmaraju was walking keeping his head low.He would not turn that side or this. He would not look back and tell them to stop.They crossed out skirts of Hasthinaapuram.They crossed forests. Yuyuthsudu and and others could not walk along with them.They were fainting.They revived and rounded Pandavas and saluted in respect and returned to Hasthinapuram. Uloochi went to her father in naaga lokam.Chithraangada went to Paandyadesam,where her son,Babhruvaahana ,was ruling the country.Other Pandava women stayed with Pareekshiththu.Krupaachaaryudu,Dhoumyudu pacified Pareekshiththu,who became the king.Civilians slowly started to do their daily chores normally.Hasthinaapuram was coming to normalcy. Dharmaraju was walking in the front.He was followed by Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula,Sahadeva and Droupadi.Dog was following them in the last.They reached the banks of river Ganga and by power of yoga reached sea shore on the eastern side.Agni appeared before them. Arjuna was having his Gaandeevam. He told that Sri Krishnas celestial chakra has reached heaven. Why does Arjuna leave his Gaandeevam? Arjuna told this to his brothers and sank it in the sea with utmost respect.Agni disappeared after this incident.From there,Pandavas neared Meru mountains. They were crossing all these distances with the power of Yoga .

Mahaa prasdhaana parvamu

Hearing about Sri Krishnas niryaana and Yaadavaas destruction,Dharmaraju decided to opt for prasdhaanam ie leaving every thing and living a life of sage in the woods.Arjuna also agreed to follow his brother. Similarly,Bheema ,Nakula and Sahadeva also agreed to follow suit.Dharmaraju told about his decision to Yuyuthsudu. He explained the tips and directions to rule the kingdom successfully to PAREEKSHITHTHU AND yUYUTHSUDU.Vajradevudu was made the king Indrapasdham for YAADAVAS. Dharmaraju gave the responsibility of looking after YAADAVA AND kURU DYNASTIES.dHARMARAJU DIRECTED pAREEKSHITHTHU TO BECOME THE DISCIPLE OF kRUPAACHAARYDU.hE CALLED ALL THE CIVILIANS AND TOLD THEM THAT THEY SHOULD ALL THE FIVE pANDAVAS IN pAREEKSHITHTHU AND HELPHIM IN RULING THE COUNTRY.hE TOLD THEM TO PRORECT HIM AND MAKE HIM HAPPY. Dharmaraju discarded his ornaments and wore cotton dress.His brothers and Droupadi,too,adopted the same attire.They did prayers and came out of the royal palace. Dharmaraju,his borthers and Droupadi came out and a dog also followed them to the forest.

Tribals snatch away yaadava women

Tribal thieves saw Arjuna at Panchavatam. They observed that all were women,children,aged people and soldiers were not there.Arjuna was the only one who had arrows and bow for their protection.They came in groups to loot them.Arjuna stated that he would protect them and started to fight. But,alas!,he could not use any of the powerful arrows. He forgot the manthras that are to be chanted while using them.Even those arrows which he released had lost their power and they could not harm the thieves and dacoits.He could not give them a stiff fight. He understood that it was the fate that was doing the trick. With utmost difficulty,he could save eight queens of Sri Krishna,Balarams wives and few yaadava women.Kiraathaka tribals took away other sixteen thousand wives of Sri Krishna and other beautiful yaadava women.With utmost difficulty ,he took them to Kurukshethra and informed his people of his arrival. Arjuna handed over Mruththikaavathapuram to the son of Krutha varma and told him to rule that place as a king.He handed over city Saraswathi to son of Saathyaki.He took Vajradevudu to Indraprasdham and made him the king.He distributed the elephants,horses and treasures equally among the three of them. Now ,he wanted to tell about the niryaana of Sri Krishna to his eight wives .Along with his people he went to Rukoni and other wives of Sri Krishna and told them about how he had found the dead body of Dri Krishna and Balarama and how he completed the last rites to them. They all wept.Just because he did not want them to die when sea engulfs Dwaaraka,he took them out,he said.They understood his plight and pacified him. Rukmini,Jaambavathi and Balaramas wives wanted to follow sathi and Arjuna made all the aarangements with heavy heart. Sathyabhama and other wives wanted to do penance.Vyaasa came there and Arjuna fell at his feet with grief. Vyaasa askedhim ,why he was like that and how he could not identify him. Arjunas face was so pathetic. Arjuna explained him the latest developments and about Sri Krishnas niryaana.Vyaasa consoled him that it happened due to the curse of sages. Sri Krishna already knew about it and was calm and composed.No One could change time and fate.Vyaasa advised Arjuna to try and attain salvation without any further thought.Arjuna reachedHasthinapura and told about these things to Dharmaraju.

Monday 21 July 2014

Arjuna conducts last rites to Sri Krishna

Arjuna went in search of Sri Krishna,along with Daarakudu. There he saw Sri Krishna ,lying under a tree,dead.He fainted seeing him dead.His assistants revived him by giving water and attending to him.They asked him if they had to take Sri krishnas body to Dwaaraka or bring the people from Dwaaraka to this area.But on calculation,Arjuna arrived as to the correct time when sea was going to immerse Dwaaraka. It was just the next day. They did have time neither to take the dead body to Dwaaraka nor bring the people of Dwaaraka to this place.It was almost evening by then. So,Arjuna decided to perform cremation and do last rites there itself.He decided not to tell fact to PEOPLE OF dWAARKA because their evacuation to safer place would be delayed.They searched for Balarama and found his dead body also.They cremated his body also and performed last rites. Arjuna ,then,went to Dwaaraka. He collected sixteen thousand wives,eight queens of Sri KRISHNA, REMAINING PEOPLE OF yADU,vRUSHTI,bHOJA AND Andhaka ,their chariots,elephants,horses,nad theri treasures and started for Indraparsdha.As soon as they came out of Dwaaraka,sun was just rising in the east. Immediately they saw sea engulfing entire Dwaaraka into its womb.Arjuna took those people to a place called Panchavatam. There they stayed that day.

Arjuna reaches Dwaaraka

Arjuna observed that Dwaaraka lost its charm since Sri Krishnas niryaana. He went to the kings palace along with daarakudu.Sixteen thousand wives of Sri Krishna came and wept,seeing Arjuna. Arjuna ,too,lost his composure and broke down.Even eight queens of Sri Krishna,starting from Rukmini and Sathya bhama ,too wept,lying on the ground.Arjuna regained himself and consoled all of them. He went to meet Vasudeva.As soon as he saw Arjuna,Vasudeva also broke down and wept.He hugged Arjuna and cried for a long time. Vasudeva told Arjuna like this. Arjuna!my people were valiant enough not only to win over men ,but also deities.But,unnecessarily,they fought amongst themselves and lost their lives.Saathyaki,Pradyumna,and Kruthavarma started this fight.Sri Krishna gave life to Pareekshiththu ,but now he kept quiet. He was impassionate.He felt that the death of yaadavas was inevitable. Vasudeva told that that from the bits of Musalam,wooden bits,entire yaadava dynasty came to an end.It was caused due to the curse of sages.Sri Krishna,alone ,saved the women and elephants and brought them to Dwaaraka. Arjuna asked him where did Sri Krishna had gone.To This Vasudeva replied that Sri Krishna consoled him. Andhaka,Vrushti dynasties have collapsed.I sent people to bring Arjuna. He would be coming here soon. There is no difference between myself and Arjuna. He would drfinitely help you.Please save your kith and kin and elephants with his help.In few days,sea is going to engulf this entire Dwaaraka.Before yaadavas fight among themselves,Balaranma went for penance. So,please give me permission to go for penance.You do as Arjuna tells you to do.Conduct last rites to the deceased Yaadavaas.So,Arjuna!save these yaadava women.Arjuna told him that he would take them to Indraprasdha.He directed the ministers to make arrangements for their travel .He asked Daarakudu that they should go and find Sri Krishna. Arjuna directed the ministers to call all the civilians.He told them that on the seventh day from that day,Dwaaraka is going to be immersed in the sea.Vajrudu is going to become the king of Vindra prasdham.You can be happy under his rule as before. So,be ready for the travel to Indraprasdha along with your family members.Aged people,children and women should be given top priority while shifting.Do not repent for what has already happened. Sri Krishnas grand son,Vajra devudu is there to rule you. Arjuna stayed that night in the Krishnas palace.That night,Vasudeva ,adopting yoganishta, left his body and went to heaven.Wives of VaSUdeva were ready to go for Sathi. Arjuna conducted the last rites of Vasudeva in a grand manner and his wives,Devaki,Rohini,Bhadra and Madira had gone for Sathi sahagamanam.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Niryaana of Sri Krishna and Balaraama

Sri Krishna was thinking that Gaandhaaris curse has been fullfilled. No one remained except himself and BALARAAMA.Sri Krishna ,with the help of Daarukudu and Babhrudu,went in search of Balarama.He saw Balarama under atree.Sri Krishna told Daarukudu to go to hasthinapura and tell PAndavas about the destruction of Yaadava dynasty and bring Arjuna fast.Sri Krishna told Balarama to stay there itself .He would go and see that all the women reach Dwaraka safely and come back to him.Sri Krishna turned towards Vasudevudu,the king and told him like this.Hey father!you have seen the destruction and elimination of entire Kourava dynasty. Now,you are seeing the collapse of yadava dynasty. Myself and BALARAMA HAVE DECIDED TO DO PENANCE. sO,YOU RULE THE COUNTRY AND LOOK AFTER THE CIVILIANS.Arjuna is going to come here in one or two days. He would help you and do things according to your bidding.Saying so,Sri Krishna saluted his father in due respect.Vasudevudu fainted hearing this news.Evry one was weeping these words of Sri Krishna.Sri Krishna pacified his father that Arjuna was about to come there very soon and took permission from him to return to Balarama. He told Balarama that he has taken his fathers permission and returned. From BAlaramas face,a great snake had come out and went along the sky and reached sea. Varuna, Vaasuki and Thakshakudu came along with great many snakes and welcomed this snake.Ananthudu accepted the aura of Balarama in him. As soon as Blarama left this world,Sri Krishna was quite confirmed that all his duties were complete on this earth.He came to the conclusion that time has neared for his departure from this,He concentrated all his senses and lied down on the ground in yoga nishta.Demon named Jara entered a forest man and made himfeel that Sri Krishna lying behind trees was a deer. the archer released his arrow pointing to the feet of Sri Krishna.Tip of the arrow was made of Musalamu.The archer came to take the deer but saw Sri KRISHNA lying down . He wept for his deed. but Sri Krishna consoled him and left this world. Sri Krishna went to swargam. Celestial rishis,siddhas,Rudras,vasuvus,maruththulu,came to welcome himand praised him.Brahma came and saluted at his feet and cahnted vedas.Daarakudu reached Hasthinapura and told pandavas what all happened at Dwaraka.He explained the curse of sages, destruction of yaadava dynasty, demise of Balarama and Sri Krishna.He told that Sri Krishna had sent him to bring Arjuna to help Vasudeva. Pandavas wept for these bad developments. Taking Dharmarajus permission,Arjuna accompanied Daarakudu to Dwaraka.

