Monday 23 June 2014

Sree Krishna pacifies Ganga

Dharmaraju and his brothers,along with Yuyuthsudu and Vidurudu placed the body of Bheeshma on sandal wood blocks .The bathed the dead body with scented waters and pious Ganga waters.THey put silk clothes on the body.They decorated his body with reverence.They gave donations on a large scale to Brahmins.Nakula and Sahadeva carried him holding his head. Dhrutharashtra and dHARMARAJU HELD HIM towards his feet. Bheema and Arjuna placed white cloth over his body. Yuyuthsudu held an umbrella.Dhoumyudu presided the formalities.Pandavas did last rites to Bheeshmas body in a grand manner.While Vyasa was accompanying them,they performed thilodaka pradaanam along with their wives ,on the banks of Ganga. At that time,Ganga came out from the waters ,weeping for her son.Hey Krishna!You all know about my sons valor.He has determination.He won over his teacher,Parasurama ,also .But at the end,he was killed in the hands of Sikhandi.I am still alive,seeing all these atrocities.To her wailing,Sree Krishna pacified her.Hey Ganga!do not pine for your son.Your son went to heaven.Actually,he is one of the Vasuvus.But ,due to a curse,He was born as a human being.He has no one equal to him.Do not be sad.Even Indra can not defeat him. How can Sikhandi win over him?On Bheeshmas request only,Arjuna felled him,but it looked as if Sikhandi defeated him.Arjuna himselfprepared the bed of arrows on Bheeshmas bidding.Bheeshma is such a great man, that he had death in his control.. he left this world according to his wish. Ganga devi was convinced and left them with clear mind.

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