Thursday 10 April 2014

Gaandhaari and Dhrutharashtra angry And Sree Krishnas intervention

Dharmaraju went to Dhrutharashtra and saluted him with sorrow over the recent happenings.Dhrutharashtra also wept and hugged Dharmaraju.Each consoled the other. Similarly Bheema,Arjuna,Nakula ,and Sahadeva introduced themselves to Dhrutharashtra.As soon as Dhrutharashtra heard Bheemas voice he lost his temper.Sree Krishna knew what the consequences would be . So,when Dhrutharashtra came to hug Bheema,Sree Krishna kept an iron replica of Bheema before him.Dhrutharashtra hugged the Bheemas idol so harsh that it broke into pieces.Krishna saw to it that the idols body was filled with flesh and blood. When Dhrutharashtra crushed it ten thousand elephants strength it broke up and blood and flesh oozed out. Dhrutharashtra thought that Bheema was killed and was happy within himself. But he expressed sorrow for killing Bheema unintentionally. Sree Krishna talked to Dhrutharashtra in this fashion. Hey King!still you are unable to realise your mistake and still angry over the happenings.Bheeshma,Drona,Vidura and myself told you many times to correct yourself and correct your sons.You know how your sons behaved in wrong ways all the time.They were bad charactered . They never cared for what is right.Hearing these words,Dhrutharahstra also repented for his sons mistakes.He gave word to Krishna that he would look after Pandavas as his sons.Then,Bheema,Arjuna,Nakulaans Sahadeva saluted the king and took his blessings.Yuyuthsudu also saluted Dhrutharashtra and took his blessings. Dhrutharashtra requested them to go to Gaandhaari and console her.They went to her along with Sree Krishna. Gaandhari wanted to curse them instead of blessing them.Vyaasa maharshi understood her turn of mind and came there immediately and requested her not to curse pandavas. He told her once and again that Dharnaraju was a nice and righteous man.She should leave her unhappiness and anger towardsthem and bless them. Then,Gaandhaari convinced himthat she was not jealous of Pandavas. Because of her acute sorrow,she wanted to curse them.They were like her children.Pandavas won the battle observing the rules of war.She addressed Dharmaraju like this.Dhrutharashtra and myslef,both are blind. You could have given us atleast one son instead of killing all the hundred sons. Or,were you afraid that the remaining one would again war with you and take over the kingdom from your hands?She raised her voice and enquired about Dharmaraju. Then Dharamaraju came before her and saluted her.Oh mother!I am the sinner who killed your sons.I am merciless and cruel.Please curse me and let me repent for my sins.I killed relatives, brothers and sons in the war.What do i NEED FOR THIS KINGDOM,THIS LIFE AND THESE PLEASUERS?Gaandhaari could not say anything for this .Dharmaraju fell on her feet and requested her blessings.Gaandhaari controlled her anger and told them to go and see Kunthi.Paandavas went and wept with their mother ,Kunthi.She too wept touching the wounds of her sons,caused during the war.Droupadi also came there and both consoled each other.Kunthi went to Gaandhaari along with her sons and Droupadi.Gaandhaari told Droupadi that both were sailing in the same boat. Droupadi lost her sons like her.Fate is merciless. Vidurud had cautioned me to ward off these events long back.But I could not do anything.we can not skip fate and time. Vyaasa maharshi gave Gaandhaari celestial sight,with which she could see far off thinhs also without removing the cloth tied to her eyes. Gaandhaari went to see the war sight.Vyaasa maharshi directed Paandavas to do last rites to the departed souls.Evry one were depressed and full of agony and sorrow.

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