Yaadavaas kill one aanother

Sri Krishna was observing all these incidents.He undrestood that the curse of sages and that of Gaandhaari was about to materialise.Thirty six years were completed from the day Gaandhaari cursed him. Thirty seventh year has set in. If death was inevitable,he wanted to die in a pious and religious place.He was sure that Yaadava dynasty was going to rooted out.Festival had to be conducted near sea shore.So ,he told every one that they had to go the sea shore with religious bent of mind and pray there. That night,every one dreamed that grotesque dark skinned woman had entered their houses by force and dragged their women clutching at their hair.Demons had also entered and took away their weapons and money.Next day they all saw that the wheel given by Agni went into the sky from Dwaaraka.Similarly Sri KLrishnas Garuda dhvajam,Balaramas Thaala dhvajam,nad chariot having Horses named Saibya,Sugreeva,Valaahaka,and Megha pashpa also went along the path of the sky. Yaadavas were not affected by these bad omens.They alighted horses,elephants,chariots and started for the sea shore.Sri Krishna had no chariot of his. So,he alighted another chariot and went without any interest.Balarama clad himself normally and walked along with his friends.Udhdhavudu,minister of Sri Krishna told that he was going to do penance.Balarama also told that he too wanted to do penance. Sri Krishna saluted both of them and started on his journey.Balarama sent Uddhava in one direction and he went in another direction.Sri Krishna sat under a tree with disinterest.Yaadava women prayed Brahmins and the food which they should give to Brahmins was distributed to monkeys.TRhey drank fully and started behaving without any restrictions and inhibitions. Saathyaki killed Kruthavarma with the asthra which was made of the tip of Musalam.He killed Naagaka and Bhoja dynasty warriors also.Sri Krishna wanted to ward off Saathyaki from killing the warriors but in the mean time,Andhaka warriors surrounded Saathyaki.Because Sri Krishna knew every thing, he kept quiet and was silent. Pradyumna,son of Sri Krishna went to help Saathyaki.Before Sri Krishnas eyes only, Bhoja,Andha warriors killed among themselves.They quarreled and fought with each other with neither nor reason. Sri Krishna lost his composure and killed those warriors with Musalam bits,which became stout sticks.Like this,Yaadava,Vrushna,bHOJA AND aNDHAKA WARRIORS DIED OF mUSALAM ,AS PER THE CURSE OF SAGES.

Saturday 19 July 2014

Mousala parvamu...curse of sages

Vaisampaayana maharshi was telling the story Bharatham to Janamejaya king.Dharmaraju ruled the country for thirty five years after Kurukshethra war.After that he saw bad omens.He received information that all yaadavas fought among themselves and got killed except for Sree Krishna and BALARAM.He told this information to his brothers.Vaisampaayana maharshi explained this to Janamejaya king. One day,Kanva maharshi,Naarada and Viswamithra had gone to Dwaraka to visit Sree Krishna.Sons of Yaadavas dressed Saambudu like a pregnant woman and took him to these sages. They saluted them and asked which child,whether girl or boy was going to be borne to that woman.Sambudu was son of Sri Krishna.Sages understood that they were making fun of sages. They got angry and cursed like this.that man was going to give birth to musalam which is going to be detrimental to the entire yaadava dynasty.Our words are not a joke! except Sri Krishna and Balaram,entire yaadava dynasty is going to bedestroyed by the musalam.Musalam is a stout stick.It is also called as rokali.Balarama is going to immerse himself in the ocean and leave his body.While Sree Krishna would lie down, a demon named Jara ,would slowly engulf him.Sages thought it would not be right to meet Sri Krishna and so returned back to their abodes without meeting Sri Krishna.Sri Krishna came to know about this affair later. Sri Krishna knew what all was going to happen in future but he was not interested in reverting back .He told his people that it was Gods act and they should not think it was the fault of his fellow men.Next Day, Sambudu gave birth to Musalamu.Vasudevudu was aghast to know this. He powdered Musalamu and sprinkled it in to the sea.They could not understand that no one can alleviate sages curse.Yaadavaas were afraid of Gaandhaaris curse also.So many bad omens appeared in Dwaraka. All the yaadavas and Brahmins were troubled for no known reason.

Friday 18 July 2014

Dhrutharashtra and others die in the forest fire

Dhrutharashtra told Dharma raju that he wanted continue with his penance and requested Dharmaraju to return to Hasthinapura and rule the country.Dharmaraju could not deny the wish of his father.Dhrutharashtra hugged Dharmaraju and blessed him. He MADE Bheema happy with his talk.Dhrutharashtra praised Arjuna and hugged him and hugged him. He blessed Nakula and Sahadeva.Pandavas saluted the elders and took their blessings.Gaandhaari also blessed them.Droupadi and others saluted the elders and took their blessings. All of them returned to Hasthinapura.As usual, they ruled the country effectively. One day, Narada came to visit them.Dharmaraju asked him what all the places he went and news from those places.Narada started telling them about Dhrutharashtra. Dharmaraja!you went there and stayed for few days with Dhrutharashtra and others.One day, when they went to bathe in river Ganga and returned,fire of the forest engulfed them.Because Dhrutharashtra and others were observing fasting and doing penance,they were weak and could not run away from those intense fires.Dhrutharashtra advised Sanjaya to save himself from the fire. Sanjaya was bent on saving all of them,but Dhrutharashtra convinced him that he could not save everyone and made him agree to save himself.Gandhari,Kunthi and Dhrutharashtra sat facing East and went into penance.Dhrutha arshtyra adopted Yoga . Sanjaya went to Himalayas and saved himself of the forest fire.The intense fire engulfed all the three of them and Narada saw their dead bodies. Hearing this news,Dharmaraju hugged his brothers and wept for a long time. Even civilians wept learning about the news of Death of Dhrutharashtra ,Gaandhaari and Droupadi.We are all here and our father had to die like a common man in the fire and our mother Gaandhaari followed her husband. Even Droupadi met similar death like a destitute.Narada consoled him. Dhrutharashtra died in the fire which came out from his Aathma ie soul. Kunthee devi served her sister and brother in law as if they were her father in law and mother in law.They are all good souls. You ahve to perform last rites to them.Dharmaraju went to the banks of Ganga along with his brothers and wives and performed last rites to Dhrutharashtra and others in a pompous way.He gave heavy donations to Brahmins.Narada stayed with Dharma raju for all the twelve days and performed the procedures correctly. After that Dharma raju ruled his country impartially.

Vyaasa maharshi shows all the deceased warriors to Dhrutharashtra and others

Dhrutharashtra replied Vyaasa maharshi that it was not difficult for them to adjust to the life in the woods.Dharmaraju was looking after him and Gaandhaari very nicely. Dhrutharashtra was having affection for Dharmaraju and his brothers.Kunthee devi was looking after their welfare in the woods in a satisfying manner.They could achieve knowledge and calm and composed mind with Vyaasas blessings.Droupadi saluted the great sage and he blessed her. Vyaasa asked Dhrutharashtra that he would fulfill their desires if at all they had any with his power of penance. Dhrutharashtra told Vyaasa that his son,Duryodhana was cruel and was the root cause of the entire destruction of Kourava dynasty. He wanted Vyaasa to tell and explain what happened to all of them after their death in the war. Gaandhaari ,then,told Vyaasa that since their death in the war,Dhrutharashtras one and only desire was too see all his children in flesh and blood. So,hey great sage1if youcan show them ,in whatever place they might be,we would all be happy.Vyaasa maharshi accepted to show all of them to these people. He went to the banks of Ganga and took all of them along with him.All the sages also accompanied them .Civillians ,who accompanied Dharmaraju and his family to Dhrutharashtra,also went along with them.Next day morning, Vyaasa promised to show all the dead warriors to them. That whole night,no one could sleep properly. Next day morning, he went into the Ganga waters and called every one to come there. As soon as he called them,from the river Duryodhana and all his brothers,their sons, Abhimanyuand other grand sons of Pandu raju, KARNA,Bahlikudu,other kourava warriors,Virata and Drupada kings,Sakuni and his sons,theirrelations, Bheeshma and Drona ...all came one by one. They were all clad in celestial clothes, their bodies were glowing and with aura,.They all came with their families. Vyaasa gave sepcial sight to Dhrutharashtra to see his children and relatives.Gaandhaari also removed the cloth ,she usually ties across her eyes to see her children.All those deceased warriors ,who were coming from the river Ganga,were happy and talking with each other. There was no enmity among themselves.They were not proud. They were clean minded. They spent that entire day happily with their grand parents,teachers,mothers,grand mothers,fathers,brothers,brothers in law,and sons in law.Next day ,they started to go in to the river.Then ,Vyaasa maharshi told that who ever wanted to do sathi sahagamana with their husbands could do so.widows of the deceased warriors took permission from Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari and did sahagamana by going into the river with their husbands.They all went to devalokam. Vyaasa then advised Dhrutharashtra like this.Dhrutharashtra!you have seen your dead sons and their families and their children.So,do not pine for them from now on wards. You advise Dharma raju to return back to HASTHINAPURA AND RULE THE COUNTRY. DHARAMA RAJU TOOK PERMISSION FROM THEM AND WENT TO Hasthinapura along with his brothers.

