Friday 27 June 2014

Dharmaraju brings gold treasures from Himalayas

Pandavas never forgot Abhimanyu. But they never discussed him among themselves with the fear that Uththara would be hurt.One day,when Pandavas were not there,relations discussed about Abhimanyu and his untimely death in the hands of cruel Kouravas.Uththara heard their discussions and her vows could not be controlled.Pandavas came running to console her.They too wept remembering ABHIMANYU.Vyaasamaharshi came there and consoled them. He avisd them to conduct Aswamdhayaagam. Dharmaraju addressed his brothers that they should implement Vyaasas advice. They should go to Himalayas and find the gold and richesleft there by Maruththa king,earlier.They appointed Yuyuthsudu to look after the kingdom and requested Vidurudu to help him.They made arrangements for the journey.They prayed deities and their departed relations and started the journey.They reached Himalayas and prayed for Vyaasa and he came there. Then they did poojas with the help of their priest,Dhoumyudu.With the help of Vyaasa ,they found the treasures left by Maruththa king. They carried all those treasures with the help of lakhs of servants from Himalayas to Hathinapura along the banks of Ganges.

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