Saturday 8 March 2014

Duryodhana comes out of his hiding place

Dharmaraju reinstated that fighting is the most appropriate act for Duryodhana ,then.Duryodhana replied him from under water..OH KING!iT IS natural for any human being to be afraid of death.I do not have any weapons to fight you.I do not have my people to aid me.I am tired. So,I want to take rest.Tomorrow,I will come and fight.You too go home and take rest for this night. Dharmaraju replied him aptly. We have taken rest.We have searched and found you here. Till now,you too have taken rest. That is enough for both of us.So,you can come out and fight with us.Duryodhana replied in desolate voice. People want kingdom to make their brothers,children and wives happy. I lost all of them.You have all your family friends,relatives and friends. You take the kingdom. I do not want it.I do not want to fight with you. Dharmaraju made fun of these remarks. Duryodhana!Kings do not take donations.Who are you to give us kingdom. In what capacity are you saying these words?Have you accepted defeat ?or are you feeling that you have won the war and then gifting it to us?Or are you offering part of the kingdom? Come on! GET UP!YOU HAVE NO OTHER OPTION THAN TO FIGHT WITH US!Why do you and suffer humility?Others also humiliated Duryodhana similarly.Duryodhana also thought of coming out of the pond.he relied Dharmaraju.You have every one,relatives and friends.But I am all alone.I am tired very much.How can fight with all of you.Is it fair on your part to kill me.But I would kill all of you. Dharmaraju praised himfor his knowledge of the rules and regulations of the war.He told him that they would not kill him as he feared.If could win over single person from among them,they would give back the kingdom to him. Then Duryodhana came out of the pond along with mace.

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