Friday 28 February 2014

kourava leaders find hiding place of Duryodhana

Sanjaya continued telling details of the war to Dhrutharashtra. women ,who were residing in the palaces were weeping for their husbands,sons,brothers,and relatives who lost their lives in the war.Yuyuthsudu sawthem. Yuyuthsudu was the son of Dhrutharashtra and was born to vaisya woman.Just before Kurukshethra war ,he joined pandavas .He thought that crying and weeping of women of the palaces was not a good omen. So ,he requested Dharmaraju and Sree Krishna to take those women to Hasthinapura from the war field.Dharmaraju and Sree Krishna gave their consent and he went to Kouravas tents to take those servants and women to Hasthinapura. Seeing their place silent and morose,Krupaachaaryudu,Kruthavarma and Aswathdhaama were very unhappy.Obseriving Pandavas approach that place they went away.Pandavas were searching for Duryodhana.They pacified those who were weeping and left for their tents.By that time,Sanjaya,Krupaacharyudu and others reached the pond ,where Duryodhana hid himself.Duryodhana came out after their calling him.They requested the king to come out and fight with the enemy. they would either lose their lives fightin or win the war. both are respectable to hiding. But Duryodhana did not accept their suggestion. He said that he was injured by arrows and was not fit to fight with the enemy. He would take rest that night and think about the future ,the next day. Aswathdhaama felt very emotional at seeing Duryodhana ,in such troubled circumstances. He took oath that he would win over Pandavas and bring back the kingdom to the king.

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