Friday 11 April 2014

Gaandhaari weeps for the death of kuru warriors

Gaandhaari called Sree krishna to her side and wept.she started speaking to KRishna.Sree krishna ! Look at my daughters in law.our foes would be happy these women weeping for their departed husbands.though Salya,Drupada,Karna,Drona,Bheeshma,and Abhimanyu are dead,their aura has not left their faces.because they were killed by celestial weapons,their bodies have not decomposed. But,still foxes and crows are eating their bodies.krishna! All the credit for this turn events goes to you .what sin should I  have committed to see them dead,now? I could not see them when they were alive.
Gaandhaari was weeping and roaming the war field. She came across the dead body of Duryodhana.She fainted seeing it.her aides attended to her and she came to her senses.she fell on his body and wept in heart wrenching fashion.More than her sons death,sorrow of her daughter in law is affecting her more.Her daughters in law lost both their husbands and sons at the same time.sree Krishna! Is there an end to their sorrow?we have lost our sons and grand sons.who is going to console us?This is the ultimate in suffering.Krishna! Are you seeing thed ead bodies of my other sons ,who were killed in the hands of Bheema?See their wives going to their husbands and weeping over their bodies.I am unable to control myself.How should the parents of those hundred sons feel?They ,sure,would have done immense sin to see this day.Krishna!  Do you see dussaasana?Was it right for Bheemato drink his blood,breaking open his heart?bheema behaved in a grotesque manner.

Did you see abhimanyu?fighting an unfair battle,where many warriors attacked him mercilessly,he seems tired and sleeping. he does not look like a dead one. His wife,Uththara is so young .how could she tolerate the death of her husband.Did you hear her wailing for her husband.See! How pathetically karna is lying on the ground ,fighting alosing battle against Arjuna.Karna is a great warrior,couragious man,and a helping man. he was like an armour to Duryodhana and never feared for his life. he was bent always in protecting his mentor,duryodhana.Are you seeing his wife and mother of Vrushasena wailing for her husband and son.
though dead,Baahlikudu is appearing as good as alive.dussala is searching for the head of her husband .how should i feel seeing my only daughter searching for the dead body of her husband?salya is lyong on the ground with his face down. his mother and wives are weeping for him.did you see Bhagadaththa? YOu instigated Arjuna to kill him.even Bheeshma,super warrior is also lying on the ground.He might have been partial towards pandavas,but he fought for kurus.
Bheeshma rejected kingdom and took to being as trict bachelor for the sake of his father.a
do you the plight of Dronaachaarya. do you notice the way,Dhrushtadyumna has beheaded him?fate has no mercy towards any one.No one can do anything to set it right.
krupaachaaryas sister,Krupaa is weeping for her husband,Dronas death. dronas disciples ar reciting vedmanthras.She too is reciting Saamavedam along with dronas disciples.who is going yo teach archery now? do you see Sakuni,who had been killed by Sahadeva?sakuni is full of crookednessa nd cruelty. he became duryodhanas right hand telling him that he would do goog. but in actual fact, brought the down fall of kuru vamsa.He is the sole reason for duryodhanas death. he too died a menial death.He is the root cause behind brothers rivalry.

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