Vidura passes away

Sages near the banks of Yamuna told Dharma raju that Viduruda was wandering in the forests without taking any food.Dharma raju saw him there.Vidurudu was unclean,dust all over his body, his hair was tangled and unclean.He was nude.Vidurudu saw the sages in aashram and ran away from that place.Dharmaraju warded off his people and he alone went in search of Vidurudu.Vidurudu observed that Dharmaraju alone was coming for him and he stood under a tree at a far off place.Dharmaraju went and stood before Vidurudu. Vidurudu was silent and stood before Dharmaraju. Dharmaraju requested him to look up and see him.Vidurudu looked up in a calm and composed manner and seeing Dharmaraju in a concentrated manner relieved himself of the body and joined his aathma ie soul with that of Dharmaraju.As soon as the soul of Vidura joined Djarmarajus soul,Dharmaraju became more strong,more ascetic and more strong.Dharma raju was awe struck with this development. He wanted to perform last rites to the body of deceased Vidura.But a celestial voice from the sky warned Dharmaraju from performing last rites to vIDURAS BODY.dHARMARAJAA!Vidura is a great maharshi.It is not apt for such a great soul to perform last rites as if he were a common man. So,do not do any thing to him. Dharma raju came back and told others what had happened in the woods.Every one was astonished.all the sages went to their abodes. Dharmaraju and his relatives stayed with Dhrutharashtra and others for another month.One day,Vyaasa maharshi came there. HE enquired DHRUTHARASHTRA.hEY KING!have you accustom yourself to the life in the woods?Are you indulging yourself along Gaandhaari in penance?Did you forget the sorrow for your deceased sons?Are you aware that Kunthee devi has forsaken her children and the kingdom to serve you with Bhakthi and respect?Dharmaraju is inacarnation of deity of Truth,himself.That was the reason why the aura of Vidura has joined him.

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Pandavas visit Dhrutharashtra duringbhis Vaanaprasdha

Pandavas were in Hasthinapuram. But all the time ,they were worried about the welfare of Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari.They were repenting for their acts of killing their relations.One day,Sahadevudu came to Dharmaraju and told him that he wanted to see his mother,Kunthee devi,who accompanied Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari to the woods.Droupadi also requested Dharmaraju that she too wanted to see her in laws.Dharmaraju deputed Krupaachaaryudu and Yuyuthsudu to look after the city and went to see his mother and other elders,along with his people. They came across sages ,who told them that Dhrutharashtra and his people gad gone to River Yamuna for taking bath.These people moved in that direction. There they saw all of them. Sahadevudu saw his mother first and went to her weeping.Kunthee Devi hugged him and informed Gaandhaari that Sahadeva came.Other pandavas introduced their arrival to Kuntheedevi,Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari and saluted them.Droupadi followed them.Sages and rishis ,in the near by vicinity also came to see pandavas. They asked Sanjaya to explain them who was who.Sanjaya explained them that the lean person with golden tan,who was like a lion with so much aura that no one could see straight into his eyes was Dharmaraju.The person with reddish tan and heavy shoulders and wide chest and long arms was Bheema. The dark skinned,stunning person who is regal like an elephant with lotus like eyes was ,none other than Arjuna.Two elegant and beautiful persons who were sitting on either side of Kunthee Devi were Nakula and Sahadeva.THey were like Vishnuvu and Indra sitting side by side.Woman ,who was dark skinned and so beautiful,even in her middle years,was Droupadi.other woman ,who was fair skinned and glowing like white lotus was Sree Krishnas sister,Subhadra.Besides these,Arjunas wuves,Uloochi and Chithraangada were also there.Bheemas wife,Nakulas wife and Shadevas wife were also there.Other women who were sitting there in white sarees with undone hair were widows of Kouravas.Abhimanyus widow,Uththara was also sitting near by Subhadra. Dhrutharashtra enquired Dharmaraju as to how he was ruling the country.Dharma raju replied him favorably and enquired how they were engaging themselves in the woods ,without any difficulties.Dhruatharashtra replied that he could do penance confortably and Kuntheedevi was looking after them as if she served her inlaws.Even Gaandhari was doing penance following in the foot steps of her husband.Sanjaya was a knowledgeable man. He was not afraid of doing penance. Vidurudu would be moving around in the woods. He would take in only air and water. He would not eat anything. Some times ,he would forsake even water and air and still live.

aasrama vaasa parvamu

Dharma raju conducted Aswamedha yaaga in a majestic fashion.Every one praised him. He was ruling the country in the best interests of his people.He was giving due respect to Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari.Dhrutharashtra was also reciprocating his love and affection towards pandavas.Dharmaraju was letting Ddhrutharashtra to give alms to the poor and donate to Brahmins.All the kings who visited Dharamaraju were also meeting Dhrutharashtra a nd paying their respects.Dharmaraju conducted the annual rites of deceased Duryodhana and his brothers in a huge fashion. But Bheema was giving respect to Dhrutharashtra,just because he loved and respected his elder brother,Dharmaraju.It really never came from his heart. He was angry at the way Duryodhana and his brothers humiliated them and made them suffer,all those past years.No one used to tell these things to dharmaraju for fear of Bheema.When ever Bheema was near the, Dhrutharashtra used to remember the way his sons were killed in the hands of Bheema cruelly.When ever Bheema came near Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari,Bheema used to remember the way their sons ill treated them and Droupadi. When ever ,Dhrutharashtra was alone ,Bheema would hurt him by saying that just because his sons were fools,they were killed in his hands.Dharmaraju,Arjuna,Kuntheedevi and Droupadi were unawars of these incidents.Nakula and Sahadeva would feel happy whenever Bheema humiliated Dhgrutharashtra in this fashion.Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra were feeling sorry for their plight. Like this fifteen years have passed away. One day Dhrutharashtra called every one and told them that all the kouravas died because of his inefficiency.His uncontrolled love towards his son,Duryodhana was the actual cause of entire destruction.But they all died like warriors in the war.Now,he wanted to go to the woods and live the life of sages.Dharmaraju also wanted to go with them.Vyaasa maharshi came and told Dharmaraju not to be adamant on his demand.Vyaasa maharshi gave permission for Dhrutharashtra to go to Vaanaprasdha aasramam.That night,Dhrutharashtra taught all the knowledge he has on ruling and rules of kings.He taught him how to win over his enemies.He requested his people to permit him to go to the woods. For the last time he performed rites to the deceased people,his sons,relations,friends and gave donations to the poor and needy.Along with Gaandhaari,he started for vaanaprasdha. Kuntheedevi also accompanied them and told that she would serve them as if they were her in laws.Krupaaacharyudu,Vidurudu and Yuyuthsudu also accompanied them. But ,Dhrutharashtra sent Vidurudu and Yuyuthsudu back. They crossed RIVER Ganges and reached Kurukshethra.There they built thatched huts and lived there. There Dhrutharashtra was doing penance and every one was awestruck seeing his seriousness in performing it with utmost concentration.Narada,Devala and Mounjaala sages came to visit Dhrutharashtra.They praised his penance.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Dharmaraju completes Aswamedhayaagam

Dharmaraju was following how ARJUNA WAS SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETING HIS TASK. He was happy for his brothers accomplishment.He called his other younger brothers on maagha poornima day and explained Arjunas success story to them.Next they had to invite sages and other kings for the yaagam. They had to complete yaagasaala construction .They had to make arrangements for accomodation of sages and kings.Bheema sent Brahmins to invite all the sages,kings for the yaaga.He completed all the tasks entrusted to him by Dharmaraju.He welcomed every one who came to attend the yaaga with full respect.There was no shoartage for food and beverages. Lakhs and lakhs of people attended the yaaga and they were satisfied with the arrangements made .For every one lakh people who completed meals,bells were ringing. and they were ringing continously. It means that almost entire country was present there. Bheema,Nakula and Sahadeva gave warm welcome to the kings.Balarama,Sree Krishna and Sathyaki also came to attend the function. In the mean time,a servant came and told Dharmaraju that Arjuna was about to arrive at HASTHINA PURA IN SHORT TIME. dHARMA RAJU WAS VERY PLEASED TO HEAR THE NEWS AND GAVE HIM PRESENTS.Dhamrmaraju,Gaandhaari,Dhrutharashtra,,Sree Krishna and his other brothers went to receive Arjuna.Arjuna took the blessings of his elders.Every one was happy. Babhruvaahana came along with Chithraangada and Uloochi.kuntheedevi,Subhadra,Droupadi Gaandhaari and Dhtutharashtra and all others were happy to meet Babhruvaahana ,Uloochi and CHithraangada. Vyaasa maharshi came and advised Dharmaraju to start the yagna.He told Dharmaraju that he was very rich and he is supposed to give donations to the tune of three times of his wealth.By doing this mahaa yagna, sin caused by jnaathi vadha, ie killing of kith and kin and close relations ,would be wiped out.Every thing that is good would come to him.Ruthviks and yaajniks performed the yajna according to the procedure correctly.Dharmaraju gave crores of his money to those who attended the yajna.He gave his entire land to Vyaasa maharshi.Vyaasa maharshi told Dharmaraju to take the land and give gold in return to the value of land.Dharmaraju told him that he,along with his brothers would go to the woods and live there. he would not take back the land he donated to Vyaasa maharshi.Every one was happy with the proceedings. Sree krishna advised Dharmaraju to do as per the wish of Vyaasa maharshi.Dharmaraju gave gold equal to the value of land to Vyaasa maharshi. Vyaasamaharshi took it and gave it to the Brahmins and Ruthviks.Golden pillars that were made for the construction of yagna saala were given to Brahmins by Dharmaraju.Remaining gold ,Dharmaraju gave it to the people of other castes.Every one praised Dharmaraju that he did the yagnam like Maruththu emperor.Vyaasa gave his portion of gold to Kunthee devi. She in turn donated to the brahmins and other castes.Dharmaraju fell on the feet of Vyaasamaharshi and expressed his gratitude for helping him in performing this great yagna successfully.Vyaasa maharshi took leave of them and left the place. Dharmaraju gave ornaments studded with diamonds and pearls ,elephants and horses to the kings like Kubera.He showered his affection to Babhruvaahana.Uloochi and Chithraangada stayed with Arjuna and Babhruvahana left for his kingdom.Dharmaraju gifted Sindhu desam to the grand son of Dussala.Dussala was very happy with these happenings.Dharmaraju gave back the kingdoms which he won to those kings respectively.Dharmaraju gave so many gifts and prsents to Sree Krishna and prayed him whole heartedly.He gave costly presents to BALARAMA AND sATHYAKI ALSO.eVEN DEITIES WERE HAPPY FOR THE WAY,DHARMARAJU CONDUCTED THE yAAGAM.

