Sunday 13 April 2014

Gaandhaari curses Sree Krishna

Gaandhaari put forth her doubt before Sree Krishna.Sree Krishna!everyone knows that Bheeshma,Drona,Karna,Bhoorisravudu,Aswathdhaama,Krupaachaaryudu,Saindhavudu,Duryodhana,and Kruthavarma are great warriors.No one can correctly assess their caliber.Even deities can not defeat them.But you,along with your brother,Sathyaki,and Pandavas defeated them.In the process,no harm was done to you.It ,surely,is a miracle. Seeing her people without life,her anger increased ten fold.She accused Sree Krishna like this.Krishna!you could not stop the rivalry between Pandavas and Kouravas.You are such a capable man that you can do anything and everything.Then,why did you keep quiet and let kouravas destroy.You will bear the fruit of this act.I am cursing you.You made cousins fight among themselves and die. So,similarly your people will also fight among themselves and slef destroy themselves.Afetr thirty six years,your dynasty will also come to an end.Even you will die,without anyone to weep for your death ,in a most despicable way.Today,we are all weeping for our sons,husbands and brothers. Similarly,your women would also weep for their relatives death. Sree Krishna did not get angry at her words. He reminded her that earlier one sage cursed them similarly. So,that is definitely going to happen.What have you gained by cursing me like this?Pandavas were afraid at this turn of events. But Sreev Krishna admonished her in his own way.Gaandhaari!get up. we have to attend to last rites of the dead warriors.Do you not know the atrocities your son did?You,Bheeshma,Drona,Baahlikud and myself could not set him right.That was the sole reason why this disaster has occured.Why are you talking to me like this,when your mistake is also there?Control your self.Women in kshathriyas families expect their husband and children to be warriors.Why are you repenting now? Gaandhaari was dumbstruck at this reply of Sree Krishna.Then Dhrutharashtra asked Dharmaraju the details of the dead warriors. Then Dharmaraju replied.Seventy six crores and twenty warriors and twenty four thousand three hundred civilians died in this war. But every one would go to heaven,in whatever fashion they died.

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