Saturday 26 April 2014

Droupadis advice to Dharmaraju

Dharmaraju was silent .He did not respond to his brothers advice.Then Droupadi went near him and requested to hear her views also.Dharmaraju gave his consent for her to speak out her mind.O King!Your brothers have undergone many hardships till now. please console them.During the year when they lived underground ,they faced many problems.At that time you gave them hope that after that period they would fight with Duryodhana and win the war. Then they could live happily.But now after winning the war,you are saying that again you would go to the woods and live the life of sages.Do you not think that would hurt your brothers feelings.Kings should never think below their dignity.Kings are supposed to rule country.King is a god in the guise of a man.Those who belittled the king got themselves smashed in the war.Kouravas humiliated and ill treated you.So,they lost their lives. If you touch fire,it would burn you,it does not matter whether you know the implications of it or not.Why do you feel sorry for their death.They were sinners,so you killed them.Now,it is your dutu to rule the nation and look after their welfare.Arjuna and Bheema suggested the same to Dharmaraju. Arjuna told him similar incidents in the life of Janaka,when his wife advised him.A sage named Devasdhaanudualso advised him similarly.Veda vyaasa also tried to make Dharmaraju see reason in their advice.Vyaasa told him the story of Sudyumna.He explained the dialogues of a king,named Sena jiththu.He also told him the dialogues between Asmaka and Janaka.Sree Krishna told him the story of Shodasa king and Parvatha and Naradas dialogue.Narada explained Suvarnashteevi story. Again ,Vyaasa intervened and told him about right and wrong.Still,Dharmaraju was not convinced. Then,Vyaasa told himto go to Bheeshma and learn about duties,responsibilities and right and wrong.Narada laso felt happy for this suggestion of Vyaasa.

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