Friday 13 June 2014

Bheeshma explains virtue and righteousness to Dharmaraju

Bheeshma said these words of praise to Dharmaraju. When Dharmaraju was born,all the sages were very happy.No one equal him in righteousness in the entire world. If he still has some doubts and wants to clarify them with me,I would be most obliged to help him.Krishna told like this. Dharmaraju is under the impression that he has killed his teachers,relations ,friends and elders in the war.Crores of people died with the effect of war,either directly or indirectly.He is afraid how you would react to him.To this Bheeshma repliedthat it is the duty of Brahmins to learn Vedas.Similarly,it is the duty of the king to war against those who are in the wrong.It is not wrong even if he kills near and dear,when they arein the wrong.So,Dharmaraju is in the right path only. Dharmaraju ,then,got up and saluted him and touched his feet with reverence.Bheeshma called him with affection and made him sit near him.Dharmaraju saluted Sree Krishna ,Vyaasaand other sages and took their permission to question Bheeshma regarding virtue and righteousness.He asked Bheeshma to tell him about the duties and rules of kings.How should they behave.Next day morning Pandavas came to Bheeshma,along with sages. Bheeshma explained about Danda neethiie how a king should punish if the other person has done something wrong.He told the stories of Vainyudu and other kings.He told about the rules and regulations of caste system.He told about Maandhaatha story. He explained about rights of civilians.He told him rules of kings as told by Bruhaspathi.He told about Kubera and Muchikunda converasation.He told how one should do penance.He explained truth and how to control temptations.He explained about Khadga prabhavam ,when Nakula asked.Dharmaraju discussed with Vidura differences and distinguishing features of Dharma,ardha and kaama. Next day ,they again came to Bheeshma.

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