Babhruvaahana goes to war with Arjuna

Babhruvaahana was ruling Manipoorapuram at that time. He was the son of Chithraangada and Arjuna.He was happy that his father was coming to their kingdom. He went to receive his father and give warm welcome to him.But Arjuna did not reciprocate his love and affection towards his son.He was aloof.He humiliated his son,Babhruvaahana.Babhruvaahana was let down with this behaviour of his father towards a son. Uloochi came to know about this affair by her extra ordinary powers. She was a nagarajakumari,who married Arjuna while he was roaming.She came to pacify Babhruvaahana and introduced herself as his mother.She advised Babhruvaahana to capture theyaagaaswam and fight with Arjuna. Then only,Arjuna would realise his sons strength and valor and respect and love him.Babruvaahana went to war with Arjuna. They fought with each other using powerful arrows and both collapsed at one time. Chithraangada and Uloochi came there knowing that both father and son have fainted.Chithraangada fainted seeing both her son and husband unconscious in the war field. After some time,Chithraangada regained her conscience and blamed Uloochi. Ullochi!because of you only ,both my husband and son are unconscious and lying on the ground.Why have you done like this? why did you instigate my son to go to war with his father?What should I call you?Are you not loyal to your husband?Chithraangada wanted to perform Sathi with her husband and she sat near his feet. After some time,Babhruvaahana woke up.He felt sorry for all these developments.He was ashamed for his act ,due to which his father was lying on the ground,defeated.He expressed his unhappiness and agony for heeding Uloochis words.He too wanted to leave his body along with his father. Uloochi thought of Sanjeevani mani and it was prsent in her hands in no time. She gave it to Babhruvaahana and told him to touch that stone to Arjunas chest.He would revive with in no time. Sh etold them that Arjuna would never die. He was one among Nara naaraayanas. He is a great leader and warrior. Arjuna got up as if from sleep.As soon as he got up he enquired welfare of Babhruvaahana. He was surprised to see Uloochi and Chithraangada there.He was happy to see them.He enquired if anything wrong had been done to Uloochi,either by Babhruvaahana,Chithraangada or Arjuna himself.She answered him in negative. Arjuna requested all of them to to aatend the aswamedhayaagam on the coming Chaithra poornima.He took leave of them and started on his journey again with his yaagaaswam. From there,Arjuna reached Magadha .Meghasandhi,grand son of Jaraasandhudu captured the yaagaaswam. Arjuna told him in good words to release the aswam.But the boy did not oblige.Meghasandhi started to fught him.Arjuna was just defending himself but did not attack the boy.Meghasandhi was under the impression that it was his supremacy that was doing the trick.Arjuna broke his flag mast and killed his chariot horses. Meghasandhi came to attack Arjuna with his mace but Arjuna broke that too. Then the boy realised his strength and pleaded for his life.Arjuna told the boy that his elder brother had given instructions not to kill any one.That was why he was not killing him. He welcomed the boy to the yaagam. Yaagaaswam went to Vanga,Pundra,Mlechcha kingdoms. Arjuna won over those kings and welcomed them to the yaagam.Son of Sakuni gave stiff fight and was killed by Arjuna. Sakunis grand son came to attacvk Arjuna and could not withstand him. In the mean while,his mother and other ministers came and requested Arjuna to save the boy.He gave some good advice to the boy and told them to attend the yaagam.Finally,yaagaaswam reached Hasthinaapuram.

Thursday 3 July 2014

Arjuna goes to protect the yaagaaswam

Dharma raju called Arjuna and told him that he was the only capable person to protect the yaagaaswam. He directed Arjuna to tell the kings that Dharmaraju could not come in person because he was yaagadeekshithudu ie observing yaaga.Dharmaraju directed Bheema and Nakula to look after the welfare of the state.He took permission from Gaandhaari,Dhrutharashtra ,and Kuntheedevi and started the yagna.Vyaasa performed the yagna along with other ruthviks.Dharmaraju discarded his kings attire and put on the clothes fit for a yaagadeekshith.Arjuna followed the yaagaaswam. Yaagaaswam went northern side and reached Thrigartha.Sons of Thrigartha king came to seize it.Arjuna requested them to release the horse and they should live like friends and relations amicably. But they did not heed his words. They started to attack him. Arjuna did not lose temper but was giving them fitting reply with his Gaandeevam. But at one time, they succeeded in tripping Gaandeevam from Arjunas hands. Arjuna became angry and released so many arrows at them that ran away in different directions. Their relations came running to Arjuna and sought his protection.Arjuna requested them to attend the yagna performed by Dharmaraju . He took the yaagaaswam and left the place. THehorse reached Narakas Pragjyothishapuram.Son of Bhagadaththa captured the horse and came on an elephant to fight with Arjuna. The war went on for four days.On the fourth day ,ARJUNA killed the elephant and told the boy to attend the yaaga performed by Dharma raju. Arjuna told him that Dharmaraju had specifically told him not to kill any kings or their children. That was the reason he fought with the boy so long so as not to harm him.He was not angry with Bhagadaththas son. Yaagaaswam reached Sindhudesam.Saindhava was its king.A big army had come on chariots to fight with Arjuna.For a time,ARJUNA was on low king. But he revived and fought back. Their army ran away. But they came again and fought with Arjuna.Arjuna had no other go but to kill them.Saindhavas wife was Duryodhanas sister. She came along with her grand son to meet Arjuna and wept. She requested Arjuna to save her grand child.Arjuna was affected by her words. He said these words in pain. Kshathriya dynasty in merciless by nature. Duryodhana was very cheap and crooked.But we are worst still. Dussala!DO NOT be afraid. Go home!I will not harm your grandson. Dussala was happy and returned to her home. Yaagaaswam roamed about and reached Manipoorapuram.

Tuesday 1 July 2014

Aswamedhayaagam started

Dharmaraju returned to Hasthinapuram from Himalayas with huge treasures.Sree krishna directed Vidurudu and Yuyuthsudu to decorate the city.Balarama and Sree Krishna gave warm welcome to Pandavas.Pandavas and Yadavas hugged each other with so much love and affection.Happiness and josh was every where.Pandavas learnt that Sree Krishna gave life to Pareekshiththu and praised Sree Krishna profusely.They were very grateful for his blessings and help. One day Vyaasa maharshi came to see them. Yudhishtara requested his permission to start Aswamedhayaaga with the treasures they brought from Himalayas.Vyaasa gave his permission.Dharmaraju then turned to Sree KRishna and sought his help and approval to start Aswamedhayaaga as he was their guru,teacher,father and mother,minister,god,and relation. He was every thing to them.Sreen Krishna told Dharmaraju that he too wanted to involve himself in performing Ahwamedha yaaga.Vyaasa maharshi told Dharmaraju to start the yagna on Chaithra poornima.Yaajnavalkyudu,Pailudu and Vyaasa would look after the formalities of the yagna.He directed Dharmaraju to select a good and efficient horse as yaagaaswam. He told him make every thing needed for performing the yagna in gold.Vyaasa maharshi approved the horse and told them to release the horse to roam the entire country. Vyaasa directed that Arjuna should follow the horse and protect it at any cost.Bheema and Nakuludu were deputed to look after kingdom and its welfare.Sahadevud was directed to look after their families.

Monday 30 June 2014

Pareekshiththu saved by Sree Krishna

Sree Krishna came to Hasthinapuram along with Balarama,Subhadra and other important persons of Yadava dynasty.Yuyuthsudu and Vidurudu had gone to receive them.At that time Uththara gave birth to a dead child. Every one started to cry hearing the news.Kunthee devi requested Sree Krishna to save the child. Sree Krishna!You are our only hope!Abhimanyus ,your son inlaw,son is borne dead.Main reason for this is the effect of divyaasthram released by Aswathdhaama saying that entire Pandava dynasty should perish. Please save this child.You have been protecting Pandavas till now,you protect this child also. Subhadra also pleaded with her brother,Sree Krishna.Krishna!Aswathdhaama tried to release that asthra on Bheema. But the result is that Arjunas grandson is born dead.Please the child and save the dynasty. You save your friends grandson.Sree Krishna gave word to them that he would save the child.Droupadi took him to the room where Uththara was wailing for her sons death.Droupadi went inside the room and told Uththara to talk to Sree Krishna and request him. Uththara pleaded With Sree Krishna to save the child. She took the dead child into her hands and started talking thus.Krishna!if you loved your son in law,Abhimanyu,would his son die/Can Aswathdhaama kill him?I thought that I would ask the child to salute you when you come.But alas he is not in a position to pray you.Hey child !is it not derogatory if you do not salute your elders?Why do you not salute Sree Krishna?Open your eyes and see Kunthee devi.Look at Droupadi.Look at your grand mother,Subhadra!look at me.Please smile at me.saying these words Uththara fainted. When ever she regained conscience,she used to wail please save my child! please save my child! Sree Krishna gave word to them that he would save the child.He came after cleansing himself. He reversed the effect of Brahmasironaamakaasthram released by Aswathdhaama. He kept the boy on the cot and told these words.I would not lie,I will make this boy alive .If I had not told lies even with enemies,if I had not turned back from war,life will enter into this boy.If I loved Brahmins, If I loved right and truth,Uththaras son would be alive.If I FOLLOW TRUTH,RIGHTEOUSNESS AND BRAHMACHARYA,THIS BOY WILL SURVIVE. Slowly the boy moved his hands and legs and opened his eyes. Every one was happy.Uththara brought and kept the boy at the feet of Sree Krishna.She too fell on his feet with reverence.Krishna gave the boy many gifts.The boy was named Pareekshiththu.

