Thursday 6 March 2014

Dharmaraju humiliates Duryodhana

At that time,some Bheemas helpers came near the pond to quench their thirst.Earlier.Dharmaraju told them to inform him,if at all they came to know of Duryodhanas hiding place.They saw Krupaacharya ,Duryodhana and others near the pond.they heard their discussion also. Promptly they related the incident to Bheema.Bheema took them to Dharmaraju.Dharmaraju gave them many gifts and sent them.He relayed the information to Sree Krishna and his family members. they went to the hiding place of Duryodhana. Krupaachjarya observed Pandavas reaching that place and informed Duryodhana. Duryodhana told them to go away from that place and come again that night.He told them that he had knowledge of jalasthambhana and with it he would take rest in the pond.Krupaacharya and others felt sorry for the pitiable plight of Duryodhana and went away from there. But Sanjaya hid among bushes near by. Pandavas were happy and were talking enthusiastically.They came there along with their sons.Dharmaraju found the pond where Duryodhana hid himself. Sree Krishna told him that Dharmaraju had to concieve a plan to make Duryodhana come out of that pond. Because no one could go inside the pond and find him.It was very difficult except for those who knew Jalasthambhana art. Dharmaraju,then started humiliating Duryodhana. Hey Suyodhana!is it fair on your part to hide in water?I have neither seen nor heard such desperation anywhere earlier.So many kings came to fight for you and lost their lives.But you are hiding in water and saving your life.But can you really escape death?You lost all your sons and all your brothers. How can you think of saving yourself from death?Dont you know that self prstige is more than life?Weknow where you are hiding.You can not escape from here.You come out and fight with us.At least you will retain your pride.

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