Tuesday 25 March 2014

Duryodhana blames Sree Krishna for his unfairness

Sree Krishna addressed everyone present there to leave that place.There was nothing to be said regarding mean Duryodhana.Hearing those words.DURYODHANA lifted his upper part of the body with great difficulty. He started abusing Krishna for his unfair attitude.Krishna !you are the son of a slave of Kamsa,Nandas son.Because of your cheap birth,you are unable to perceive your crookedness.You are without neither shame nor kindness.Can anyone win over myself,Bheeshma,Drona and Karna in a fair fight?You do not have any character.You are crooked. To these allegations of Duryodhana .Sree Krishna replied in his own way. Duryodhana!By playing wrong,you have becoming the root cause of disaster of kuru vamsa.Do you not know that Bheema had pledged to break your thighs? Dont you know that such person would resort to the act with his mace but not with his fists?Why do you engage in use less talk? keep quiet! Duryodhana pacified himself .I had read all the Vedas.I did yanjnas.I acted in a way that every one praised me.I became an emperor,king of kings.I received their services.I won over my enemieis.I am going to heaven along with my relations.Who cares,what you people think of me?I KNOW YOU feel sorry for your acts and repent your entire lives.At that time,flowers rained on him. Pandavas really felt ashamed for their acts.Sree Krishna encouraged them and invigorated them. Every one blew their conches.Sree Krishna,Saathyaki and Pandavas went to kourava tents.Dhrushtadyumna and others went to their respective tents.When every one was getting down of their chariots,Sree Krishna advised Arjuna to keep Gaandeevam,akshaya thooneeram away from the chariot and to get down from the chariot first.flag with kapi on it got itself removed along with bhootha ganas.As soon as Sree Krishna got down , chariot got burned to ashes. Arjuna was aghast at this development.He questioned Sree Krishna why the chariot got burned.Sree Krishna then replied that by the arrows of Drona and Karna,chariot should have burnt long ago.Krishna protected it from burning till this moment.Since the war was over, he let it burn to ashes.Pandavs were awestruck with this knowledge. Sree Krishna turned towards Dharmaraju and told him. Yudhishtara!you gave me madhuparkam and requested me to protect Arjuna in this war.I accepted your request.That is why I did like this.Dharmaraju was full of gratefulness towards Sree krishna for every thing he did.Because of your protective guesture only,all good has come to us.For this Sree Krishna replied . Yudhishtara!in both of KOurava and Pandava armies,no one can equal Arjuna in his caliber.Arjuna is equal to me in his efficiency.Arjuna has the capacity to win over the entire universe in half a minute. What harm can kourava army do to him? Dharmaraju wanted to sleep in a pious place that night. So,he called Sree Krishna,pandavas and Saathyaki and told them to come out of their tents to sleep outside.They all went to the banks of the river,Oghavathi and slept that night there.Dharmaraju turned towards Sree Krishna and requested him to go to Hasthinapura.

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