Friday 27 June 2014

Dharmaraju brings gold treasures from Himalayas

Pandavas never forgot Abhimanyu. But they never discussed him among themselves with the fear that Uththara would be hurt.One day,when Pandavas were not there,relations discussed about Abhimanyu and his untimely death in the hands of cruel Kouravas.Uththara heard their discussions and her vows could not be controlled.Pandavas came running to console her.They too wept remembering ABHIMANYU.Vyaasamaharshi came there and consoled them. He avisd them to conduct Aswamdhayaagam. Dharmaraju addressed his brothers that they should implement Vyaasas advice. They should go to Himalayas and find the gold and richesleft there by Maruththa king,earlier.They appointed Yuyuthsudu to look after the kingdom and requested Vidurudu to help him.They made arrangements for the journey.They prayed deities and their departed relations and started the journey.They reached Himalayas and prayed for Vyaasa and he came there. Then they did poojas with the help of their priest,Dhoumyudu.With the help of Vyaasa ,they found the treasures left by Maruththa king. They carried all those treasures with the help of lakhs of servants from Himalayas to Hathinapura along the banks of Ganges.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

Sree Krishna explains important facts of the war to Balarama

One day Sree Krishna asked Arjuna to take permission from Dharmaraju for his departure to Dwaraka.He said that he was undre the control of Dharmaraju.Arjuna was unhappy hearing Sree KRishnas decision to return to Dwaraka.Sree Krishna and Arjuna started for Hasthinapura.Arjuna praised Sree Krishna and told him that because of his help only they won the war.He expressed his gratefulness to him.They met Gaandhaari,Dhrutharashtra,Kuntheedevi,Dharmaraju and Vidurudu.Sree Krishna stayed that night in the house of Arjuna.Next day,in the assembly hall ,they met Dharmaraju and told him of Sree Krishnas plan to return to Dwaraka.Dharmaraju praised Sree Krishna and expressed his respect to elders at Dwaraka.He requested Sree Krishna to come back to attend Aswamedhayaagam.Sree Krishna took leave from Kuntheedevi,Droupadi and left Hasthinapura along with Subhadra and Sathyaki.All his concentration was on Arjuna only. He was turning back again and again to look at Arjuna.Their love and bonding was like that. Every one was happy at Dwaraka to see Sree Krishna a,mong them.Sree Krishna saluted Vasudeva and Balarama and took their blessings.Vasudeva asked Krishna to tell him about the war at Kurukshethra in detail. But Sree KRISHNA told him that it was a very long story. the gist was that on their side,Sree Krishna,Sathyaki and Pandavas were alive. On Kouravas side Krupacharya,Aswathdhaama,Kruthavarma were alive. Just because Yuyuthsudu came to Pandavas side, Dhrutharashtras son,Yuyuthsudu was alive. all others died.Then Subhadra wept and told him to tell about Abhimanyus death to their father,Vasudeva.Hearing that news Vasudeva fainted and all others were dumbstruck.Sree Krishna pacified and consoled them. He said that Aswathdhaama released Brahmasironaamaka asthra saying that entire Pandava dynasty should vanish. But Sree Krishna protected Uththaras womb and saved Abhimanyus son,Pareekshiththu.Heexplained about the valor of Abhimanyu and cunning and wicked nature of Kouravas in killing Abhimanyu.Dharmaraju was ruling the country.

Aswamedha parvamu

After performing last rites to Bheeshma.Dharmaraju could not control his grief.He was about to fall to the ground. Bheema caught him and slowly made him lie on the ground.Arjuna and others attended to him.Sree Krishna pacified him.Dhrutharashtra came and sat near him. Dharmaraja!You won this kingdom according to Kshathriya rules and regulations only.Oh son!do not weep!main reason for all this calamity is that I have never stood by what was right.That is the main why why Gaandhaari and I are in such a despicable condition.We are aged and we are alone.Think of us.Do not be sorrowful.Sree Krishna also pacified him. Dharmaraju!if kith and kin weep ,departed souls also would not be happy.all your people died in war and reached heaven.So,you need not be sorry for them.YoU conduct a great yagna and give donations profusely.You pray deities and pithrudevathas. Vyaasa maharshi also chided him. Dharmaraja! we have been brain washing you since so much time. aGAIN YOU ARE LOSING YOUR CONFIDENCE. Are our teachings and preachings full waste?Dharma raju replied him.You are all telling me that I can wipe off my sins by conducting Aswamedha yaagam and by giving donations to Brahmins profusely.But let me put my point before you. All the kings died in the war.It is not right to take money from their sons who are still in grief.Duryodhana utilised the entire amount in the treasury and that too ,which was saved by people.So,at present I do not have any money.I do not know any way out to earn so much money to conduct Aswamedha yaagam.In this condition,How can I conduct it?So,please give me permission to go to vaanaprastham. To this Vyasa maharshi smiled and gave a suggestion. Dharmaraja!earlier a king named,Maruththudu, did a yagna and gave donations and offerings profusely to all the great Brahmins.Brahmins could not carry such huge amounts. So,they carried whatever they could and left what they could not carry.While leaving that place they gave the word that who ever comes across that money and riches can take it.They would not be in the wrong,if they take that money.That king perfomed the yagna with golden vessels and articles. That king left all those golden appliances there itself and told that any one can take them and use them.So,Dharmaraja!go ,collect and bring them and use them.Dharmaraju learnt about the story of King Maruththudu.Sree Krishna advised Dharmaraju to win over his enemy named sorrow.He told him to be happy and told him Kaama geetha.Vyaasa,Narada,and other sages,bHeema,Droupadi and others saw to it that Dharmaraju came out of his sorrow.Dharmaraju told that he would find that riches and they had to come again.They all blessed him and went their ways.Dharmaraju gave donations to Brahmins in the name of Karna and other great warriors.He lived along the banks of Ganga for some time and returned to Hasthinapura. Sree Krishna and Arjuna stayed at Indraprastham.They were moving along the rivers,mountains and forests and discussing about many things. Arjuna would think of Abhimanyu and would become sad. Sree Krishna would pacify him.Arjuna was grateful for his friends help in bringing back the kingdom to Pandavas and he would show his gratitude to Sree krishna. Like that,both friends were happy.

Monday 23 June 2014

Sree Krishna pacifies Ganga

Dharmaraju and his brothers,along with Yuyuthsudu and Vidurudu placed the body of Bheeshma on sandal wood blocks .The bathed the dead body with scented waters and pious Ganga waters.THey put silk clothes on the body.They decorated his body with reverence.They gave donations on a large scale to Brahmins.Nakula and Sahadeva carried him holding his head. Dhrutharashtra and dHARMARAJU HELD HIM towards his feet. Bheema and Arjuna placed white cloth over his body. Yuyuthsudu held an umbrella.Dhoumyudu presided the formalities.Pandavas did last rites to Bheeshmas body in a grand manner.While Vyasa was accompanying them,they performed thilodaka pradaanam along with their wives ,on the banks of Ganga. At that time,Ganga came out from the waters ,weeping for her son.Hey Krishna!You all know about my sons valor.He has determination.He won over his teacher,Parasurama ,also .But at the end,he was killed in the hands of Sikhandi.I am still alive,seeing all these atrocities.To her wailing,Sree Krishna pacified her.Hey Ganga!do not pine for your son.Your son went to heaven.Actually,he is one of the Vasuvus.But ,due to a curse,He was born as a human being.He has no one equal to him.Do not be sad.Even Indra can not defeat him. How can Sikhandi win over him?On Bheeshmas request only,Arjuna felled him,but it looked as if Sikhandi defeated him.Arjuna himselfprepared the bed of arrows on Bheeshmas bidding.Bheeshma is such a great man, that he had death in his control.. he left this world according to his wish. Ganga devi was convinced and left them with clear mind.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Anusaasanika parvamu

After fifty days,Yudhishtara came to Bheeshma,after the onset of Uththaraayana punyakalam. He came along with Gaandhaari,Dhrutharashtra,his brothers,Krupaachaarya,Dhoumyudu and other Brahmins. By the time he went,already,Vyaasa and many great sages were there.Yudhishtara and his brothers saluted each and every one of them in reverence.He went to Bheeshma and told him that he came along with all his people as per his request and pleaded him to open his eyes and look at them.Bheeshma opened up his eyes and expressed his happiness in seeing all of them. He turned towards Dhrutharashtra and gave him piece of advice.Dhrutharashtra!you are a great man. You studied vedas.You respected elders .You know what is right and what is wrong.Do not feel sorry for what has happened.Because they were bound to happen in that fashion only.Pandurajus sons are also your kids.You helped them,protected them and looked after them ,since their childhood.Be afather figure to them and look after their welfare.Accept their offerings of service to you. You direct them as what to do and what not to do. Your brothers children are your children too. never forget that that fact. Bheeshma looked at Sree Krishna and praised him profusely.He saluted him and requested him to have soft corner towards him.He said,Hey Krishna1you are my strength.I am your disciple.You give me permission to leave this body and leave this world. You are the only strength to pandavas.You protect them all the time.You and Arjuna are great sages named as Naranarayanas.Krishna was very happy to hear these words. He told Bheeshma that he was a very good soul. He had done nothing wrong. He had done many good things in his life.He loved and respected his father to the utmost extent. That was the reason,why even death was waiting at his door steps for his permission and is in his possession.Krishna had given Bheeshma permission to leave this earthly body and reach heaven. Bheeshma took [permission from every one there to die and told them to follow righteousness, nonviolence all the time.He donated all his possessions to Brahmins.Bheeshma told Yudhishtara that Brahmins,Ruthviks,teachers,old people are to be respected all the time.slowly,he left this materialistic world.

Monday 16 June 2014

Bheeshma tells stories of so many great people

Bheeshma told sages and Yudhishtara the stories of Naadee janghudu,importance of righteousness,story of a brilliant man,story of a brahmin ,Manky.He told Ajagara sory,how five most important elements have evolved,symptoms of death nearing us,dialogue between Sulabha and Janaka,Story of Suka maharshi,dialogue between ,Nara and Narayana,good advises given by Vishnu told deities,and importance of Hayagreeva. Yudhishtara told Bheeshma that Duryodhana has denied kingdom to Yudhishtara out of greed and he in turn fought with greed for kingdom.Then ,Bheeshma explained about death and how powerful it is.Bheeshma told him ABOUT story of Sudarsana,importance of Brahminism,fighty between god and the mortal,importance of protection other person,story of Garutmantha,places where wealth would stay and saw to it that Yudhishtara came out of his sadness. At that time, sages like Athrivasishta,Bhruguvu,Pulasthya,Pulahudukrathuvu,Angirasudu,Agasthyudu,Kanvudu,Gouthamudu,Viswamithra,Jamadagni and many others came to visit Bheeshma ,in his last stages.Pandavas saluted each and every one of them and praised them profusely.They saw him and disappeared in the split of a second. Bheeshma explained their greatness.He explained in detail the greatness of Ganga,the river.He explained the dialogue between Narada and Vasudeva ,and,Bhoomi and Vasudeva. Dharmaraju asked him how people would go after death.Bheeshma told him that it was a secret and only Bruhaspathi could tell him. Bruhaspathi was about to come there. So,Bheeshma advised Yudhishtara to ask that question and get answer from Bruhaspathi.Bruhaspathi clarified the doubts of Yudhishtara and went to Amaravathi.Bheeshma told Yudhishtara about Ahimsa,ie nonviolence,dialogue between Vyasa and Mythreya,Dialogue between Kaikeyi and Sandili,Dialogue between Narada and Pundareeka,story of Sree Krishna,dialogue between Uma and Maheswara,caste system as told by Siva and its rules and regulations,Vishnu sahaasranamaavali,dialogue between Pavana and Kaarthaveerya.Bheeshma told that Sree Krishna would explain Brahminism and its effects.Sree Krishna told him that and greatness of Siva. Bheeshma then explained intricate and delicate dharmasookshmas,reasons for good and bad in ones life.Bheeshma then told Yudhishtara to come out of his agonised mind and rule the kingdom peacefully. He told that Vyasa maharshi was God himself personified.Sree Krishna is God himself ,but your man now.He blessed pandavas and directed them to go to Hasthinapura and be happy.

