Monday 21 July 2014

Arjuna reaches Dwaaraka

Arjuna observed that Dwaaraka lost its charm since Sri Krishnas niryaana. He went to the kings palace along with daarakudu.Sixteen thousand wives of Sri Krishna came and wept,seeing Arjuna. Arjuna ,too,lost his composure and broke down.Even eight queens of Sri Krishna,starting from Rukmini and Sathya bhama ,too wept,lying on the ground.Arjuna regained himself and consoled all of them. He went to meet Vasudeva.As soon as he saw Arjuna,Vasudeva also broke down and wept.He hugged Arjuna and cried for a long time. Vasudeva told Arjuna like this. Arjuna!my people were valiant enough not only to win over men ,but also deities.But,unnecessarily,they fought amongst themselves and lost their lives.Saathyaki,Pradyumna,and Kruthavarma started this fight.Sri Krishna gave life to Pareekshiththu ,but now he kept quiet. He was impassionate.He felt that the death of yaadavas was inevitable. Vasudeva told that that from the bits of Musalam,wooden bits,entire yaadava dynasty came to an end.It was caused due to the curse of sages.Sri Krishna,alone ,saved the women and elephants and brought them to Dwaaraka. Arjuna asked him where did Sri Krishna had gone.To This Vasudeva replied that Sri Krishna consoled him. Andhaka,Vrushti dynasties have collapsed.I sent people to bring Arjuna. He would be coming here soon. There is no difference between myself and Arjuna. He would drfinitely help you.Please save your kith and kin and elephants with his help.In few days,sea is going to engulf this entire Dwaaraka.Before yaadavas fight among themselves,Balaranma went for penance. So,please give me permission to go for penance.You do as Arjuna tells you to do.Conduct last rites to the deceased Yaadavaas.So,Arjuna!save these yaadava women.Arjuna told him that he would take them to Indraprasdha.He directed the ministers to make arrangements for their travel .He asked Daarakudu that they should go and find Sri Krishna. Arjuna directed the ministers to call all the civilians.He told them that on the seventh day from that day,Dwaaraka is going to be immersed in the sea.Vajrudu is going to become the king of Vindra prasdham.You can be happy under his rule as before. So,be ready for the travel to Indraprasdha along with your family members.Aged people,children and women should be given top priority while shifting.Do not repent for what has already happened. Sri Krishnas grand son,Vajra devudu is there to rule you. Arjuna stayed that night in the Krishnas palace.That night,Vasudeva ,adopting yoganishta, left his body and went to heaven.Wives of VaSUdeva were ready to go for Sathi. Arjuna conducted the last rites of Vasudeva in a grand manner and his wives,Devaki,Rohini,Bhadra and Madira had gone for Sathi sahagamanam.

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