Sunday 30 March 2014

Soupthika parvamu--Aswathdhaama saddened

Vaisampaayana maharshi was explaining Mahaabhaaratha story to king Janamejaya. Aswathdhaama,Krutha varma and Krupaacharya left Duryodhana to terminate Pandava dynasty.People in pandava tents were celebrating their victory and were happy. So,they silently backed off and waited till sun set.Krupaachaarya and Krutha varma were exhausted. So,they went to sleep.But Aswathdhaama could not sleep.Aswathdhaam was awake and was observing the tree under which they were taking rest. Many crows were settled on that tree and were taking rest and were asleep.An owl came and saw the sleeping crows. It killed all of them mercilessly.Aswathdhaama felt that he tooshould kill Pandavas while they were sleeping and take revenge. He woke Krupaachaarya and Kruthavarma and told them of his crooked intentions. They negated his ideas.But Aswathdhaama was adamant.He tried to make them see his line of thinking.What you people are saying is right. You are in a position to advice me correctly. But do you not see pandavas wrongs/They killed Bheeshma,Drona,Karna and Bhoorisrava,by wrong means.They instigated Duryodhana ,who was tired and taking rest in a pond to come out and fight with them and harmed him without any scruple.I should kill Dhrushtadyumna who killed my father ruthlessly.I would take revenge against Pandavas in the wrong route only. I do not care if I have to pay for my wrong acts.No one can stop me from killing all of them.He alighted the chariot. Krutha varma and Krupaachaaryudu also followed him. Aswathdhaama went to Pandavas site. Demon was protecting their unit. It absolved all of Aswathdhaamas arms. Aswathdhaama then prayed Siva and took powerful sword from him.Siva entered into ASWATHDHAAMA silently and gave all his weapons to him . Aswathdhaama told Krupaachaarya and Kruthavarma to stand at the entrance of Pandavas tents and went inside alone.

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