Tuesday 11 February 2014

Salya parvamu...

Dharmaraju learnt the fact that Salya was made the army chief by Duryodhana.He asked Krishna as what should be their next move. Sree Krishna boosted Dharmarajus morale by saying that he was the apt person to put an end to Salya.Nextday,Salya formed his army in sarvatho bhadra vyooham. Both the armies started their fight.Bheema and Arjuna fought with full mettle.Dhrushtadyumna also fought ferociously and kourava armies ran for safety.Salya collected all those armies and gave stiff fight for the pandava armies.At that time,bad omens appeared among kourava armies.But no one cared for them. Dharmaraju attacked Salya.Krupaachaaryudu,Kruthavarma and Aswathdhama came to Salyas help.Bheema killed Salyas horses.Bheema and Salya fought and at last fainted.Kourava armies surrounded Bheema.Arjuna attacked armies of Thrigartha kings.Arjuna and Aswathdhaama were involved in fight.Every one appreciated Salyas mastery in fighting.Arjuna defeated Aswathdhaama and attacked Krupaachaarya and Kruthavarma afresh.Nakula and Dharmaraju attacked Salya.Salya was at his best that day. Dharmaraju called his people and told the plan.You killed Bheeshma and many other great warriors. Today I would kill Salya.But Nakula,Sahadeva,Dhrushtadyumna and Sathyaki should give him protection.Bheema and Arjuna should stand in the front.Salya and Dharmaraju rained arrows at each other.Salya could not withstand Dharmarajus onslaught.So,observing this,ASWATHDHAAMA took him away fromthere in his chariot.Salya alighted another chariot and came to fight Dharmaraju again.He attacked Bheema,Saathyaki,Nakula and Sahadeva also.At one stage,Salya fainted ,but got up and attacked.Dharmaraju broke Salyas bow and his armour.Salya killed Dharmarajus charioteer.

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