Monday 30 June 2014

Pareekshiththu saved by Sree Krishna

Sree Krishna came to Hasthinapuram along with Balarama,Subhadra and other important persons of Yadava dynasty.Yuyuthsudu and Vidurudu had gone to receive them.At that time Uththara gave birth to a dead child. Every one started to cry hearing the news.Kunthee devi requested Sree Krishna to save the child. Sree Krishna!You are our only hope!Abhimanyus ,your son inlaw,son is borne dead.Main reason for this is the effect of divyaasthram released by Aswathdhaama saying that entire Pandava dynasty should perish. Please save this child.You have been protecting Pandavas till now,you protect this child also. Subhadra also pleaded with her brother,Sree Krishna.Krishna!Aswathdhaama tried to release that asthra on Bheema. But the result is that Arjunas grandson is born dead.Please the child and save the dynasty. You save your friends grandson.Sree Krishna gave word to them that he would save the child.Droupadi took him to the room where Uththara was wailing for her sons death.Droupadi went inside the room and told Uththara to talk to Sree Krishna and request him. Uththara pleaded With Sree Krishna to save the child. She took the dead child into her hands and started talking thus.Krishna!if you loved your son in law,Abhimanyu,would his son die/Can Aswathdhaama kill him?I thought that I would ask the child to salute you when you come.But alas he is not in a position to pray you.Hey child !is it not derogatory if you do not salute your elders?Why do you not salute Sree Krishna?Open your eyes and see Kunthee devi.Look at Droupadi.Look at your grand mother,Subhadra!look at me.Please smile at me.saying these words Uththara fainted. When ever she regained conscience,she used to wail please save my child! please save my child! Sree Krishna gave word to them that he would save the child.He came after cleansing himself. He reversed the effect of Brahmasironaamakaasthram released by Aswathdhaama. He kept the boy on the cot and told these words.I would not lie,I will make this boy alive .If I had not told lies even with enemies,if I had not turned back from war,life will enter into this boy.If I loved Brahmins, If I loved right and truth,Uththaras son would be alive.If I FOLLOW TRUTH,RIGHTEOUSNESS AND BRAHMACHARYA,THIS BOY WILL SURVIVE. Slowly the boy moved his hands and legs and opened his eyes. Every one was happy.Uththara brought and kept the boy at the feet of Sree Krishna.She too fell on his feet with reverence.Krishna gave the boy many gifts.The boy was named Pareekshiththu.

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