Friday 13 June 2014

Bheeshma explains virtue and righteousness to Dharmaraju

Bheeshma said these words of praise to Dharmaraju. When Dharmaraju was born,all the sages were very happy.No one equal him in righteousness in the entire world. If he still has some doubts and wants to clarify them with me,I would be most obliged to help him.Krishna told like this. Dharmaraju is under the impression that he has killed his teachers,relations ,friends and elders in the war.Crores of people died with the effect of war,either directly or indirectly.He is afraid how you would react to him.To this Bheeshma repliedthat it is the duty of Brahmins to learn Vedas.Similarly,it is the duty of the king to war against those who are in the wrong.It is not wrong even if he kills near and dear,when they arein the wrong.So,Dharmaraju is in the right path only. Dharmaraju ,then,got up and saluted him and touched his feet with reverence.Bheeshma called him with affection and made him sit near him.Dharmaraju saluted Sree Krishna ,Vyaasaand other sages and took their permission to question Bheeshma regarding virtue and righteousness.He asked Bheeshma to tell him about the duties and rules of kings.How should they behave.Next day morning Pandavas came to Bheeshma,along with sages. Bheeshma explained about Danda neethiie how a king should punish if the other person has done something wrong.He told the stories of Vainyudu and other kings.He told about the rules and regulations of caste system.He told about Maandhaatha story. He explained about rights of civilians.He told him rules of kings as told by Bruhaspathi.He told about Kubera and Muchikunda converasation.He told how one should do penance.He explained truth and how to control temptations.He explained about Khadga prabhavam ,when Nakula asked.Dharmaraju discussed with Vidura differences and distinguishing features of Dharma,ardha and kaama. Next day ,they again came to Bheeshma.

Tuesday 10 June 2014


Dharmaraju handed over the kingdom to Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari and told them that he would rule the country according to their wishes and likes.He used to take their advice before implementing any thing.He saw to it that widows of the war were never sorry.He respected elders like Yuyuthsudu,Sanjaya,ministers of kouravas,Dhoumyudu and others.He attended to his mother Kuntheedevi and wife ,Droupadi. One day,He went to see Sree Krishna.At that time,Sree krishna was in dhyaana.Later ,he saw Dharmaraju and told him that he was thinking about Bheeshma,who was on the bed of arrows for many days. Bheeshma was praying him.Sree Krishna suggested that Uththaraayana punya kaalam was about to start. So,he should go to Bheeshma and seek help from him. clarify his doubts regarding righteousness.It would be good for Dharmaraju.Krishna told Dharmaraju to call his brothers,Krupacharyudu,Yuyuthsudu and Sanjaya. They should all go to visit Bheeshma. All of them went to Bheeshma in the warfield.There,they saw that Vyaasa,Naarada,Deva sthaanu,vaathsya and maharshis and sages were involved with Bheeshma in debate on righteousness.Sree Krishna told about the story of Parasurama to Dharmaraju on their way to Bheeshma.Dharmaraju and others saluted all the great sages and recieved their blessings.Sree Krishna enquired the health of Bheeshma.He praised Bheeshmas valour,knowledge and his righteous path of living.Sree Krishna requested Bheeshma to give suggestions to Dharmaraju on many issues which were troubling his conscience. Bheeshma saluted Sree Krishna and praised him that he was omniscient all knowledgiable.Sree Krishna told that he understood his bhakthi. He also told that after fifty six days from then,sun will enter uththarayana punyakaalam,then he could leave his body.VaSUVULU WOULD WAIT FOR HIS ARRIVAL ON PLANES.After you leave this world,righteousness should not be lost in this world. So tell all about it to DHARMARAJU. BHEESHMA told Krishna his inability to talk and explain things to Dharmaraju and so,requested Krishna to tell those things,himself .To that Krishna gave Bheeshma three boons. Bheeshma would not feel the pain or exhaustion caused by the arrows.He would not feel drowsy and thirsty.he would feel as if he is in fit state of body and mind.his mind would be so clear that he would neither waver nor get confusion in explaining things to Dharmaraju.Vyaasa and other sages praised Sree Krishna for his foresight. Next day,pandavas,Sree Krishna took Dhrutharashtra also along with them. By the time they went,Vyaasa and other sages were also present there.Narada told them to clarify everyones doubts as Bheeshma was about to leave his body soon.Then they said that Dharmaraju was the apt person to start the dialogue with Bheeshma. Bheeshma was fit and fine like a boy.He asked Krishna why he has selected him to tell them about righteousness. He himself could have told them.To that Sree Krishna told that he wanted him to give that credit to Bheeshma.

Thursday 1 May 2014

Dharmaraju crowned the king of Hasthinapura

Sree Krishna advised Dharmaraju .Dharmaraju!wage war against those who attack you. respect Brahmins.Be affectionate towards relatives.Be happy with your family members.Get yourself enthroned. It is long due.Sree Krishna directed Arjuna to organise and look after the crowning celebrations.Dharmaraju was also happy.Sree Krishna and Sathyaki sat in front of Dharmarju. Bheema and Arjuna sat besides Dharmaraju. Nakula and Sahadeva sat behindDharmaraju.Kunthee devi and Dhrutharashtra sat beside Sree Krishna.Vidurudu and Dhoumyudu sat near by.Behind Dhrutharashtra ,Gaandhaari,Yuyuthsudu and Sanjaya sat.Sree Krishna welcomed Krupaacharya and Dharmaraju respectfully saluted him.Kings and civilians attended the grand function.Taking Sree Krishnas permission,Dhoumyudu prepared the dias and invited Dharmaraju to come and sit along with Droupadi. they performed many rituals.Dharmaraju was made the the king officially. Dhrutharashtra also approved it by bathing him with pure and pious waterd.Dharmaraju gave alms to the civilians. He respected Dhrutharashtra and Gaandhaari.Dharmaraju made Bheema the prince of Hastinapura.He delegated various powers to Vidura,Sanjaya,Nakula,Sahadeva,Arjuna and Dhoumyudu according to their capabilities.To supervise things that are entrusted to all,he selected Vidura,Yuyuthsudu,and Sanjaya.He was Grateful for SreekRISHNA FOR HAVING HELPED THEM SINCE THE BEGINNING. Dharmaraju told his younger to be happy and enjoy life atleast now.He allotted Duryodhanas palace to Bheema,Dussaasanas palace to Arjuna,Durmarshana and Durmukhas palaces to Nakula and Sahadeva respectively.He requested Vidura,Yuyuthsudu and Sanjaya to stay where they were earlier. He requested Sree Krishna and Sathyaki to stay with Arjuna. Like this,they were living happily.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Dharmaraju decides to seek Bheeshmas advice

Vyaasa told Dharmaraju that Bheeshma was equal to Bruhaspathi in knowledge.He is respected even by Indra and other deities.He is a straight forward person.You go to him and seek his help. He would help you in coming out of this grief. He would also tell you about many right things that should be observed and implimented.Dharmaraju was ashamed to go to him because he killed by not playing fair in war.Sree Krishna also convinced Dharmaraju that Bheeshma was a great soul and he would already have forgiven him.He would definitely help him if Dharmaraju asked him. Sree Krishna advised him to first go to the city.Then he should go and meet Bheeshma leisurely.Vyaasa also advised him similarly.Dharmaraju saluted them and they blessed him and left for their respective places.Dharmaraju left to Hasthinapura.Bheema handled the chariot. Arjuna held white umbrella for his elder brother.Nakula and Sahadeva fanned him .Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra alighted their chariots and started to the city.Sree Krishna and Sathyaki also went along with Dharmaraju.Civilians welcomed Dharmaraju with sacred flowers,pearls and akshathas.THey praised the brothers profusely.Dharma raju reached kings palace along with Dhoumyudu,Dhrutharashtrudu and other elders.He performed poojas to Grama devathas.He donated profusely to Brahmins.

Saturday 26 April 2014

Droupadis advice to Dharmaraju

Dharmaraju was silent .He did not respond to his brothers advice.Then Droupadi went near him and requested to hear her views also.Dharmaraju gave his consent for her to speak out her mind.O King!Your brothers have undergone many hardships till now. please console them.During the year when they lived underground ,they faced many problems.At that time you gave them hope that after that period they would fight with Duryodhana and win the war. Then they could live happily.But now after winning the war,you are saying that again you would go to the woods and live the life of sages.Do you not think that would hurt your brothers feelings.Kings should never think below their dignity.Kings are supposed to rule country.King is a god in the guise of a man.Those who belittled the king got themselves smashed in the war.Kouravas humiliated and ill treated you.So,they lost their lives. If you touch fire,it would burn you,it does not matter whether you know the implications of it or not.Why do you feel sorry for their death.They were sinners,so you killed them.Now,it is your dutu to rule the nation and look after their welfare.Arjuna and Bheema suggested the same to Dharmaraju. Arjuna told him similar incidents in the life of Janaka,when his wife advised him.A sage named Devasdhaanudualso advised him similarly.Veda vyaasa also tried to make Dharmaraju see reason in their advice.Vyaasa told him the story of Sudyumna.He explained the dialogues of a king,named Sena jiththu.He also told him the dialogues between Asmaka and Janaka.Sree Krishna told him the story of Shodasa king and Parvatha and Naradas dialogue.Narada explained Suvarnashteevi story. Again ,Vyaasa intervened and told him about right and wrong.Still,Dharmaraju was not convinced. Then,Vyaasa told himto go to Bheeshma and learn about duties,responsibilities and right and wrong.Narada laso felt happy for this suggestion of Vyaasa.

