Monday 31 March 2014

Aswathdhaama kills pandava warriors mercilessly

Aswathdhaama knew where each one stayed in pandavas tents.He took weapons and entered their places. Every one was sleeping deep because they thought that war was over.First ,he entered the tent of Dhrushtadyumna and attacked him. He clubbed him,thrashed him and with the string of his bow ,suffocated Dhrushtadyumna till he died.Dhrushtadyuma requested him to kill with any weapon,so that he could go to heaven after death like a warrior. But he denied that benefit also to him.Remaining others woke and made hue and cry that some demon had killed Dhrushtadyumna. They surrounded Aswathdhaama ,but he killed all of them.Those ,who escaped his wrath and came out of the tents were killed by Krupaachaarya and Krutha varma cruelly.Then ,he went to royal area where Sikhandi and sons of Droupadi surrounded him.He killed all of them.He realised that Sree Krishna ,Saathyaki and Pandavas were not there in their tents.He killed every one present there,horses and elephants too.He was happy killed all of them and boasted about that to Krupaachaarya and Krutha varma. By then,they realised their act and were repenting it. Then,all three of them reached Duryodhana.Aswathdhaama explained his grotesque act to Duryodhana,who felt happy for it.He bade adieu to Krupaachaarya ,Krutha varma and Aswathdhaama and died.They left that place in sorrow. Divine sight he had during the war period,given by Vyaasa to Sanjaya,left him with the death of Duryodhana.This,Sanjaya told to Dhrutharashtra.

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