Friday 4 April 2014

Sree Krishna and others back Bheema infight with Aswathdhaama

Bheema enetered Kurukshethra and enquired people there about Aswathdhaamaas where abouts.People said that Aswathdhaama,Kruthavarma and Krupaachaarya went to Hasthinaapura and returned back. Aswathdhaama left Krupaachaarya and Krutha varma and went towards Vyaasa maharshis abod.Bheema went in that direction. Sree Krishna told Dharmaraju that Bheema went to fight Aswathdhaama alone. It is not safe for him. so,we should all go and back him up. Earlier Agasthya maharshi had given powerful asthram named Brahmasiram to Aswathdhaamaas father. Aswathdhaama came to acquire it through his father. Aswathdhaama is head strong that he can do anything with that Brahmasiram.If HE attackes Bheema with Brahmasiram,Bheema would be in trouble. So,they had to go fast and stop Aswathdhaama from using that against Bheema.Sree Krishna became charioteer and carried Dharmaraju and Arjuna to the battle field.They found out Bheema ,in search of Aswathdhaama.Aswathdhaama was doing penance there. Bheema went to him and called that he can not hide like a sagebut should participate in duel. Aswathdhaama saw Bheema,Sree Krishna ,Dharmaraju and Arjuna nearing him.He smelled danger. He had to act fast. so,he took darbha and made it powerful by chanting Brahmasironaamakaasthram and uttering the words apaandava bhava,released it.That asthram was coming towards Bheema discharging fire and with much force. On Sree Krishnas advice, Arjuna also released Brahmasironaamakaasthram uttering the words that Aswathdhaamas,Arjuna and all his brothers should survive. Both the asthras collided resulting in much destruction.

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