Thursday 24 April 2014

saanthi parvamu...Dharmarajus meloncoly

Janamejaya was told the story of mahabharatha by Vaisampayana muni.After completion of last rites to decesed warriors,pandavas stayed at the banks of Ganges for about a month along with Dhrutharashtra and others.At that time,Vyaasa,Narada,Devaludu,Sdhaanuvu,Kanvudu and other sages came to visit them.Pandavas welcomed them with open heart. Narada enquired Dharmaraju if he was happy. Dharma raju replied him in his own style. Narada!with Sree Krishnas courtesy,entire world has become mine.It is under my control. But I have lost so many of my close relations. I have lost Abhimanyu and Droupadis sons.This victory is no more a victory in my eyes.When we came to know that Karna was our elder brother,we were very sorry. We are unable to digest that truth even now.We killed him ,not knowing that he was our own brother. If all six of us were together,we could have been more happy. Dharmaraju turned towards Arjuna and told him. Arjuna!why do we need this kingdom? let us leave this kingdom and lead simple lives in another country.We killed all our relatives.It is as good as committing suicide.I do not want this power. I will handover my kingdom to you and go to the woods. You rule this land.Arjuna could not accept these words. He tried to reason with Dharmaraju.You had entered into war and won it. Now ,you are saying that you would lead a life of sage. Is it reasonable?if you feel ,you have sinned,perform aswamedha yaaga and other pious duties.Bheema also sided with Arjunas way of thinking.We have to do our duty.Then only we can wash away our sins.Nakula also told his brother that according vedas,each one has to the duty entrusted to him. So,Dharmaraju has to rule his kingdom.He advised him to do yagnas and yagas. Earlier,Manuvu and other great kings did like wise and reached heaven.Sahadeva also beseeched his brother to do like wise.

Monday 21 April 2014

performing last rites to the dead warriors

Dhrutharashtra told Dharmaraju to see that last rites are performed to all the warriors ,whether they had relatives or not.Dharmaraju replied him that he would look into the matter of cremating and performing last rites to all the warriors.THEY themselves had to do it. He called Dhoumyudu,Vidurudu, Sanjaya, and Yuyuthsuduand told them to cremate everyone whether had relatives or not,accordingly according to the rules and regulations stipulated.He allocated this work to appropriate candidates remaining there. Dhoumyudu and others took the help of Brahmins to do that and at that time ,chanting of Rugveda,Yajurveda and SAAMAGAANA REVERBERATED THE ENTIRE AREA. Women wept for the loss of their near and dear.Dharmaraju performed last rites kourava warriors after taking bath in Ganges along with Dhrutharashtra.Then Kunthee devi went to Dharma raju andtold every one that Karna was her son and not Radhas son.He was her first born son to God Sun.She told Dharmaraju to perform last rites to Karna also.Pandavas were shocked at the news. They wept for their lost brother. Dharmaraju expressed his grief like this. Mother!because Karna was his friend,Duryodhana dared to fight with Bheema and Arjuna.Because Karna was Duryodhanas right hand,Poundra,Vaideha and other kings became Duryodhanas Saamantha kings.A ll our armies were afraid of Karna only.All the time,we were afraid of Karna only.Why did you deliver Karna first?Death of Karna is more painful to me than the deaths of Abhimanyu,Ghatothkacha,and death of Droupadi sons.If we had known that he was our elder brother,we would not have got into war with Kouravas.With a heavy heart,he performed last rites to his elder brother.Gaandhaaree and Dhrutharashtra also attended the procedures.Dharma raju called for Karnas family members and repsectfully treated them.He gave many donations in his name.

Sunday 13 April 2014

Gaandhaari curses Sree Krishna

Gaandhaari put forth her doubt before Sree Krishna.Sree Krishna!everyone knows that Bheeshma,Drona,Karna,Bhoorisravudu,Aswathdhaama,Krupaachaaryudu,Saindhavudu,Duryodhana,and Kruthavarma are great warriors.No one can correctly assess their caliber.Even deities can not defeat them.But you,along with your brother,Sathyaki,and Pandavas defeated them.In the process,no harm was done to you.It ,surely,is a miracle. Seeing her people without life,her anger increased ten fold.She accused Sree Krishna like this.Krishna!you could not stop the rivalry between Pandavas and Kouravas.You are such a capable man that you can do anything and everything.Then,why did you keep quiet and let kouravas destroy.You will bear the fruit of this act.I am cursing you.You made cousins fight among themselves and die. So,similarly your people will also fight among themselves and slef destroy themselves.Afetr thirty six years,your dynasty will also come to an end.Even you will die,without anyone to weep for your death ,in a most despicable way.Today,we are all weeping for our sons,husbands and brothers. Similarly,your women would also weep for their relatives death. Sree Krishna did not get angry at her words. He reminded her that earlier one sage cursed them similarly. So,that is definitely going to happen.What have you gained by cursing me like this?Pandavas were afraid at this turn of events. But Sreev Krishna admonished her in his own way.Gaandhaari!get up. we have to attend to last rites of the dead warriors.Do you not know the atrocities your son did?You,Bheeshma,Drona,Baahlikud and myself could not set him right.That was the sole reason why this disaster has occured.Why are you talking to me like this,when your mistake is also there?Control your self.Women in kshathriyas families expect their husband and children to be warriors.Why are you repenting now? Gaandhaari was dumbstruck at this reply of Sree Krishna.Then Dhrutharashtra asked Dharmaraju the details of the dead warriors. Then Dharmaraju replied.Seventy six crores and twenty warriors and twenty four thousand three hundred civilians died in this war. But every one would go to heaven,in whatever fashion they died.

Friday 11 April 2014

Gaandhaari weeps for the death of kuru warriors

Gaandhaari called Sree krishna to her side and wept.she started speaking to KRishna.Sree krishna ! Look at my daughters in law.our foes would be happy these women weeping for their departed husbands.though Salya,Drupada,Karna,Drona,Bheeshma,and Abhimanyu are dead,their aura has not left their faces.because they were killed by celestial weapons,their bodies have not decomposed. But,still foxes and crows are eating their bodies.krishna! All the credit for this turn events goes to you .what sin should I  have committed to see them dead,now? I could not see them when they were alive.
Gaandhaari was weeping and roaming the war field. She came across the dead body of Duryodhana.She fainted seeing it.her aides attended to her and she came to her senses.she fell on his body and wept in heart wrenching fashion.More than her sons death,sorrow of her daughter in law is affecting her more.Her daughters in law lost both their husbands and sons at the same time.sree Krishna! Is there an end to their sorrow?we have lost our sons and grand sons.who is going to console us?This is the ultimate in suffering.Krishna! Are you seeing thed ead bodies of my other sons ,who were killed in the hands of Bheema?See their wives going to their husbands and weeping over their bodies.I am unable to control myself.How should the parents of those hundred sons feel?They ,sure,would have done immense sin to see this day.Krishna!  Do you see dussaasana?Was it right for Bheemato drink his blood,breaking open his heart?bheema behaved in a grotesque manner.

Did you see abhimanyu?fighting an unfair battle,where many warriors attacked him mercilessly,he seems tired and sleeping. he does not look like a dead one. His wife,Uththara is so young .how could she tolerate the death of her husband.Did you hear her wailing for her husband.See! How pathetically karna is lying on the ground ,fighting alosing battle against Arjuna.Karna is a great warrior,couragious man,and a helping man. he was like an armour to Duryodhana and never feared for his life. he was bent always in protecting his mentor,duryodhana.Are you seeing his wife and mother of Vrushasena wailing for her husband and son.
though dead,Baahlikudu is appearing as good as alive.dussala is searching for the head of her husband .how should i feel seeing my only daughter searching for the dead body of her husband?salya is lyong on the ground with his face down. his mother and wives are weeping for him.did you see Bhagadaththa? YOu instigated Arjuna to kill him.even Bheeshma,super warrior is also lying on the ground.He might have been partial towards pandavas,but he fought for kurus.
Bheeshma rejected kingdom and took to being as trict bachelor for the sake of his father.a
do you the plight of Dronaachaarya. do you notice the way,Dhrushtadyumna has beheaded him?fate has no mercy towards any one.No one can do anything to set it right.
krupaachaaryas sister,Krupaa is weeping for her husband,Dronas death. dronas disciples ar reciting vedmanthras.She too is reciting Saamavedam along with dronas disciples.who is going yo teach archery now? do you see Sakuni,who had been killed by Sahadeva?sakuni is full of crookednessa nd cruelty. he became duryodhanas right hand telling him that he would do goog. but in actual fact, brought the down fall of kuru vamsa.He is the sole reason for duryodhanas death. he too died a menial death.He is the root cause behind brothers rivalry.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra angry And Sree Krishnas intervention

