Wednesday 2 April 2014

Pandavas in deep sorrow

Early morning,Dharmaraju was talking with Sree Krishna and Saathyaki along with his brothers.Charioteer of Dhrushtadyumna came there and saluted them . He told them that Aswathdhaama had come into their tents the previous night and killed every one present there.Dharmaraju fainted hearing those words.Dharmarajus sorrow could not be controlled. In war ,they lost many of their relatives. Now,renmaining kith and kin were lost. Victory brought them nothing.In fact,they lost everyone.He could not undersatnd how Droupadi was going to handle the tragedy. At that time,Droupadi was residing in Viraata nagaram. Dharmaraju sent his people to bring her back.He went into the tents and saw there what had happened the previous night. Pandavas fainted seeing that scene.Saaathyaki made them come to their senses.Droupadi came weeping and fainted at the action scene.She wept . With the help of gods and humans we could win the war. But we lost our sons.Aswathdhaama is the root cause of this calamity. He killed my sons ,who were sleeping in their tents.Unless you kill Aswathdhaama ,I can not stay calm.If you do not send Bheema to kill Aswathdhaama,I would die now itself. Dharmaraju tried to console but to no effect. Droupadi touched Bheema and told him to go,find and kill Aswathdhaama to appease her. Bheema felt ,he had been given consent by his elder brother. Nakula became his charioteer and they left the place to go and kill Aswathdhaama.

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