Dharmaraju went to Dhrutharashtra and saluted him with sorrow over the recent happenings.Dhrutharashtra also wept and hugged Dharmaraju.Each consoled the other. Similarly Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula ,and Sahadeva introduced themselves to Dhrutharashtra.As soon as Dhrutharashtra heard Bheemas voice he lost his temper.Sree Krishna knew what the consequences would be . So,when Dhrutharashtra came to hug Bheema,Sree Krishna kept an iron replica of Bheema before him.Dhrutharashtra hugged the Bheemas idol so harsh that it broke into pieces.Krishna saw to it that the idols body was filled with flesh and blood. When Dhrutharashtra crushed it ten thousand elephants strength it broke up and blood and flesh oozed out. Dhrutharashtra thought that Bheema was killed and was happy within himself. But he expressed sorrow for killing Bheema unintentionally. Sree Krishna talked to Dhrutharashtra in this fashion. Hey King!still you are unable to realise your mistake and still angry over the happenings.Bheeshma,Drona,Vidura and myself told you many times to correct yourself and correct your sons.You know how your sons behaved in wrong ways all the time.They were bad charactered . They never cared for what is right.Hearing these words,Dhrutharahstra also repented for his sons mistakes.He gave word to Krishna that he would look after Pandavas as his sons.Then,Bheema,Arjuna,Nakulaans Sahadeva saluted the king and took his blessings.Yuyuthsudu also saluted Dhrutharashtra and took his blessings. Dhrutharashtra requested them to go to Gaandhaari and console her.They went to her along with Sree Krishna. Gaandhari wanted to curse them instead of blessing them.Vyaasa maharshi understood her turn of mind and came there immediately and requested her not to curse pandavas. He told her once and again that Dharnaraju was a nice and righteous man.She should leave her unhappiness and anger towardsthem and bless them. Then,Gaandhaari convinced himthat she was not jealous of Pandavas. Because of her acute sorrow,she wanted to curse them.They were like her children.Pandavas won the battle observing the rules of war.She addressed Dharmaraju like this.Dhrutharashtra and myslef,both are blind. You could have given us atleast one son instead of killing all the hundred sons. Or,were you afraid that the remaining one would again war with you and take over the kingdom from your hands?She raised her voice and enquired about Dharmaraju. Then Dharamaraju came before her and saluted her.Oh mother!I am the sinner who killed your sons.I am merciless and cruel.Please curse me and let me repent for my sins.I killed relatives, brothers and sons in the war.What do i NEED FOR THIS KINGDOM,THIS LIFE AND THESE PLEASUERS?Gaandhaari could not say anything for this .Dharmaraju fell on her feet and requested her blessings.Gaandhaari controlled her anger and told them to go and see Kunthi.Paandavas went and wept with their mother ,Kunthi.She too wept touching the wounds of her sons,caused during the war.Droupadi also came there and both consoled each other.Kunthi went to Gaandhaari along with her sons and Droupadi.Gaandhaari told Droupadi that both were sailing in the same boat. Droupadi lost her sons like her.Fate is merciless. Vidurud had cautioned me to ward off these events long back.But I could not do anything.we can not skip fate and time. Vyaasa maharshi gave Gaandhaari celestial sight,with which she could see far off thinhs also without removing the cloth tied to her eyes. Gaandhaari went to see the war sight.Vyaasa maharshi directed Paandavas to do last rites to the departed souls.Evry one were depressed and full of agony and sorrow.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Sthree parvamu

Vaisampaayana told king Janamejaya ,the facts that occured after Kurukshethra war.Dhrutharashtra could not come out of his grief.Sanjaya tried to console him in many possible ways.Hey King!why are you still grieving?In your position,to whom should you weep?There is no end for this sorrow.YoU HAVE TO ATTEND to the last rites of dead warriors.NBow,we should go to the war field.Hearing these words .Dhrutharashtras sorrow knew no bounds.He said that he could not do all those things. Since,Pandavas were righteous people,they would attend to all those formalities.Vidura also tried to pacify his brother.He advised him to do last rites to his sons.Then only,he could recoup himself.Dhrutharaashtra fainted with sorrow and these people attended to him and revived him. Vyaasa maharshi also came there. Vyaasa maharshi told Dhrutharashtra like this.Nothing is permanent in this world.Behave in a right way.Leave your sorrow and lead a peaceful life. Pandavas are righteous people. Yoy would definitely be benefited by them. Dhrutharashtra decided to go to the war sight. He told Vidura to tell women in the castle to get ready to follow him.Sanjaya and Vidura collected all the women in the castle.Kunthi and wives of Kuru warriors came.While they were going.Krupaacharya and Krutha varma came there.They consoled Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra aptly.Krutha varma went to his country. Krupaachaarya came to Hasthinaapura.Dharmaraju came to know that Dhrutharashtra was coming along with wives of dead warriors and prepared to meet them.Droupadi also came there along with women of her side,her brother and Yuyuthsudu.Kuru widows scolded Dharmaraju. Pandavas lowered their heads in mourning.

Sunday 6 April 2014

Sree Krishna and Vyaasa maharshi scold Aswathdhaama

Krishna started giving left and right to Aswathdhaama on his heinous act.Earlier One Brahmin came to Uththara,when she was in Upaplaavyam and told her like this. Uththara!because of Aswathdhaama you would give birth to a dead son. But ,he would live again. So,name him as Pareekshiththu.What that Brahmin is never going to be wrong. But your word is going to be false. that child is going to be paandava vamsakartha. You killed a child in its womb.So,you would live with starvation. No one would help you.You would be wounded and bad odour would be coming from your body. No one would come near you. Like this,you are going to live for three thousand years. But at the same time, the child whom I am going to save is going to learn archery from Krupaacharya and would rule this earth for many years.He would have a son ,named Janamejayudu. Janamejayudu is also going to reach heights of fame in your period only. Vyaasa maharshi also scolded Aswathdhaama. Aswathdhaama !you are a Brahmin. Still,you did such a mean actSo,what Sree Krishna about you is going to be true. Aswathdhaama also cursed Vyaasa maharshi that he too would be among men all the time Aswathdhaama lived.Saying so,Aswathdhaama gave his Diamond to Pandavas and went to do penance. Sree Krishna and Pandavas went to Droupadi ,after saluting Vyaasa maharshi. Bheema gave that diamond to Droupadi to appease her. She felt happy seeing it. But she gave that to Yudhishtara saying that he was the right person to adorn it.At that time,except Uththara,no other pandavas wife was conceiving.Aswathdhaamaas asthra went to terminate Uththaras pregnancy. But,Sree Krishna helped the womb to survive,with his super natural powers and saved the baby.Dharmaraju praised Sree Krishna for all his help.

Saturday 5 April 2014

Arjuna recalls his divyaasthram on Naaradas request

Then Narada and Vyaasa maharshi stood between Aswathdhaaama and Arjuna.Many warriors who had known how to use mahaasthras came and went. But till no one used divyaasthras to the detriment of mankind.So,please recall your divyaaasthraas.Arjuna replied them. Swamy!to ward off Aswathdhaamas divyaasthram only I used my divyaasthram.I had no other go,If you promise to protect us,I would recall my divyaasthram now itself.Immediately,he recalled his asthram with utmost ease.Since Arjuna was a righteous man,who followed brahmacharya and penance,he could recall it.It was an impossible task even for deities. Aswathdhaama could not recall his asthram.He felt ashamed and told them like this.I was afraid of Bheema.So,I released this powerful weapon.I am incapable of recalling it.So,it would definitely terminate pandavas.I am a sinner.No one can save me. Vyaasa maharshi then addressed Aswathdhaama.Aswathdhaama!your father had given this powerful weapon to Arjuna with love and affection.Arjuna did not use it to kill you.He used only to protect himself.It is impossible to terminate a great soul like Arjuna.Your asthram would be put to an end only by Arjunas arrow.You started penance. So,leave happy. Arjuna followed the right path.He did not crave for victory. So,he should return home happily. So,give the siromani you have over your head to Arjuna.Then,every one would feel happy that Arjuna had put an end to you. Aswathdhaama was full of sorrow. Hey sage! I am giving my siromani on your saying so. But my weapon would kill and harm the wombs of pandavas and then settle down happily.Vyas maharshi okayed it and warned him not ask for any more.Sree Krishna intervened and told Aswathdhaama. Aswathdhaama!you have become a sinner by killing all the grand sons od Panduraju.But I will protect one embryo amongst pandavas great grand sons.That child is going to be very great and applauded by one and all.So,release one embryo. Aswathdhaama lost his temper.Krishna!you are partial towards Pandavas.I will mot permit it. You are trying to protect the embryo of Uththra and Abhimanyu.But I will destroy that embryo also with my weapon.Saying so,he released his asthram to terminate all tha pandava embryos.

Friday 4 April 2014

Sree Krishna and others back Bheema infight with Aswathdhaama

Bheema enetered Kurukshethra and enquired people there about Aswathdhaamaas where abouts.People said that Aswathdhaama,Kruthavarma and Krupaachaarya went to Hasthinaapura and returned back. Aswathdhaama left Krupaachaarya and Krutha varma and went towards Vyaasa maharshis abod.Bheema went in that direction. Sree Krishna told Dharmaraju that Bheema went to fight Aswathdhaama alone. It is not safe for him. so,we should all go and back him up. Earlier Agasthya maharshi had given powerful asthram named Brahmasiram to Aswathdhaamaas father. Aswathdhaama came to acquire it through his father. Aswathdhaama is head strong that he can do anything with that Brahmasiram.If HE attackes Bheema with Brahmasiram,Bheema would be in trouble. So,they had to go fast and stop Aswathdhaama from using that against Bheema.Sree Krishna became charioteer and carried Dharmaraju and Arjuna to the battle field.They found out Bheema ,in search of Aswathdhaama.Aswathdhaama was doing penance there. Bheema went to him and called that he can not hide like a sagebut should participate in duel. Aswathdhaama saw Bheema,Sree Krishna ,Dharmaraju and Arjuna nearing him.He smelled danger. He had to act fast. so,he took darbha and made it powerful by chanting Brahmasironaamakaasthram and uttering the words apaandava bhava,released it.That asthram was coming towards Bheema discharging fire and with much force. On Sree Krishnas advice, Arjuna also released Brahmasironaamakaasthram uttering the words that Aswathdhaamas,Arjuna and all his brothers should survive. Both the asthras collided resulting in much destruction.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

Pandavas in deep sorrow

Early morning,Dharmaraju was talking with Sree Krishna and Saathyaki along with his brothers.Charioteer of Dhrushtadyumna came there and saluted them . He told them that Aswathdhaama had come into their tents the previous night and killed every one present there.Dharmaraju fainted hearing those words.Dharmarajus sorrow could not be controlled. In war ,they lost many of their relatives. Now,renmaining kith and kin were lost. Victory brought them nothing.In fact,they lost everyone.He could not undersatnd how Droupadi was going to handle the tragedy. At that time,Droupadi was residing in Viraata nagaram. Dharmaraju sent his people to bring her back.He went into the tents and saw there what had happened the previous night. Pandavas fainted seeing that scene.Saaathyaki made them come to their senses.Droupadi came weeping and fainted at the action scene.She wept . With the help of gods and humans we could win the war. But we lost our sons.Aswathdhaama is the root cause of this calamity. He killed my sons ,who were sleeping in their tents.Unless you kill Aswathdhaama ,I can not stay calm.If you do not send Bheema to kill Aswathdhaama,I would die now itself. Dharmaraju tried to console but to no effect. Droupadi touched Bheema and told him to go,find and kill Aswathdhaama to appease her. Bheema felt ,he had been given consent by his elder brother. Nakula became his charioteer and they left the place to go and kill Aswathdhaama.